This file defines the type f.Fiber
of fibers of a function f : Y → Z
, and provides some API
to work with and construct terms of this type.
Note: this API is designed to be useful when defining the counit of the adjunction between the functor which takes a set to the condensed set corresponding to locally constant maps to that set, and the forgetful functor from the category of condensed sets to the category of sets (see PR
The indexing set of the partition.
- Function.Fiber f = ↑(Set.range fun (x : ↑(Set.range f)) => f ⁻¹' {↑x})
Instances For
Any a : Fiber f
is of the form f ⁻¹' {x}
for some x
in the image of f
. We define a.image
as an arbitrary such x
- Function.Fiber.image f a = ↑(Exists.choose ⋯)
Instances For
Given y : Y
, f y
is the fiber of f
that y
belongs to, as an element of Fiber f
- f y = ⟨f ⁻¹' {f y}, ⋯⟩
Instances For
An arbitrary element of a : Fiber f