

One-point compactification and projectivization #

We construct a set-theoretic equivalence between OnePoint K and the projectivization ℙ K (K × K) for an arbitrary division ring K.

TODO: Add the extension of this equivalence to a homeomorphism in the case K = ℝ, where OnePoint gets the topology of one-point compactification.

Main definitions and results #

Tags #

one-point extension, projectivization

The one-point compactification of a division ring K is equivalent to the projectivivization ℙ K (K × K).

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Instances For
    theorem OnePoint.equivProjectivization_symm_apply_mk (K : Type u_1) [DivisionRing K] [DecidableEq K] (x y : K) (h : (x, y) 0) :
    (equivProjectivization K).symm ( K (x, y) h) = if y = 0 then infty else (y⁻¹ * x)