Quotients of First-Order Structures #
This file defines prestructures and quotients of first-order structures.
Main Definitions #
- If
is a setoid (equivalence relation) onM
, aFirstOrder.Language.Prestructure s
is the data for a first-order structure onM
that will still be a structure when modded out bys
. - The structure
FirstOrder.Language.quotientStructure s
is the resulting structure onQuotient s
(L : Language)
{M : Type u_1}
(s : Setoid M)
Type (max (max u_1 u_2) u_3)
A prestructure is a first-order structure with a Setoid
equivalence relation on it,
such that quotienting by that equivalence relation is still a structure.
- toStructure : L.Structure M
- fun_equiv {n : ℕ} {f : L.Functions n} (x y : Fin n → M) : x ≈ y → Structure.funMap f x ≈ Structure.funMap f y
- rel_equiv {n : ℕ} {r : L.Relations n} (x y : Fin n → M) : x ≈ y → Structure.RelMap r x = Structure.RelMap r y
{L : Language}
{M : Type u_1}
(s : Setoid M)
[ps : L.Prestructure s]
{n : ℕ}
(f : L.Functions n)
(x : Fin n → M)
(Structure.funMap f fun (i : Fin n) => ⟦x i⟧) = ⟦Structure.funMap f x⟧
{L : Language}
{M : Type u_1}
(s : Setoid M)
[ps : L.Prestructure s]
{n : ℕ}
(r : L.Relations n)
(x : Fin n → M)
(Structure.RelMap r fun (i : Fin n) => ⟦x i⟧) ↔ Structure.RelMap r x