Skyscraper (pre)sheaves #
A skyscraper (pre)sheaf ๐ : (Pre)Sheaf C X
is the (pre)sheaf with value A
at point pโ
that is
supported only at open sets contain pโ
, i.e. ๐(U) = A
if pโ โ U
and ๐(U) = *
if pโ โ U
where *
is a terminal object of C
. In terms of stalks, ๐
is supported at all specializations
of pโ
, i.e. if pโ โคณ x
then ๐โ โ
and if ยฌ pโ โคณ x
then ๐โ โ
Main definitions #
:skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
is the skyscraper presheaf at pointpโ
with valueA
: the skyscraper presheaf satisfies the sheaf condition.
Main statements #
: ify โ closure {pโ}
then the stalk ofskyscraperPresheaf pโ A
: ify โ closure {pโ}
then the stalk ofskyscraperPresheaf pโ A
the terminal object.
TODO: generalize universe level when calculating stalks, after generalizing universe level of stalk.
A skyscraper presheaf is a presheaf supported at a single point: if pโ โ X
is a specified
point, then the skyscraper presheaf ๐
with value A
is defined by U โฆ A
if pโ โ U
U โฆ *
if pโ โ A
where *
is some terminal object.
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Instances For
Taking skyscraper presheaf at a point is functorial: c โฆ skyscraper pโ c
defines a functor by
sending every f : a โถ b
to the natural transformation ฮฑ
defined as: ฮฑ(U) = f : a โถ b
pโ โ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object in C
if pโ โ U
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Instances For
Taking skyscraper presheaf at a point is functorial: c โฆ skyscraper pโ c
defines a functor by
sending every f : a โถ b
to the natural transformation ฮฑ
defined as: ฮฑ(U) = f : a โถ b
pโ โ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object in C
if pโ โ U
- skyscraperPresheafFunctor pโ = { obj := skyscraperPresheaf pโ, map := fun {X_1 Y : C} =>' pโ, map_id := โฏ, map_comp := โฏ }
Instances For
The cocone at A
for the stalk functor of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
when y โ closure {pโ}
- skyscraperPresheafCoconeOfSpecializes pโ A h = { pt := A, ฮน := { app := fun (U : (TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds y)แตแต) => CategoryTheory.eqToHom โฏ, naturality := โฏ } }
Instances For
The cocone at A
for the stalk functor of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
when y โ closure {pโ}
is a
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Instances For
If y โ closure {pโ}
, then the stalk of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
at y
is A
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Instances For
The cocone at *
for the stalk functor of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
when y โ closure {pโ}
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Instances For
The cocone at *
for the stalk functor of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
when y โ closure {pโ}
is a
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Instances For
If y โ closure {pโ}
, then the stalk of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
at y
is isomorphic to a
terminal object.
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Instances For
If y โ closure {pโ}
, then the stalk of skyscraperPresheaf pโ A
at y
is a terminal object
Instances For
The skyscraper presheaf supported at pโ
with value A
is the sheaf that assigns A
to all opens
that contain pโ
and assigns *
- skyscraperSheaf pโ A = { val := skyscraperPresheaf pโ A, cond := โฏ }
Instances For
Taking skyscraper sheaf at a point is functorial: c โฆ skyscraper pโ c
defines a functor by
sending every f : a โถ b
to the natural transformation ฮฑ
defined as: ฮฑ(U) = f : a โถ b
pโ โ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object in C
if pโ โ U
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Instances For
If f : ๐.stalk pโ โถ c
, then a natural transformation ๐ โถ skyscraperPresheaf pโ c
can be
defined by: ๐.germ pโ โซ f : ๐(U) โถ c
if pโ โ U
and the unique morphism to a terminal object
if pโ โ U
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Instances For
If f : ๐ โถ skyscraperPresheaf pโ c
is a natural transformation, then there is a morphism
๐.stalk pโ โถ c
defined as the morphism from colimit to cocone at c
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Instances For
The unit in Presheaf.stalkFunctor โฃ skyscraperPresheafFunctor
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Instances For
The counit in Presheaf.stalkFunctor โฃ skyscraperPresheafFunctor
- StalkSkyscraperPresheafAdjunctionAuxs.counit pโ = { app := fun (c : C) => (skyscraperPresheafStalkOfSpecializes pโ c โฏ).hom, naturality := โฏ }
Instances For
is the right adjoint of Presheaf.stalkFunctor
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Instances For
Taking stalks of a sheaf is the left adjoint functor to skyscraperSheafFunctor
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