

Algebras over artinian rings #

In this file we collect results about algebras over artinian rings.

theorem IsArtinianRing.isUnit_of_isIntegral_of_nonZeroDivisor {R : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [CommRing R] [IsArtinianRing R] [CommRing A] [Algebra R A] {a : A} (hi : IsIntegral R a) (ha : a nonZeroDivisors A) :

In an R-algebra over an artinian ring R, if an element is integral and is not a zero divisor, then it is a unit.

Integral element of an algebra over artinian ring R is either a zero divisor or a unit.

In an R-algebra over an artinian ring R, if an element is integral and is not a zero divisor, then it is a unit.

Integral element of an algebra over artinian ring R is either a zero divisor or a unit.