

Gauss sums for Dirichlet characters #

theorem gaussSum_aux_of_mulShift {N : } [NeZero N] {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (e : AddChar (ZMod N) R) (χ : DirichletCharacter R N) {d : } (hd : d N) (he : e.mulShift d = 1) {u : (ZMod N)ˣ} (hu : (ZMod.unitsMap hd) u = 1) :
χ u * gaussSum χ e = gaussSum χ e
theorem factorsThrough_of_gaussSum_ne_zero {N : } [NeZero N] {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (e : AddChar (ZMod N) R) [IsDomain R] {χ : DirichletCharacter R N} {d : } (hd : d N) (he : e.mulShift d = 1) (h_ne : gaussSum χ e 0) :

If gaussSum χ e ≠ 0, and d is such that e.mulShift d = 1, then χ must factor through d. (This will be used to show that Gauss sums vanish when χ is primitive and e is not.)

theorem gaussSum_eq_zero_of_isPrimitive_of_not_isPrimitive {N : } [NeZero N] {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (e : AddChar (ZMod N) R) [IsDomain R] {χ : DirichletCharacter R N} ( : χ.IsPrimitive) (he : ¬e.IsPrimitive) :
gaussSum χ e = 0

If χ is primitive, but e is not, then gaussSum χ e = 0.

theorem gaussSum_mulShift_of_isPrimitive {N : } [NeZero N] {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (e : AddChar (ZMod N) R) [IsDomain R] {χ : DirichletCharacter R N} ( : χ.IsPrimitive) (a : ZMod N) :
gaussSum χ (e.mulShift a) = χ⁻¹ a * gaussSum χ e

If χ is a primitive character, then the function a ↦ gaussSum χ (e.mulShift a), for any fixed additive character e, is a constant multiple of χ⁻¹.