Definitions about topological groups #
In this file we define mixin classes ContinuousInv
, IsTopologicalGroup
, and ContinuousDiv
as well as their additive versions.
These classes say that the corresponding operations are continuous:
ContinuousInv G
says that(·⁻¹)
is continuous onG
;IsTopologicalGroup G
says that(· * ·)
is continuous onG × G
is continuous onG
;ContinuousDiv G
says that(· / ·)
is continuous onG
For groups, ContinuousDiv G
is equivalent to IsTopologicalGroup G
but we use the additive version ContinuousSub
for types like NNReal
where subtraction is not given by a - b = a + (-b)
We also provide convenience dot notation lemmas like ContinuousAt.neg
Basic hypothesis to talk about a topological additive group. A topological additive group
over M
, for example, is obtained by requiring the instances AddGroup M
ContinuousAdd M
and ContinuousNeg M
- continuous_neg : Continuous fun (a : G) => -a
Basic hypothesis to talk about a topological group. A topological group over M
, for example,
is obtained by requiring the instances Group M
and ContinuousMul M
ContinuousInv M
- continuous_inv : Continuous fun (a : G) => a⁻¹
If a function converges to a value in a multiplicative topological group, then its inverse
converges to the inverse of this value.
For the version in topological groups with zero (including topological fields)
assuming additionally that the limit is nonzero, use Filter.Tendsto.inv₀
If a function converges to a value in an additive topological group, then its negation converges to the negation of this value.
A topological (additive) group is a group in which the addition and negation operations are continuous.
When you declare an instance that does not already have a UniformSpace
you should also provide an instance of UniformSpace
and IsUniformAddGroup
and isUniformAddGroup_of_addCommGroup
- continuous_add : Continuous fun (p : G × G) => p.1 + p.2
- continuous_neg : Continuous fun (a : G) => -a
Alias of IsTopologicalAddGroup
A topological (additive) group is a group in which the addition and negation operations are continuous.
When you declare an instance that does not already have a UniformSpace
you should also provide an instance of UniformSpace
and IsUniformAddGroup
and isUniformAddGroup_of_addCommGroup
Instances For
A topological group is a group in which the multiplication and inversion operations are continuous.
When you declare an instance that does not already have a UniformSpace
you should also provide an instance of UniformSpace
and IsUniformGroup
and isUniformGroup_of_commGroup
- continuous_mul : Continuous fun (p : G × G) => p.1 * p.2
- continuous_inv : Continuous fun (a : G) => a⁻¹
Alias of IsTopologicalGroup
A topological group is a group in which the multiplication and inversion operations are continuous.
When you declare an instance that does not already have a UniformSpace
you should also provide an instance of UniformSpace
and IsUniformGroup
and isUniformGroup_of_commGroup
Instances For
A typeclass saying that p : G × G ↦ p.1 - p.2
is a continuous function. This property
automatically holds for topological additive groups but it also holds, e.g., for ℝ≥0
- continuous_sub : Continuous fun (p : G × G) => p.1 - p.2
A typeclass saying that p : G × G ↦ p.1 / p.2
is a continuous function. This property
automatically holds for topological groups. Lemmas using this class have primes.
The unprimed version is for GroupWithZero
- continuous_div' : Continuous fun (p : G × G) => p.1 / p.2