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Stream: lean4
Topic: Unused definitions
Sky Wilshaw (Sep 03 2023 at 19:50):
Is there a way to determine which definitions/theorems a given theorem depends on (for the purpose of deleting unused ones)?
Bhavik Mehta (Sep 03 2023 at 21:36):
I don't have an answer but I would also find this useful - especially if it's restricted to a particular folder / set of files rather than all of mathlib
Patrick Massot (Sep 03 2023 at 21:41):
There was a tool in mathlib3 but I don't think it got ported. It was https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/tactic/find_unused.html
Sky Wilshaw (Sep 03 2023 at 21:43):
This looks really useful!
Scott Morrison (Sep 03 2023 at 23:18):
This is should be easy to implement on top of src#Expr.getUsedConstants or src#ConstantInfo.getUsedConstants.
A nicer implementation than the mathlib3 approach would just be a command #find_unused in ...
, that prints a list of the constants declared in the current file (up to this point) not used in the declarations constructed in the ...
I'd hope that this would actually be a relatively easy learning project for someone wanting to start metaprogramming.
Sky Wilshaw (Sep 03 2023 at 23:36):
Learning metaprogramming has been on my to-do list for a while - if I get time I might try to implement it, but don't let that stop anyone with more knowledge/experience than me.
Kyle Miller (Sep 04 2023 at 00:41):
I got sniped by this because of the breadcrumbs Scott laid out. It seemed like it would be straightforward to do this by starting with the whatsnew
code, but there was a gotcha: certain declarations can be artificially used by additional internal declarations that Lean generates when processing.
This reports both unused declarations and declarations that have finally become used by the new declarations.
import Mathlib.Lean.Expr.Basic
open Lean Elab Command Meta
-- Generalized monad for `Lean.Name.isBlackListed`
def Lean.Name.isBlackListed' {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m]
(declName : Name) : m Bool := do
if declName == ``sorryAx then return true
if declName matches .str _ "inj" then return true
if declName matches .str _ "noConfusionType" then return true
let env ← getEnv
pure $ declName.isInternal'
|| isAuxRecursor env declName
|| isNoConfusion env declName
<||> isRec declName <||> isMatcher declName
namespace Mathlib.FindUnused
/-- Remove all blacklisted names from the given environment.
This might not be accurate since the blacklist function is a heuristic. -/
def filterNames {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] {α : Type _}
(env : PHashMap Name α) : m (PHashMap Name α) := do
let mut env' := env
for (n, _) in env do
if ← n.isBlackListed' then
env' := env'.erase n
return env'
/-- `#find_unused in $command` executes the command and then prints the
pre-existing unused declarations in this module that remain unused. -/
elab "#find_unused " "in" ppLine cmd:command : command => do
let oldEnv ← filterNames (← getEnv).constants.map₂
elabCommand cmd
let newEnv ← filterNames (← getEnv).constants.map₂
let mut usedNames : NameSet := {}
let mut uniquelyUsedNames : NameSet := {}
let mut unusedNames : NameSet := {}
for (_, c) in oldEnv do
usedNames := usedNames.union c.getUsedConstants
for (n, c) in newEnv do
unless oldEnv.contains n do
for n' in c.getUsedConstants do
unless usedNames.contains n' do
uniquelyUsedNames := uniquelyUsedNames.insert n'
usedNames := usedNames.insert n'
for (n, _) in oldEnv do
unless usedNames.contains n do
unusedNames := unusedNames.insert n
let pp (names : NameSet) : CommandElabM (List MessageData) := do
let consts := names.toArray
let consts ← consts.mapM fun n =>
return (← findDeclarationRanges? n, n, newEnv.find! n)
let consts := consts.insertionSort fun (d?, _) (d'?, _) =>
if let (some d, some d') := (d?, d'?) then
Position.lt d.range.pos d'.range.pos
let consts ← consts.mapM fun (_, n, c) =>
return m!"{mkConst n (c.levelParams.map .param)}"
return consts.toList
let unusedNames' ← pp unusedNames
let uniquelyUsedNames' ← pp uniquelyUsedNames
unless unusedNames'.isEmpty do
logInfo m!"Declarations that are still unused:{
indentD <| .joinSep unusedNames' ", "}"
unless uniquelyUsedNames'.isEmpty do
logInfo m!"Declarations are only used by this command:{
indentD <| .joinSep uniquelyUsedNames' ", "}"
Kyle Miller (Sep 04 2023 at 00:41):
def fAux (x : Nat) := x
def f (x : Nat) := fAux x
def g (x : Nat) := x
#find_unused in
def h (x : Nat) := f x
Declarations that are still unused:
Declarations are only used by this command:
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC