a tactic for moving summands in expressions #
The tactic move_add
rearranges summands in expressions.
The tactic takes as input a list of terms, each one optionally preceded by ←
A term preceded by ←
gets moved to the left, while a term without ←
gets moved to the right.
Empty input:
move_add []
In this case, the effect of
move_add []
is equivalent tosimp only [← add_assoc]
: essentially the tactic removes all visible parentheses.Singleton input:
move_add [a]
andmove_add [← a]
⊢ b + a + c
is (a summand in) the goal, thenmove_add [← a]
changes the goal toa + b + c
moved to the left).move_add [a]
changes the goal tob + c + a
moved to the right);
The tactic reorders all sub-expressions of the target at the same same. For instance, if
⊢ 0 < if b + a < b + a + c then a + b else b + a
is the goal, thenmove_add [a]
changes the goal to0 < if b + a < b + c + a then b + a else b + a
moved to the right in three sums);move_add [← a]
changes the goal to0 < if a + b < a + b + c then a + b else a + b
again moved to the left in three sums).
Longer inputs:
move_add [..., a, ..., ← b, ...]
If the list contains more than one term, the tactic effectively tries to move each term preceded by
to the left, each term not preceded by←
to the right maintaining the relative order in the call. Thus, applyingmove_add [a, b, c, ← d, ← e]
returns summands of the formd + e + [...] + a + b + c
, i.e.d
have the same relative position in the input list and in the final rearrangement (and similarly fora, b, c
). In particular,move_add [a, b]
likely has the same effect asmove_add [a]; move_add [b]
: first, we movea
to the right, then we moveb
also to the right, aftera
. However, if the terms matched bya
do not overlap, thenmove_add [← a, ← b]
has the same effect asmove_add [b]; move_add [a]
: first, we moveb
to the left, then we movea
also to the left, beforea
. The behaviour in the situation wherea
overlap is unspecified:move_add
will descend into subexpressions, but the order in which they are visited depends on which rearrangements have already happened. Also note, though, thatmove_add [a, b]
may differmove_add [a]; move_add [b]
, for instance whena
.Unification of inputs and repetitions:
move_add [_, ← _, a * _]
The matching of the user inputs with the atoms of the summands in the target expression is performed via checking
and selecting the first, still available match. Thus, if a sum in the target is2 * 3 + 4 * (5 + 6) + 4 * 7 + 10 * 10
, thenmove_add [4 * _]
moves the summand4 * (5 + 6)
to the right.The unification of later terms only uses the atoms in the target that have not yet been unified. Thus, if again the target contains
2 * 3 + 4 * (5 + 6) + 4 * 7 + 10 * 10
, thenmove_add [_, ← _, 4 * _]
matches- the first input (
) with2 * 3
; - the second input (
) with4 * (5 + 6)
; - the third input (
4 * _
) with4 * 7
The resulting permutation therefore places
2 * 3
and4 * 7
to the left (in this order) and4 * (5 + 6)
to the right:2 * 3 + 4 * 7 + 10 * 10 + 4 * (5 + 6)
.- the first input (
For the technical description, look at Mathlib.MoveAdd.weight
and Mathlib.MoveAdd.reorderUsing
is the specialization of a more general move_oper
tactic that takes a binary,
associative, commutative operation and a list of "operand atoms" and rearranges the operation.
Extension notes #
To work with a general associative, commutative binary operation, move_oper
needs to have inbuilt the lemmas asserting the analogues of
add_comm, add_assoc, add_left_comm
for the new operation.
Currently, move_oper
supports HAdd.hAdd
, HMul.hMul
, And
, Or
, Max.max
, Min.min
These lemmas should be added to Mathlib.MoveAdd.move_oper_simpCtx
See MathlibTest/MoveAdd.lean
for sample usage of move_oper
Implementation notes #
The main driver behind the tactic is Mathlib.MoveAdd.reorderAndSimp
The tactic takes the target, replaces the maximal subexpressions whose head symbol is the given
operation and replaces them by their reordered versions.
Once that is done, it tries to replace the initial goal with the permuted one by using simp
Currently, no attempt is made at guiding simp
by doing a congr
-like destruction of the goal.
This will be the content of a later PR.
getExprInputs e
inspects the outermost constructor of e
and returns the array of all the
arguments to that constructor that are themselves Expr
- ( arg).getExprInputs = #[fn, arg]
- (Lean.Expr.lam binderName bt bb binderInfo).getExprInputs = #[bt, bb]
- (Lean.Expr.forallE binderName bt bb binderInfo).getExprInputs = #[bt, bb]
- (Lean.Expr.letE declName t v b nonDep).getExprInputs = #[t, v, b]
- (Lean.Expr.mdata data e).getExprInputs = #[e]
- (Lean.Expr.proj typeName idx e).getExprInputs = #[e]
- x✝.getExprInputs = #[]
Instances For
Reordering the variables #
This section produces the permutations of the variables for move_add
The user controls the final order by passing a list of terms to the tactic.
Each term can be preceded by ←
or not.
In the final ordering,
- terms preceded by
appear first, - terms not preceded by
appear last, - all remaining terms remain in their current relative order.
uniquify L
takes a list L : List α
as input and it returns a list L' : List (α × ℕ)
The two lists L
and L'.map Prod.fst
The second component of each entry (a, n)
in L'
is the number of times that a
appears in L
before the current location.
The resulting list of pairs has no duplicates.
Instances For
Return a sorting key so that all (a, true)
s are in the list's order
and sorted before all (a, false)
s, which are also in the list's order.
Although weight
does not require this, we use weight
in the case where the list obtained
from L
by only keeping the first component (i.e. Prod.fst
) has no duplicates.
The properties that we mention here assume that this is the case.
Thus, weight L
is a function α → ℤ
with the following properties:
- if
(a, true) ∈ L
, thenweight L a
is strictly negative; - if
(a, false) ∈ L
, thenweight L a
is strictly positive; - if neither
(a, true)
nor(a, false)
is inL
, thenweight L a = 0
Moreover, the function weight L
is strictly monotone increasing on both
{a : α | (a, true) ∈ L}
and {a : α | (a, false) ∈ L}
in the sense that if a' = (a, true)
and b' = (b, true)
are in L
then a'
appears before b'
in L
if and only if weight L a < weight L b
similarly for the pairs with second coordinate equal to false
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
reorderUsing toReorder instructions
produces a reordering of toReorder : List α
following the requirements imposed by instructions : List (α × Bool)
These are the requirements:
- elements of
that appear withtrue
appear at the beginning of the reordered list, in the order in which they appear ininstructions
; - similarly, elements of
that appear withfalse
appear at the end of the reordered list, in the order in which they appear ininstructions
; - finally, elements of
that do not appear ininstructions
appear "in the middle" with the order that they had intoReorder
For example,
reorderUsing [0, 1, 2] [(0, false)] = [1, 2, 0]
,reorderUsing [0, 1, 2] [(1, true)] = [1, 0, 2]
,reorderUsing [0, 1, 2] [(1, true), (0, false)] = [1, 2, 0]
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
prepareOp sum
takes an Expr
ession as input. It assumes that sum
is a well-formed
term representing a repeated application of a binary operation and that the summands are the
last two arguments passed to the operation.
It returns the expression consisting of the operation with all its arguments already applied,
except for the last two.
This is similar to Lean.Meta.mkAdd, Lean.Meta.mkMul
, except that the resulting operation is
primed to work with operands of the same type as the ones already appearing in sum
This is useful to rearrange the operands.
- Mathlib.MoveAdd.prepareOp sum = List.foldl (fun (x y : Lean.Expr) => y) sum.getAppFn (List.take (sum.getAppArgs.size - 2) sum.getAppArgs.toList)
Instances For
sumList prepOp left_assoc? exs
assumes that prepOp
is an Expr
ession representing a
binary operation already fully applied up until its last two arguments and assumes that the
last two arguments are the operands of the operation.
Such an expression is the result of prepareOp
If exs
is the list [e₁, e₂, ..., eₙ]
of Expr
essions, then sumList prepOp left_assoc? exs
prepOp (prepOp( ... prepOp (prepOp e₁ e₂) e₃) ... eₙ)
, ifleft_assoc?
, andprepOp e₁ (prepOp e₂ (... prepOp (prepOp eₙ₋₁ eₙ))
, ifleft_assoc?
If sum
is an expression consisting of repeated applications of op
, then getAddends
returns the Array of those recursively determined arguments whose type is DefEq to R
Recursively compute the Array of getAddends
Arrays by recursing into the expression sum
looking for instance of the operation op
Possibly returns duplicates!
rankSums op tgt instructions
takes as input
- the name
of a binary operation, - an
, - a list
of pair(expression, boolean)
It extracts the maximal subexpressions of tgt
whose head symbol is op
(i.e. the maximal subexpressions that consist only of applications of the binary operation op
it rearranges the operands of such subexpressions following the order implied by instructions
(as in reorderUsing
it returns the list of pairs of expressions (old_sum, new_sum)
, for which old_sum ≠ new_sum
sorted by decreasing value of Lean.Expr.size
In particular, a subexpression of an old_sum
can only appear after its over-expression.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
permuteExpr op tgt instructions
takes the same input as rankSums
and returns the
expression obtained from tgt
by replacing all old_sum
s by the corresponding new_sum
If there were no required changes, then permuteExpr
reports this in its second factor.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
pairUp L R
takes to lists L R : List Expr
as inputs.
It scans the elements of L
, looking for a corresponding DefEq
ession in R
If it finds one such element d
, then it sets the element d : R
aside, removing it from R
, and
it continues with the matching on the remainder of L
and on R.erase d
At the end, it returns the sublist of R
of the elements that were matched to some element of R
in the order in which they appeared in L
as well as the sublist of L
of elements that were not matched, also in the order in which they
appeared in L
#eval do
let L := [mkNatLit 0, (← mkFreshExprMVar (some (mkConst ``Nat))), mkNatLit 0] -- i.e. [0, _, 0]
let R := [mkNatLit 0, mkNatLit 0, mkNatLit 1] -- i.e. [0, 1]
dbg_trace f!"{(← pairUp L R)}"
/- output:
`([0, 0], [0])`
the output LHS list `[0, 0]` consists of the first `0` and the `MVarId`.
the output RHS list `[0]` corresponds to the last `0` in `L`.
Instances For
is the Simp.Context
for the reordering internal to move_oper
To support a new binary operation, extend the list in this definition, so that it contains
enough lemmas to allow simp
to close a generic permutation goal for the new binary operation.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Alias of Mathlib.MoveAdd.moveOperSimpCtx
is the Simp.Context
for the reordering internal to move_oper
To support a new binary operation, extend the list in this definition, so that it contains
enough lemmas to allow simp
to close a generic permutation goal for the new binary operation.
Instances For
reorderAndSimp mv op instr
takes as input an MVarId
, the name op
of a binary
operation and a list of "instructions" instr
that it passes to permuteExpr
- It creates a version
with subexpressions representingop
-sums reordered followinginstructions
. - It produces 2 temporary goals by applying
and unifying the resulting meta-variable withpermuted_mv
:[⊢ mv = permuted_mv, ⊢ permuted_mv]
. - It tries to solve the goal
mv = permuted_mv
by a simple-mindedsimp
call, using theop
-analogues ofadd_comm, add_assoc, add_left_comm
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
takes as input
- an array of
Expr × Bool × Syntax
, as in the output ofparseArrows
, - the
of a binary operation, - an
. It unifies eachExpr
ession appearing as a first factor of the array with the atoms for the operationop
in the expressiontgt
, returning - the lists of pairs of a matched subexpression with the corresponding
ean; - a pair of a list of error messages and the corresponding list of Syntax terms where the error should be thrown;
- an array of debugging messages.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
parses an input of the form [a, ← b, _ * (1 : ℤ)]
, consisting of a list of
terms, each optionally preceded by the arrow ←
It returns an array of triples consisting of
- the
ession corresponding to the parsed term, - the
if the arrow is present in front of the term, - the underlying
of the given term.
E.g. convert [a, ← b, _ * (1 : ℤ)]
[(a, false, `(a)), (b, true, `(b)), (_ * 1, false, `(_ * 1))]
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The tactic move_add
rearranges summands of expressions.
Calling move_add [a, ← b, ...]
matches a, b,...
with summands in the main goal.
It then moves a
to the far right and b
to the far left of each addition in which they appear.
The side to which the summands are moved is determined by the presence or absence of the arrow ←
The inputs a, b,...
can be any terms, also with underscores.
The tactic uses the first "new" summand that unifies with each one of the given inputs.
There is a multiplicative variant, called move_mul
There is also a general tactic for a "binary associative commutative operation": move_oper
In this case the syntax requires providing first a term whose head symbol is the operation.
E.g. move_oper HAdd.hAdd [...]
is the same as move_add
, while move_oper Max.max [...]
rearranges max
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The tactic move_add
rearranges summands of expressions.
Calling move_add [a, ← b, ...]
matches a, b,...
with summands in the main goal.
It then moves a
to the far right and b
to the far left of each addition in which they appear.
The side to which the summands are moved is determined by the presence or absence of the arrow ←
The inputs a, b,...
can be any terms, also with underscores.
The tactic uses the first "new" summand that unifies with each one of the given inputs.
There is a multiplicative variant, called move_mul
There is also a general tactic for a "binary associative commutative operation": move_oper
In this case the syntax requires providing first a term whose head symbol is the operation.
E.g. move_oper HAdd.hAdd [...]
is the same as move_add
, while move_oper Max.max [...]
rearranges max
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The tactic move_add
rearranges summands of expressions.
Calling move_add [a, ← b, ...]
matches a, b,...
with summands in the main goal.
It then moves a
to the far right and b
to the far left of each addition in which they appear.
The side to which the summands are moved is determined by the presence or absence of the arrow ←
The inputs a, b,...
can be any terms, also with underscores.
The tactic uses the first "new" summand that unifies with each one of the given inputs.
There is a multiplicative variant, called move_mul
There is also a general tactic for a "binary associative commutative operation": move_oper
In this case the syntax requires providing first a term whose head symbol is the operation.
E.g. move_oper HAdd.hAdd [...]
is the same as move_add
, while move_oper Max.max [...]
rearranges max
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.