Local rings #
Define local rings as commutative rings having a unique maximal ideal.
Main definitions #
: A predicate on semirings, stating that for any pair of elements that adds up to1
, one of them is a unit. In the commutative case this is shown to be equivalent to the condition that there exists a unique maximal ideal, seeIsLocalRing.of_unique_max_ideal
A semiring is local if it is nontrivial and a
or b
is a unit whenever a + b = 1
Note that IsLocalRing
is a predicate.
- of_is_unit_or_is_unit_of_add_one :: (
in a local ring
, ifa + b = 1
, then eithera
is a unit orb
is a unit. In another word, for everya : R
, eithera
is a unit or1 - a
is a unit.- )
@[deprecated IsLocalRing (since := "2024-11-09")]
Alias of IsLocalRing
A semiring is local if it is nontrivial and a
or b
is a unit whenever a + b = 1
Note that IsLocalRing
is a predicate.