Sequence of measurable functions associated to a sequence of a.e.-measurable functions #
We define here tools to prove statements about limits (infi, supr...) of sequences of
Given a sequence of a.e.-measurable functions f : ι → α → β
with hypothesis
hf : ∀ i, AEMeasurable (f i) μ
, and a pointwise property p : α → (ι → β) → Prop
such that we
have hp : ∀ᵐ x ∂μ, p x (fun n ↦ f n x)
, we define a sequence of measurable functions aeSeq hf p
and a measurable set aeSeqSet hf p
, such that
If we have the additional hypothesis ∀ᵐ x ∂μ, p x (fun n ↦ f n x)
, this is a measurable set
whose complement has measure 0 such that for all x ∈ aeSeqSet
, f i x
is equal to
(hf i).mk (f i) x
for all i
and we have the pointwise property p x (fun n ↦ f n x)
Instances For
A sequence of measurable functions that are equal to f
and verify property p
on the
measurable set aeSeqSet hf p