Text-based linters #
This file defines various mathlib linters which are based on reading the source code only. In practice, all such linters check for code style issues.
For now, this only contains linters checking
- that the copyright header and authors line are correctly formatted
- existence of module docstrings (in the right place)
- for certain disallowed imports
- if the string "adaptation note" is used instead of the command #adaptation_note
- files are at most 1500 lines long (unless specifically allowed).
For historic reasons, some of these checks are still written in a Python script lint-style.py
these are gradually being rewritten in Lean.
This linter maintains a list of exceptions, for legacy reasons. Ideally, the length of the list of exceptions tends to 0.
The longFile
and the longLine
syntax linter take care of flagging lines that exceed the
100 character limit and files that exceed the 1500 line limit.
The text-based versions of this file are still used for the files where the linter is not imported.
This means that the exceptions for the text-based linters are shorter, as they do not need to
include those handled with set_option linter.style.longFile x
/set_option linter.longLine false
An executable running all these linters is defined in scripts/lint-style.lean
Different kinds of "broad imports" that are linted against.
- TacticFolder : BroadImports
Importing the entire "Mathlib.Tactic" folder
- Lake : BroadImports
Importing any module in
, unless carefully measured This has caused unexpected regressions in the past.
Instances For
Possible errors that text-based linters can report.
- adaptationNote : StyleError
The bare string "Adaptation note" (or variants thereof): instead, the #adaptation_note command should be used.
- windowsLineEnding : StyleError
A line ends with windows line endings (\r\n) instead of unix ones (\n).
- trailingWhitespace : StyleError
A line contains trailing whitespace.
Instances For
How to format style errors
- humanReadable : ErrorFormat
Produce style error output aimed at humans: no error code, clickable file name
- exceptionsFile : ErrorFormat
Produce an entry in the style-exceptions file: mention the error code, slightly uglier than humand-readable output
- github : ErrorFormat
Produce output suitable for Github error annotations: in particular, duplicate the file path, line number and error code
Instances For
Create the underlying error message for a given StyleError
- Mathlib.Linter.TextBased.StyleError.adaptationNote.errorMessage = "Found the string \"Adaptation note:\", please use the #adaptation_note command instead"
- Mathlib.Linter.TextBased.StyleError.windowsLineEnding.errorMessage = "This line ends with a windows line ending (\x0d\n): please use Unix lineendings (\n) instead"
- Mathlib.Linter.TextBased.StyleError.trailingWhitespace.errorMessage = "This line ends with some whitespace: please remove this"
Instances For
The error code for a given style error. Keep this in sync with parse?_errorContext
Instances For
Context for a style error: the actual error, the line number in the file we're reading and the path to the file.
- error : StyleError
The underlying
- lineNumber : ℕ
The line number of the error (1-based)
- path : System.FilePath
The path to the file which was linted
Instances For
Possible results of comparing an ErrorContext
to an existing
most often, they are different --- if the existing entry covers the new exception,
depending on the error, we prefer the new or the existing entry.
- Different : ComparisonResult
The contexts describe different errors: two separate style exceptions are required to cover both.
- Comparable : ComparisonResult
The existing exception also covers the new error: we keep the existing exception.
Instances For
Determine whether a new
is covered by an existing
and, if it is, if we prefer replacing the new exception or keeping the previous one.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Find the first style exception in exceptions
(if any) which covers a style exception e
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Output the formatted error message, containing its context.
specifies if the error should be formatted for humans to read, github problem matchers
to consume, or for the style exceptions file.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Try parsing an ErrorContext
from a string: return some
if successful, none
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Parse all style exceptions for a line of input. Return an array of all exceptions which could be parsed: invalid input is ignored.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Print information about all errors encountered to standard output.
specifies if the error should be formatted for humans to read, github problem matchers
to consume, or for the style exceptions file.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Core logic of a text based linter: given a collection of lines,
return an array of all style errors with line numbers. If possible,
also return the collection of all lines, changed as needed to fix the linter errors.
(Such automatic fixes are only possible for some kinds of StyleError
Instances For
Definitions of the actual text-based linters.
Lint on any occurrences of the string "Adaptation note:" or variants thereof.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Lint a collection of input strings if one of them contains trailing whitespace.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Whether a collection of lines consists only of imports, blank lines and single-line comments. In practice, this means it's an imports-only file and exempt from almost all linting.
- Mathlib.Linter.TextBased.isImportsOnlyFile lines = lines.all fun (line : String) => line.startsWith "import " || line == "" || line.startsWith "-- "
Instances For
All text-based linters registered in this file.
Instances For
Read a file and apply all text-based linters.
Return a list of all unexpected errors, and, if some errors could be fixed automatically,
the collection of all lines with every automatic fix applied.
are any pre-existing style exceptions for this file.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Lint a collection of modules for style violations.
Print formatted errors for all unexpected style violations to standard output;
correct automatically fixable style errors if configured so.
Return the number of files which had new style errors.
is a list of style exceptions to take into account.
are the names of all the modules to lint,
specifies what kind of output this script should produce,
configures whether fixable errors should be corrected in-place.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.