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Topic: abandoning the "trylean" bundles?

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 07:22):

There's been some suggestion to get rid of the "maybe a couple of nights" section of the installation instructions:
mostly for the sake of simplifying the options.

Without any suggest that this is meant to be binding, I'll put a poll up, and hopefully get some discussion.

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 07:23):

/poll What should we do with the trylean bundles on the installation page?
Remove them
Keep them as they are
Keep them, but lower down the page / less prominent

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 07:24):

In favour of keeping them --- some people may find them useful! Do we have data on this? Even anecdotal?

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 07:25):

In favour of removing them:

  • reducing the amount of text on the installation page
  • hopefully getting people to the default install instructions (which are currently at the bottom) faster
  • reducing the maintenance burden by abandoning these bundles

Damiano Testa (Sep 05 2020 at 07:27):

I personally do not mind that there is the option of a trylean, but I have actually not taken that option. Another choice could be "Do not have a view, but would not use trylean"?

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 07:48):

I made a PR suggesting some changes to the installation page, that moves "regular install" to the top, and makes everything a bit terser. Comments welcome. We can do the textual changes and rearrangements independently, etc.

Kevin Buzzard (Sep 05 2020 at 08:12):

Just to be clear -- I'm not complaining about the individual OS instructions at all -- far from it. I just want to be able to say e.g. on Twitter "here is a Lean thing. Want to play with it? Click here <blah> to install lean and mathlib." Currently the best link I know is misleading because it links to a small number of comments at the very bottom of a web page (so is easy to misunderstand) as opposed to the very top of a web page (which Scott's PR seems to do).

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 08:15):

yes -- this doesn't touch the actual instructions for installing, just tries to get people to them faster

Patrick Massot (Sep 05 2020 at 08:22):

I like Scott's PR, although I would probably have kept the first sentence explaining there are several options.

Patrick Massot (Sep 05 2020 at 08:23):

I'd be curious to know whether our GitHub pages experts have access to any kind of download statistics for the bundled versions.

Patrick Massot (Sep 05 2020 at 08:26):

I know I want to keep bundles for use with students. There is no way I can ask my regular 1st year students (who have a mandatory course using Lean, not a club like Kevin) to follow any installation procedure that has more than one step or require admin rights. The key point here is the existence of the python script building the bundles, and I could run them on my computer once per year when new students arrive. And maybe in a couple of years I'll use Lean 4 and everything will be different, who knows? But then these scripts will be very hard to discover for people who would be tempted to also use Lean for teaching.

Scott Morrison (Sep 05 2020 at 09:07):

@Patrick Massot I've added a summary at the top of the page.

Patrick Massot (Sep 05 2020 at 09:20):


Rob Lewis (Sep 05 2020 at 09:30):

Patrick Massot said:

I'd be curious to know whether our GitHub pages experts have access to any kind of download statistics for the bundled versions.

The bundles are hosted on Azure. I don't know a way to get per-click analytics in Azure, but Azure is so confusing I could easily be missing it. GH Pages has no built in analytics AFAIK.

Gihan Marasingha (Dec 24 2022 at 12:24):

I've been using the Lean game maker to create teaching resources for the past term, but the later levels in my game run very slowly in the browser. I might move to using bundled versions of Lean + Mathlib + vscode.

Is creating my own bundle simply a matter of modifying the contents of the bundles avaialble on the lean community website? I imagine I could create a lean project first and then turn it into a bundle by:

  • replacing the lean folder of trylean with the contents of the lean toolchain used by my repository (which I can find via elan which lean).
  • Replace the mathlib folder of trylean with the copy from my lean project.
  • Replace the src folder of trylean with the src folder of my lean project.

Is that it?


Kevin Buzzard (Dec 24 2022 at 12:28):

You're not tempted to move to lean 4?

Gihan Marasingha (Dec 24 2022 at 12:33):

@Kevin Buzzard that's the plan once I have stable teaching resources working in Lean 3. Is there something like either the Lean Game Maker or bundled versions of Lean for Lean 4?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 24 2022 at 12:35):

I'm afraid I don't know! My point was just that making more bespoke lean 3 infrastructure seems somehow like it's going in the wrong direction. Ask about lean 4 stuff in the lean 4 stream maybe?

Eric Wieser (Dec 24 2022 at 13:39):

I assume you've already ruled out codespaces/gitpod-based setups? Those will still be faster than the game-maker

Gihan Marasingha (Dec 24 2022 at 13:47):

@Eric Wieser thanks. I am using GitHub Codespaces for assessing my students' lean work. I could continue using that approach for teaching (perhaps with Sphinx-based notes).

I like the bundled approach as it's a no-cost option if people outside my institution want to use the teaching resources.

Martin Dvořák (Dec 24 2022 at 15:38):

Is there any Windows wizard installer for Lean 4 + mathlib4 + VScode?

Patrick Massot (Dec 27 2022 at 20:06):

Gihan Marasingha said:

I've been using the Lean game maker to create teaching resources for the past term, but the later levels in my game run very slowly in the browser. I might move to using bundled versions of Lean + Mathlib + vscode.

Is creating my own bundle simply a matter of modifying the contents of the bundles avaialble on the lean community website? I imagine I could create a lean project first and then turn it into a bundle by:

  • replacing the lean folder of trylean with the contents of the lean toolchain used by my repository (which I can find via elan which lean).
  • Replace the mathlib folder of trylean with the copy from my lean project.
  • Replace the src folder of trylean with the src folder of my lean project.

Sorry about the slow answer, I'm on vacation and my computer power supply died. There is no mystery about how those bundles are created, it all happens at https://github.com/leanprover-community/azure-scripts/blob/master/mk_bundle.py

Patrick Massot (Dec 27 2022 at 20:08):

The main tricks are https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/portable and https://vscodium.com/ if you are serious about not distributing VSCode. Note the current setup has one flow: it doesn't ship a suitable font. I plan to try to fix that before the end of January. It sounds like a purely esthetic issue but the CSS tricks that do indentation in the info view get bad in a really nasty way with the wrong kind of font.

Martin Dvořák (Dec 27 2022 at 20:16):

In case the font must be hardcoded, I vote for: https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC