

Parameters of the construction #

We describe the various parameters to the model construction.

class ConNF.Params :
Type (u + 1)

The parameters of the construction. We collect them all in one class for simplicity. Note that the ordinal λ in the paper is instead referred to here as Λ, since the symbol λ is used for lambda abstractions.

Ordinals and cardinals are represented here as arbitrary types (not sets) with certain properties. For instance, Λ is an arbitrary type that has an ordering <, which is assumed to be a well-ordering (the Λ_isWellOrder term is a proof of this fact).

The prefix # denotes the cardinality of a type.

  • Λ : Type u

    The type indexing the levels of our model. This type is well-ordered. We inductively construct each type level by induction over Λ. Its cardinality is smaller than κ and μ.

  • Λ_linearOrder : LinearOrder ConNF.Λ
  • Λ_isWellOrder : IsWellOrder ConNF.Λ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.Λ) => x < x_1
  • Λ_zero : Zero ConNF.Λ
  • Λ_succ : SuccOrder ConNF.Λ
  • Λ_zero_le : ∀ (α : ConNF.Λ), 0 α
  • Λ_isLimit : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.Λ) => x < x_1).IsLimit
  • κ : Type u

    The type indexing the atoms in each litter. It is well-ordered, has regular cardinality, and is larger than Λ but smaller than κ. It also has an additive monoid structure induced by its well-ordering.

  • κ_linearOrder : LinearOrder ConNF.κ
  • κ_isWellOrder : IsWellOrder ConNF.κ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1
  • κ_ord : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) = ( ConNF.κ).ord
  • κ_isRegular : ( ConNF.κ).IsRegular
  • κ_succ : SuccOrder ConNF.κ
  • κ_addMonoid : AddMonoid ConNF.κ
  • κ_sub : Sub ConNF.κ
  • κ_add_typein : ∀ (i j : ConNF.κ), Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) (i + j) = Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i + Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) j
  • κ_sub_typein : ∀ (i j : ConNF.κ), Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) (i - j) = Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i - Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) j
  • Λ_lt_κ : ConNF.Λ < ConNF.κ
  • μ : Type u

    A large type used in indexing the litters. This type is well-ordered. Its cardinality is a strong limit, larger than Λ and κ. The cofinality of the order type of μ is at least κ.

  • μ_linearOrder : LinearOrder ConNF.μ
  • μ_isWellOrder : IsWellOrder ConNF.μ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.μ) => x < x_1
  • μ_ord : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.μ) => x < x_1) = ( ConNF.μ).ord
  • μ_isStrongLimit : ( ConNF.μ).IsStrongLimit
  • κ_lt_μ : ConNF.κ < ConNF.μ
  • κ_le_μ_ord_cof : ConNF.κ ( ConNF.μ).ord.cof
    theorem ConNF.Params.Λ_isWellOrder [self : ConNF.Params] :
    IsWellOrder ConNF.Λ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.Λ) => x < x_1
    theorem ConNF.Params.Λ_zero_le [self : ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.Λ) :
    0 α
    theorem ConNF.Params.Λ_isLimit [self : ConNF.Params] :
    (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.Λ) => x < x_1).IsLimit
    theorem ConNF.Params.κ_isWellOrder [self : ConNF.Params] :
    IsWellOrder ConNF.κ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1
    theorem ConNF.Params.κ_ord [self : ConNF.Params] :
    (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) = ( ConNF.κ).ord
    theorem ConNF.Params.κ_isRegular [self : ConNF.Params] :
    ( ConNF.κ).IsRegular
    theorem ConNF.Params.κ_add_typein [self : ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) (j : ConNF.κ) :
    Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) (i + j) = Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i + Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) j
    theorem ConNF.Params.κ_sub_typein [self : ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) (j : ConNF.κ) :
    Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) (i - j) = Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i - Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) j
    theorem ConNF.Params.μ_isWellOrder [self : ConNF.Params] :
    IsWellOrder ConNF.μ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.μ) => x < x_1
    theorem ConNF.Params.μ_ord [self : ConNF.Params] :
    (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : ConNF.μ) => x < x_1) = ( ConNF.μ).ord
    theorem ConNF.Params.μ_isStrongLimit [self : ConNF.Params] :
    ( ConNF.μ).IsStrongLimit
    theorem ConNF.Params.κ_le_μ_ord_cof [self : ConNF.Params] : ConNF.κ ( ConNF.μ).ord.cof

    Explicit parameters #

    There exist valid parameters for the model. The smallest such parameters are

    We begin by creating a few instances that allow us to use cardinals to satisfy the model parameters.

    theorem ConNF.noMaxOrder_of_ordinal_type_eq {α : Type u} [Preorder α] [Infinite α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] (h : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1).IsLimit) :
    noncomputable def ConNF.succOrderOfIsWellOrder {α : Type u} [Preorder α] [Infinite α] [inst : IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] (h : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1).IsLimit) :
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.typein_add_lt_of_type_eq_ord {α : Type u_1} [Infinite α] [LinearOrder α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] (h : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) = ( α).ord) (x : α) (y : α) :
      Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) x + Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) y < Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1
      noncomputable def ConNF.add_of_type_eq_ord {α : Type u_1} [Infinite α] [LinearOrder α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] (h : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) = ( α).ord) :
      Add α
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        noncomputable def (α : Type u_1) [Nonempty α] (r : ααProp) [i : IsWellFounded α r] :
        Instances For
          theorem IsWellFounded.not_lt_bot (α : Type u_1) [Nonempty α] (r : ααProp) [IsWellFounded α r] (x : α) :
          theorem Ordinal.typein_eq_zero_iff {α : Type u_1} {r : ααProp} [Nonempty α] [IsWellOrder α r] {x : α} :
          Ordinal.typein r x = 0 ∀ (y : α), y xr x y
          theorem Ordinal.typein_bot {α : Type u_1} [Nonempty α] [LinearOrder α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] :
          Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) ( α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) = 0
          noncomputable def ConNF.addZeroClass_of_type_eq_ord {α : Type u_1} [Infinite α] [LinearOrder α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] (h : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) = ( α).ord) :
          Instances For
            noncomputable def ConNF.addMonoid_of_type_eq_ord {α : Type u_1} [Infinite α] [LinearOrder α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] (h : (Ordinal.type fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1) = ( α).ord) :
            Instances For
              noncomputable def ConNF.sub_of_isWellOrder {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrder α] [IsWellOrder α fun (x x_1 : α) => x < x_1] :
              Sub α
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                The smallest set of valid parameters for the model. They are instantiated in Lean's minimal universe 0.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For

                  Here, we unpack the hypotheses on Λ, κ, μ into instances that Lean can see.

                  • ConNF.instLinearOrderΛ = ConNF.Params.Λ_linearOrder
                  instance ConNF.instIsWellOrderΛLt [ConNF.Params] :
                  IsWellOrder ConNF.Λ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.Λ) => x < x_1
                  • =
                  instance ConNF.instZeroΛ [ConNF.Params] :
                  Zero ConNF.Λ
                  • ConNF.instZeroΛ = ConNF.Params.Λ_zero
                  • ConNF.instInhabitedΛ = { default := 0 }
                  • =
                  • ConNF.instSuccOrderΛ = ConNF.Params.Λ_succ
                  • =
                  • ConNF.instLinearOrderκ = ConNF.Params.κ_linearOrder
                  instance ConNF.instIsWellOrderκLt [ConNF.Params] :
                  IsWellOrder ConNF.κ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1
                  • =
                  • ConNF.instSuccOrderκ = ConNF.Params.κ_succ
                  • ConNF.instAddMonoidκ = ConNF.Params.κ_addMonoid
                  instance ConNF.instSubκ [ConNF.Params] :
                  Sub ConNF.κ
                  • ConNF.instSubκ = ConNF.Params.κ_sub
                  • ConNF.instInhabitedκ = { default := 0 }
                  • =
                  • =
                  • ConNF.instLinearOrderμ = ConNF.Params.μ_linearOrder
                  instance ConNF.instIsWellOrderμLt [ConNF.Params] :
                  IsWellOrder ConNF.μ fun (x x_1 : ConNF.μ) => x < x_1
                  • =
                  • =
                  • =
                  • =

                  The ordered structure on κ #

                  def ConNF.κ_ofNat [ConNF.Params] :
                  Instances For
                    instance ConNF.instOfNatκ [ConNF.Params] (n : ) :
                    OfNat ConNF.κ n
                    instance ConNF.instCovariantClassκHAddLe [ConNF.Params] :
                    CovariantClass ConNF.κ ConNF.κ (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x x_1
                    • =
                    instance ConNF.instCovariantClassκSwapHAddLe [ConNF.Params] :
                    CovariantClass ConNF.κ ConNF.κ (Function.swap fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x x_1
                    • =
                    instance ConNF.instContravariantClassκHAddLe [ConNF.Params] :
                    ContravariantClass ConNF.κ ConNF.κ (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x + x_1) fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x x_1
                    • =
                    theorem ConNF.κ_typein_zero [ConNF.Params] :
                    Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) 0 = 0
                    theorem ConNF.κ_le_zero_iff [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) :
                    i 0 i = 0
                    theorem ConNF.κ_not_lt_zero [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) :
                    ¬i < 0
                    theorem ConNF.κ_pos [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) :
                    0 i
                    theorem ConNF.κ_add_eq_zero_iff [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) (j : ConNF.κ) :
                    i + j = 0 i = 0 j = 0
                    theorem ConNF.κ_succ_typein [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) :
                    Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) (Order.succ i) = Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i + 1
                    theorem ConNF.κ_lt_one_iff [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) :
                    i < 1 i = 0
                    theorem ConNF.κ_le_self_add [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) (j : ConNF.κ) :
                    i i + j
                    theorem ConNF.κ_le_add_self [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) (j : ConNF.κ) :
                    i j + i
                    theorem ConNF.κ_add_sub_cancel [ConNF.Params] (i : ConNF.κ) (j : ConNF.κ) :
                    i + j - i = j
                    theorem ConNF.κ_sub_lt_iff [ConNF.Params] {i : ConNF.κ} {j : ConNF.κ} {k : ConNF.κ} (h : j i) :
                    i - j < k i < j + k
                    theorem ConNF.κ_sub_lt [ConNF.Params] {i : ConNF.κ} {j : ConNF.κ} {k : ConNF.κ} (h₁ : i < j + k) (h₂ : j i) :
                    i - j < k
                    theorem ConNF.κ_lt_sub_iff [ConNF.Params] {i : ConNF.κ} {j : ConNF.κ} {k : ConNF.κ} :
                    k < i - j j + k < i

                    Type indices #


                    Either the base type or a proper type index (an element of Λ). The base type is written .

                    Instances For

                      Since Λ is well-ordered, so is Λ together with the base type . This allows well founded recursion on type indices.

                      • ConNF.instWellFoundedRelationΛ = IsWellOrder.toHasWellFounded
                      • ConNF.instWellFoundedRelationTypeIndex = IsWellOrder.toHasWellFounded
                      theorem ConNF.mk_typeIndex [ConNF.Params] :
             ConNF.TypeIndex = ConNF.Λ

                      There are exactly Λ type indices.

                      theorem ConNF.card_Iio_lt [ConNF.Params] (x : ConNF.μ) :

                      Sets of the form {y | y < x} have cardinality < μ.

                      theorem ConNF.card_Iic_lt [ConNF.Params] (x : ConNF.μ) :

                      Sets of the form {y | y ≤ x} have cardinality < μ.