

Extending replace #

This file extends the replace tactic from Batteries to allow the addition of hypotheses to the context without requiring their proofs to be provided immediately.

As a style choice, this should not be used in mathlib; but is provided for downstream users who preferred the old style.

Acts like have, but removes a hypothesis with the same name as this one if possible. For example, if the state is:

Then after replace h : β the state will be:

case h
f : α → β
h : α
⊢ β

f : α → β
h : β
⊢ goal

whereas have h : β would result in:

case h
f : α → β
h : α
⊢ β

f : α → β
h✝ : α
h : β
⊢ goal
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For