Set enumeration #
This file allows enumeration of sets given a choice function.
The definition does not assume sel
actually is a choice function, i.e. sel s ∈ s
sel s = none ↔ s = ∅
. These assumptions are added to the lemmas needing them.
Given a choice function sel
, enumerates the elements of a set in the order
a 0 = sel s
, a 1 = sel (s \ {a 0})
, a 2 = sel (s \ {a 0, a 1})
, ... and stops when
sel (s \ {a 0, ..., a n}) = none
. Note that we don't require sel
to be a choice function.
- Set.enumerate sel x✝ 0 = sel x✝
- Set.enumerate sel x✝ n.succ = do let a ← sel x✝ Set.enumerate sel (x✝ \ {a}) n