

casesm, cases_type, constructorm tactics #

These tactics implement repeated cases / constructor on anything satisfying a predicate.

def Lean.MVarId.casesMatching (matcher : ExprMetaM Bool) (recursive : Bool := false) (allowSplit throwOnNoMatch : Bool := true) (g : MVarId) :

Core tactic for casesm and cases_type. Calls cases on all fvars in g for which matcher ldecl.type returns true.

  • recursive: if true, it calls itself repeatedly on the resulting subgoals
  • allowSplit: if false, it will skip any hypotheses where cases returns more than one subgoal.
  • throwOnNoMatch: if true, then throws an error if no match is found
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    partial def Lean.MVarId.casesMatching.go (matcher : ExprMetaM Bool) (recursive : Bool := false) (allowSplit : Bool := true) (g : MVarId) (acc : Array MVarId := #[]) :

    Auxiliary for casesMatching. Accumulates generated subgoals in acc.

    def Lean.MVarId.casesType (heads : Array Name) (recursive : Bool := false) (allowSplit : Bool := true) :
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Elaborate a list of terms with holes into a list of patterns.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        Returns true if any of the patterns match the expression.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          • casesm p applies the cases tactic to a hypothesis h : type if type matches the pattern p.
          • casesm p_1, ..., p_n applies the cases tactic to a hypothesis h : type if type matches one of the given patterns.
          • casesm* p is a more efficient and compact version of · repeat casesm p. It is more efficient because the pattern is compiled once.

          Example: The following tactic destructs all conjunctions and disjunctions in the current context.

          casesm* _ ∨ _, _ ∧ _
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            Common implementation of cases_type and cases_type!.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              • cases_type I applies the cases tactic to a hypothesis h : (I ...)
              • cases_type I_1 ... I_n applies the cases tactic to a hypothesis h : (I_1 ...) or ... or h : (I_n ...)
              • cases_type* I is shorthand for · repeat cases_type I
              • cases_type! I only applies cases if the number of resulting subgoals is <= 1.

              Example: The following tactic destructs all conjunctions and disjunctions in the current goal.

              cases_type* Or And
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                • cases_type I applies the cases tactic to a hypothesis h : (I ...)
                • cases_type I_1 ... I_n applies the cases tactic to a hypothesis h : (I_1 ...) or ... or h : (I_n ...)
                • cases_type* I is shorthand for · repeat cases_type I
                • cases_type! I only applies cases if the number of resulting subgoals is <= 1.

                Example: The following tactic destructs all conjunctions and disjunctions in the current goal.

                cases_type* Or And
                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  def Mathlib.Tactic.constructorMatching (g : Lean.MVarId) (matcher : Lean.ExprLean.MetaM Bool) (recursive : Bool := false) (throwOnNoMatch : Bool := true) :

                  Core tactic for constructorm. Calls constructor on all subgoals for which matcher ldecl.type returns true.

                  • recursive: if true, it calls itself repeatedly on the resulting subgoals
                  • throwOnNoMatch: if true, throws an error if no match is found
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For

                    Auxiliary for constructorMatching. Accumulates generated subgoals in acc.

                    • constructorm p_1, ..., p_n applies the constructor tactic to the main goal if type matches one of the given patterns.
                    • constructorm* p is a more efficient and compact version of · repeat constructorm p. It is more efficient because the pattern is compiled once.

                    Example: The following tactic proves any theorem like True ∧ (True ∨ True) consisting of and/or/true:

                    constructorm* _ ∨ _, _ ∧ _, True
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For