Pullbacks of smooth vector bundles #
This file defines pullbacks of smooth vector bundles over a smooth manifold.
Main definitions #
: For a smooth vector bundleE
over a manifoldB
and a smooth mapf : B' โ B
, the pullback vector bundlef *แต E
is a smooth vector bundle.
{๐ : Type u_1}
{B : Type u_2}
{B' : Type u_3}
(F : Type u_4)
(E : B โ Type u_5)
[NontriviallyNormedField ๐]
[(x : B) โ AddCommMonoid (E x)]
[(x : B) โ Module ๐ (E x)]
[NormedAddCommGroup F]
[NormedSpace ๐ F]
[TopologicalSpace (Bundle.TotalSpace F E)]
[(x : B) โ TopologicalSpace (E x)]
{EB : Type u_6}
[NormedAddCommGroup EB]
[NormedSpace ๐ EB]
{HB : Type u_7}
[TopologicalSpace HB]
{IB : ModelWithCorners ๐ EB HB}
[TopologicalSpace B]
[ChartedSpace HB B]
{EB' : Type u_8}
[NormedAddCommGroup EB']
[NormedSpace ๐ EB']
{HB' : Type u_9}
[TopologicalSpace HB']
(IB' : ModelWithCorners ๐ EB' HB')
[TopologicalSpace B']
[ChartedSpace HB' B']
[FiberBundle F E]
[VectorBundle ๐ F E]
[SmoothVectorBundle F E IB]
(f : ContMDiffMap IB' IB B' B โค)
SmoothVectorBundle F (โf *แต E) IB'
For a smooth vector bundle E
over a manifold B
and a smooth map f : B' โ B
, the pullback
vector bundle f *แต E
is a smooth vector bundle.