

Obtain the literal with the largest identifier in c.

Instances For
    theorem Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.of_maxLiteral_eq_some {maxLit : Nat} (c : Clause Nat) (h : c.maxLiteral = some maxLit) (lit : Nat) :
    Mem lit clit maxLit
    theorem Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.maxLiteral_eq_some_of_mem {l : Nat} (c : Clause Nat) (h : Mem l c) :
    ∃ (maxLit : Nat), c.maxLiteral = some maxLit
    theorem Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.of_maxLiteral_eq_none (c : Clause Nat) (h : c.maxLiteral = none) (lit : Nat) :
    ¬Mem lit c

    Obtain the literal with the largest identifier in f.

    Instances For
      theorem Std.Sat.CNF.of_maxLiteral_eq_some' {maxLit localMax : Nat} (f : CNF Nat) (h : f.maxLiteral = some maxLit) (clause : Clause Nat) :
      clause fclause.maxLiteral = some localMaxlocalMax maxLit
      theorem Std.Sat.CNF.of_maxLiteral_eq_some {maxLit : Nat} (f : CNF Nat) (h : f.maxLiteral = some maxLit) (lit : Nat) :
      Mem lit flit maxLit
      theorem Std.Sat.CNF.of_maxLiteral_eq_none (f : CNF Nat) (h : f.maxLiteral = none) (lit : Nat) :
      ¬Mem lit f

      An upper bound for the amount of distinct literals in f.

      • f.numLiterals = match f.maxLiteral with | none => 0 | some n => n + 1
      Instances For
        theorem Std.Sat.CNF.lt_numLiterals {v : Nat} {f : CNF Nat} (h : Mem v f) :
        v < f.numLiterals
        theorem Std.Sat.CNF.numLiterals_pos {v : Nat} {f : CNF Nat} (h : Mem v f) :
        0 < f.numLiterals
        def Std.Sat.CNF.relabelFin (f : CNF Nat) :
        CNF (Fin f.numLiterals)

        Relabel f to a CNF formula with a known upper bound for its literals.

        This operation might be useful when e.g. using the literals to index into an array of known size without conducting bounds checks.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem Std.Sat.CNF.unsat_relabelFin {f : CNF Nat} :
          f.relabelFin.Unsat f.Unsat