This module contains the basic definitions for an AIG (And Inverter Graph) in the style of AIGNET, as described in section 3. It consists of an AIG definition, a description of its semantics and basic operations to construct nodes in the AIG.
A circuit node. These are not recursive but instead contain indices into an AIG
, with inputs indexed by α
- const
{α : Type}
(b : Bool)
: Decl α
A node with a constant output value.
- atom
{α : Type}
(idx : α)
: Decl α
An input node to the circuit.
- gate
{α : Type}
(l r : Nat)
(linv rinv : Bool)
: Decl α
An AIG gate with configurable input nodes and polarity.
are the input node indices whilelinv
say whether there is an inverter on the left and right inputs, respectively.
Instances For
- Std.Sat.AIG.instHashableDecl = { hash := Std.Sat.AIG.hashDecl✝ }
- Std.Sat.AIG.instReprDecl = { reprPrec := Std.Sat.AIG.reprDecl✝ }
- Std.Sat.AIG.instInhabitedDecl = { default := Std.Sat.AIG.Decl.const default }
Cache.WF xs
is a predicate asserting that a cache : HashMap (Decl α) Nat
is a valid lookup
cache for xs : Array (Decl α)
, that is, whenever cache.find? decl
returns an index into
xs : Array Decl
, xs[index] = decl
. Note that this predicate does not force the cache to be
complete, if there is no entry in the cache for some node, it can still exist in the AIG.
- empty {α : Type} [Hashable α] [DecidableEq α] {decls : Array (Decl α)} : WF decls ∅
- push_id {α : Type} [Hashable α] [DecidableEq α] {decls : Array (Decl α)} {cache : HashMap (Decl α) Nat} {decl : Decl α} (h : WF decls cache) : WF (decls.push decl) cache
- push_cache {α : Type} [Hashable α] [DecidableEq α] {decls : Array (Decl α)} {cache : HashMap (Decl α) Nat} {decl : Decl α} (h : WF decls cache) : WF (decls.push decl) (cache.insert decl decls.size)
Instances For
A cache for reusing elements from decls
if they are available.
- Std.Sat.AIG.Cache α decls = { map : Std.HashMap (Std.Sat.AIG.Decl α) Nat // Std.Sat.AIG.Cache.WF decls map }
Instances For
Create an empty Cache
, valid with respect to any Array Decl
- Std.Sat.AIG.Cache.empty decls = ⟨∅, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Given a cache
, valid with respect to some decls
, we can extend the decls
and the cache
at the same time with the same values and remain valid.
- Std.Sat.AIG.Cache.insert decls cache decl = ⟨cache.val.insert decl decls.size, ⋯⟩
Instances For
For a c : Cache α decls
, any index idx
that is a cache hit for some decl
is within bounds of decls
(i.e. idx < decls.size
Instances For
An And Inverter Graph together with a cache for subterm sharing.
In order to be a valid AIG,
must form a DAG.
Instances For
with an empty AIG and cache.
- Std.Sat.AIG.empty = { decls := #[], cache := Std.Sat.AIG.Cache.empty #[], invariant := ⋯ }
Instances For
- Std.Sat.AIG.instMembership = { mem := Std.Sat.AIG.Mem }
The Ref.cast
equivalent for BinaryInput
Instances For
The Ref.cast
equivalent for TernaryInput
Instances For
An entrypoint into an AIG
. This can be used to evaluate a circuit, starting at a certain node,
with AIG.denote
or to construct bigger circuits on top of this specific node.
- aig : AIG α
The AIG that we are in.
The reference to the node in
that thisEntrypoint
Instances For
Transform an Entrypoint
into a graphviz string. Useful for debugging purposes.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A sequence of references bundled with their AIG.
- aig : AIG α
Instances For
Evaluate an AIG.Entrypoint
using some assignment for atoms.
Instances For
Denotation of an AIG
at a specific Entrypoint
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Denotation of an AIG
at a specific Entrypoint
with the Entrypoint
being constructed on the fly.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The denotation of the sub-DAG in the aig
at node start
is false for all assignments.
Instances For
The denotation of the Entrypoint
is false for all assignments.
Instances For
An input to an AIG gate.
Instances For
The input type for creating AIG and gates.
Instances For
Add a new and inverter gate to the AIG in aig
. Note that this version is only meant for proving,
for production purposes use AIG.mkGateCached
and equality theorems to this one.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Add a new input node to the AIG in aig
. Note that this version is only meant for proving,
for production purposes use AIG.mkAtomCached
and equality theorems to this one.
Instances For
Add a new constant node to aig
. Note that this version is only meant for proving,
for production purposes use AIG.mkConstCached
and equality theorems to this one.
Instances For
Determine whether ref
is a Decl.const
with value b
- aig.isConstant { gate := gate, hgate := hgate } b = match aig.decls[gate] with | Std.Sat.AIG.Decl.const val => decide (b = val) | x => false