Sums of translates of a continuous function is a period continuous function. #
Summing translates of a function #
{X : Type u_1}
{Y : Type u_2}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[TopologicalSpace Y]
[AddCommGroup X]
[IsTopologicalAddGroup X]
[AddCommMonoid Y]
[ContinuousAdd Y]
[T2Space Y]
(f : C(X, Y))
(p : X)
Function.Periodic (⇑(∑' (n : ℤ), f.comp (ContinuousMap.addRight (n • p)))) p
Summing the translates of f
by ℤ • p
gives a map which is periodic with period p
(This is true without any convergence conditions, since if the sum doesn't converge it is taken to
be the zero map, which is periodic.)