Approximate units #
An approximate unit is a filter l
such that multiplication on the left (or right) by m : α
tends to 𝓝 m
along the filter, and additionally l ≠ ⊥
Examples of approximate units include:
- The trivial approximate unit
pure 1
in a normed ring. 𝓝 1
or𝓝[≠] 1
in a normed ring (note that the latter is disjoint frompure 1
).- In a C⋆-algebra, the filter generated by the sections
fun a ↦ {x | a ≤ x} ∩ closedBall 0 1
, wherea
ranges over the positive elements of norm strictly less than 1.
An approximate unit is a proper filter (i.e., ≠ ⊥
) such that multiplication on the left
(and separately on the right) by m : α
tends to 𝓝 m
along the filter.
Multiplication on the left by
tends to𝓝 m
along the filter.Multiplication on the right by
tends to𝓝 m
along the filter.- neBot : l.NeBot
The filter is not
Instances For
A unital magma with a topology and bornology has the trivial approximate unit pure 1
If l
is an approximate unit and ⊥ < l' ≤ l
, then l'
is also an approximate unit.
In a topological unital magma, 𝓝 1
is an approximate unit.
In a topological unital magma, 𝓝 1
is the largest approximate unit.
In a topological unital magma, 𝓝 1
is the largest approximate unit.