Neighborhood bases for non-archimedean rings and modules #
This files contains special families of filter bases on rings and modules that give rise to non-archimedean topologies.
The main definition is RingSubgroupsBasis
which is a predicate on a family of
additive subgroups of a ring. The predicate ensures there is a topology
which is compatible with a ring structure and admits the given
family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero. In particular the given subgroups become open subgroups
(bundled in RingSubgroupsBasis.openAddSubgroup
) and we get a non-archimedean topological ring
A special case of this construction is given by SubmodulesBasis
where the subgroups are
sub-modules in a commutative algebra. This important example gives rise to the adic topology
(studied in its own file).
A family of additive subgroups on a ring A
is a subgroups basis if it satisfies some
axioms ensuring there is a topology on A
which is compatible with the ring structure and
admits this family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero.
Condition for
to be a filter basis onA
.For each set
in the submodule basis onA
, there is another basis elementB'
such that the set-theoretic productB' * B'
is inB
.For any element
x : A
and any setB
in the submodule basis onA
, there is another basis elementB'
such thatB' * x
is inB
.For any element
x : A
and any setB
in the submodule basis onA
, there is another basis elementB'
such thatx * B'
is inB
Instances For
Every subgroups basis on a ring leads to a ring filter basis.
- hB.toRingFilterBasis = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The topology defined from a subgroups basis, admitting the given subgroups as a basis of neighborhoods of zero.
Instances For
Given a subgroups basis, the basis elements as open additive subgroups in the associated topology.
- hB.openAddSubgroup i = { toAddSubgroup := B i, isOpen' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A family of submodules in a commutative R
-algebra A
is a submodules basis if it satisfies
some axioms ensuring there is a topology on A
which is compatible with the ring structure and
admits this family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero.
Condition for
to be a filter basis onA
.For any element
a : A
and any setB
in the submodule basis onA
, there is another basis elementB'
such thata • B'
is inB
.For each set
in the submodule basis onA
, there is another basis elementB'
such that the set-theoretic productB' * B'
is inB
Instances For
The topology associated to a basis of submodules in an algebra.
Instances For
A family of submodules in an R
-module M
is a submodules basis if it satisfies
some axioms ensuring there is a topology on M
which is compatible with the module structure and
admits this family as a basis of neighborhoods of zero.
Condition for
to be a filter basis onM
.For any element
m : M
and any setB
in the basis,a • m
lies inB
for alla
sufficiently close to0
Instances For
The image of a submodules basis is a module filter basis.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The topology associated to a basis of submodules in a module.
- hB.topology = hB.toModuleFilterBasis.topology
Instances For
Given a submodules basis, the basis elements as open additive subgroups in the associated topology.
- hB.openAddSubgroup i = { toAddSubgroup := (B i).toAddSubgroup, isOpen' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a ring filter basis on a commutative ring R
, define a compatibility condition
on a family of submodules of an R
-module M
. This compatibility condition allows to get
a topological module structure.
Condition for
to be a filter basis onM
.For any element
m : M
and any setB i
in the submodule basis onM
, there is aU
in the ring filter basis onR
such thatU * m
is inB i
Instances For
The module filter basis associated to a ring filter basis and a compatible submodule basis. This allows to build a topological module structure compatible with the given module structure and the topology associated to the given ring filter basis.
- BR.moduleFilterBasis hB = ⋯.toModuleFilterBasis