lift tactic #
This file defines the lift
tactic, allowing the user to lift elements from one type to another
under a specified condition.
Tags #
lift, tactic
(ι : Sort u_1)
(α : ι → Sort u_2)
(β : ι → Sort u_3)
(coe : (i : ι) → β i → α i)
(P : (i : ι) → α i → Prop)
[∀ (i : ι), CanLift (α i) (β i) (coe i) (P i)]
CanLift ((i : ι) → α i) ((i : ι) → β i) (fun (f : (i : ι) → β i) (i : ι) => coe i (f i)) fun (f : (i : ι) → α i) =>
∀ (i : ι), P i (f i)
Enable automatic handling of pi types in CanLift
Lift an expression to another type.
- Usage:
'lift' expr 'to' expr ('using' expr)? ('with' id (id id?)?)?
. - If
n : ℤ
andhn : n ≥ 0
then the tacticlift n to ℕ using hn
creates a new constant of typeℕ
, also namedn
and replaces all occurrences of the old variable(n : ℤ)
in the new variable). It will removen
from the context.- So for example the tactic
lift n to ℕ using hn
transforms the goaln : ℤ, hn : n ≥ 0, h : P n ⊢ n = 3
ton : ℕ, h : P ↑n ⊢ ↑n = 3
is some term of typeℤ → Prop
- So for example the tactic
- The argument
using hn
is optional, the tacticlift n to ℕ
does the same, but also creates a new subgoal thatn ≥ 0
is the old variable). This subgoal will be placed at the top of the goal list.- So for example the tactic
lift n to ℕ
transforms the goaln : ℤ, h : P n ⊢ n = 3
to two goalsn : ℤ, h : P n ⊢ n ≥ 0
andn : ℕ, h : P ↑n ⊢ ↑n = 3
- So for example the tactic
- You can also use
lift n to ℕ using e
is any expression of typen ≥ 0
. - Use
lift n to ℕ with k
to specify the name of the new variable. - Use
lift n to ℕ with k hk
to also specify the name of the equality↑k = n
. In this case,n
will remain in the context. You can userfl
for the name ofhk
to substituten
away (i.e. the default behavior). - You can also use
lift e to ℕ with k hk
is any expression of typeℤ
. In this case, thehk
will always stay in the context, but it will be used to rewritee
in all hypotheses and the target.- So for example the tactic
lift n + 3 to ℕ using hn with k hk
transforms the goaln : ℤ, hn : n + 3 ≥ 0, h : P (n + 3) ⊢ n + 3 = 2 * n
to the goaln : ℤ, k : ℕ, hk : ↑k = n + 3, h : P ↑k ⊢ ↑k = 2 * n
- So for example the tactic
- The tactic
lift n to ℕ using h
will removeh
from the context. If you want to keep it, specify it again as the third argument towith
, like this:lift n to ℕ using h with n rfl h
. - More generally, this can lift an expression from
assuming that there is an instance ofCanLift α β
. In this case the proof obligation is specified byCanLift.prf
. - Given an instance
CanLift β γ
, it can also liftα → β
toα → γ
; more generally, givenβ : Π a : α, Type*
,γ : Π a : α, Type*
, and[Π a : α, CanLift (β a) (γ a)]
, it automatically generates an instanceCanLift (Π a, β a) (Π a, γ a)
is in some sense dual to the zify
tactic. lift (z : ℤ) to ℕ
will change the type of an
integer z
(in the supertype) to ℕ
(the subtype), given a proof that z ≥ 0
propositions concerning z
will still be over ℤ
. zify
changes propositions about ℕ
subtype) to propositions about ℤ
(the supertype), without changing the type of any variable.
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Instances For
Generate instance for the lift
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
(e t : Lean.TSyntax `term)
(hUsing : Option (Lean.TSyntax `term))
(newVarName newEqName : Option (Lean.TSyntax `ident))
(keepUsing : Bool)
Main function for the lift
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.