The peel
tactic #
peel h with h' idents*
tries to apply forall_imp
(or Exists.imp
, or
and Filter.Eventually.of_forall
) with the argument h
and uses idents*
to introduce variables with the supplied names, giving the "peeled" argument the name h'
One can provide a numeric argument as in peel 4 h
which will peel 4 quantifiers off
the expressions automatically name any variables not specifically named in the with
In addition, the user may supply a term e
via ... using e
in order to close the goal
immediately. In particular, peel h using e
is equivalent to peel h; exact e
. The using
may be paired with any of the other features of peel
Peels matching quantifiers off of a given term and the goal and introduces the relevant variables.
peel e
peels all quantifiers (at reducible transparency), usingthis
for the name of the peeled hypothesis.peel e with h
ispeel e
but names the peeled hypothesish
. Ifh
then usesthis
for the name of the peeled hypothesis.peel n e
quantifiers (at default transparency).peel n e with x y z ... h
quantifiers, names the peeled hypothesish
, and usesx
, and so on to name the introduced variables; these names may be_
. Ifh
then usesthis
for the name of the peeled hypothesis. The length of the list of variables does not need to equaln
.peel e with x₁ ... xₙ h
ispeel n e with x₁ ... xₙ h
There are also variants that apply to an iff in the goal:
peel n
quantifiers in an iff.peel with x₁ ... xₙ
quantifiers in an iff and names them.
Given p q : ℕ → Prop
, h : ∀ x, p x
, and a goal ⊢ : ∀ x, q x
, the tactic peel h with x h'
will introduce x : ℕ
, h' : p x
into the context and the new goal will be ⊢ q x
. This works
with ∃
, as well as ∀ᶠ
and ∃ᶠ
, and it can even be applied to a sequence of quantifiers. Note
that this is a logically weaker setup, so using this tactic is not always feasible.
For a more complex example, given a hypothesis and a goal:
h : ∀ ε > (0 : ℝ), ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N, 1 / (n + 1 : ℝ) < ε
⊢ ∀ ε > (0 : ℝ), ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N, 1 / (n + 1 : ℝ) ≤ ε
(which differ only in <
), applying peel h with ε hε N n hn h_peel
will yield a tactic state:
h : ∀ ε > (0 : ℝ), ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N, 1 / (n + 1 : ℝ) < ε
ε : ℝ
hε : 0 < ε
N n : ℕ
hn : N ≤ n
h_peel : 1 / (n + 1 : ℝ) < ε
⊢ 1 / (n + 1 : ℝ) ≤ ε
and the goal can be closed with exact h_peel.le
Note that in this example, h
and the goal are logically equivalent statements, but peel
cannot be immediately applied to show that the goal implies h
In addition, peel
supports goals of the form (∀ x, p x) ↔ ∀ x, q x
, or likewise for any
other quantifier. In this case, there is no hypothesis or term to supply, but otherwise the syntax
is the same. So for such goals, the syntax is peel 1
or peel with x
, and after which the
resulting goal is p x ↔ q x
. The congr!
tactic can also be applied to goals of this form using
congr! 1 with x
. While congr!
applies congruence lemmas in general, peel
can be relied upon
to only apply to outermost quantifiers.
Finally, the user may supply a term e
via ... using e
in order to close the goal
immediately. In particular, peel h using e
is equivalent to peel h; exact e
. The using
may be paired with any of the other features of peel
This tactic works by repeatedly applying lemmas such as forall_imp
, Exists.imp
, and Filter.Eventually.of_forall
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If unfold
is false then do whnfR
, otherwise unfold everything that's not a quantifier,
according to the quantifiers
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Throws an error saying ty
and target
could not be matched up.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If f
is a lambda then use its binding name to generate a new hygienic name,
and otherwise choose a new hygienic name.
- Mathlib.Tactic.Peel.mkFreshBinderName (Lean.Expr.lam n binderType body binderInfo) = liftM (Lean.mkFreshUserName n)
- Mathlib.Tactic.Peel.mkFreshBinderName f = liftM (Lean.mkFreshUserName `a)
Instances For
Applies a "peel theorem" with two main arguments, where the first is the new goal
and the second can be filled in using e
. Then it intros two variables with the
provided names.
If, for example, goal : ∃ y : α, q y
and thm := Exists.imp
, the metavariable returned has
type q x
where x : α
has been introduced into the context.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
This is the core to the peel
It tries to match e
and goal
as quantified statements (using ∀
and the quantifiers in
the quantifiers
list), then applies "peel theorems" using applyPeelThm
We treat ∧
as a quantifier for sake of dealing with quantified statements
like ∃ δ > (0 : ℝ), q δ
, which is notation for ∃ δ, δ > (0 : ℝ) ∧ q δ
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a list l
of names, this peels num
quantifiers off of the expression e
the main goal and introduces variables with the provided names until the list of names is exhausted.
Note: the name n?
(with default this
) is used for the name of the expression e
quantifiers peeled.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.Peel.peelArgs e 0 l n? unfold = pure PUnit.unit
Instances For
Peel off a single quantifier from an ↔
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Peel off quantifiers from an ↔
and assign the names given in l
to the introduced
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Mathlib.Tactic.Peel.peelArgsIff [] = Lean.Elab.Tactic.withMainContext (pure ())