Infinite sums in the completion of a topological group #
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
[AddCommGroup α]
[UniformSpace α]
[UniformAddGroup α]
(f : β → α)
(a : α)
A function f
has a sum in an uniform additive group α
if and only if it has that sum in the
completion of α
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
[AddCommGroup α]
[UniformSpace α]
[UniformAddGroup α]
(f : β → α)
Summable f ↔ Summable (⇑UniformSpace.Completion.toCompl ∘ f) ∧ ∑' (i : β), UniformSpace.Completion.toCompl (f i) ∈ Set.range ⇑UniformSpace.Completion.toCompl
A function f
is summable in a uniform additive group α
if and only if it is summable in
Completion α
and its sum in Completion α
lies in the range of toCompl : α →+ Completion α
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
[AddCommGroup α]
[UniformSpace α]
[UniformAddGroup α]
(f : β → α)
A function f
is summable in a uniform additive group α
if and only if the net of its partial
sums is Cauchy and its sum in Completion α
lies in the range of toCompl : α →+ Completion α
(The condition that the net of partial sums is Cauchy can be checked using
or cauchySeq_finset_iff_tsum_vanishing
{α : Type u_1}
{β : Type u_2}
[AddCommGroup α]
[UniformSpace α]
[UniformAddGroup α]
{f : β → α}
(hf : Summable f)
If a function f
is summable in a uniform additive group α
, then its sum in α
is the same
as its sum in Completion α