Typeclasses for commuting heterogeneous operations #
The three classes in this file are for two-argument functions where one input is of type α
the output is of type β
and the other input is of type α
or β
They express the property that permuting arguments of type α
does not change the result.
Main definitions #
: forop : α → α → β
,op a b = op b a
: forop : α → β → β
,op a₁ (op a₂ b) = op a₂ (op a₁ b)
: forop : β → α → β
,op (op b a₁) a₂ = op (op b a₂) a₁
IsSymmOp op
where op : α → α → β
says that op
is a symmetric operation,
i.e. op a b = op b a
It is the natural generalisation of Std.Commutative
(β = α
) and IsSymm
(β = Prop
A symmetric operation satisfies
op a b = op b a
LeftCommutative op
where op : α → β → β
says that op
is a left-commutative operation,
i.e. op a₁ (op a₂ b) = op a₂ (op a₁ b)
A left-commutative operation satisfies
op a₁ (op a₂ b) = op a₂ (op a₁ b)
RightCommutative op
where op : β → α → β
says that op
is a right-commutative operation,
i.e. op (op b a₁) a₂ = op (op b a₂) a₁
A right-commutative operation satisfies
op (op b a₁) a₂ = op (op b a₂) a₁