

Trees #

In this file, we define the notion of a tree on a type.

Main declarations #

def ConNF.Tree [Params] (X : Type u_1) (α : TypeIndex) :
Type (max u_1 u)

An α-tree of X associates an object of type X to each path α ↝ ⊥.

Instances For
    instance ConNF.Tree.instDerivative [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} :
    Derivative (Tree X α) (Tree X β) α β
    theorem ConNF.Tree.deriv_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) (A : α β) (B : β ) :
    (T A) B = T (A B)
    theorem ConNF.Tree.deriv_nil [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) :
    theorem ConNF.Tree.deriv_deriv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β γ : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) (A : α β) (B : β γ) :
    T A B = T (A B)
    theorem ConNF.Tree.deriv_sderiv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β γ : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
    T A h = T (A h)
    theorem ConNF.Tree.sderiv_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) (h : β < α) (B : β ) :
    (T h) B = T (B h)
    instance ConNF.Tree.instBotDerivative [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} :
    BotDerivative (Tree X α) X α
    theorem ConNF.Tree.botDeriv_eq [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) (A : α ) :
    T ⇘. A = T A
    theorem ConNF.Tree.botSderiv_eq [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} (T : Tree X α) :
    instance [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] :
    Group (Tree X α)

    The group structure on the type of α-trees of X is given by "branchwise" multiplication, given by

    theorem ConNF.Tree.one_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (A : α ) :
    1 A = 1
    theorem ConNF.Tree.one_deriv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} [Group X] (A : α β) :
    1 A = 1
    theorem ConNF.Tree.one_sderiv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} [Group X] (h : β < α) :
    1 h = 1
    theorem ConNF.Tree.one_sderivBot [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] :
    1 ↘. = 1
    theorem ConNF.Tree.mul_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T₁ T₂ : Tree X α) (A : α ) :
    (T₁ * T₂) A = T₁ A * T₂ A
    theorem ConNF.Tree.mul_deriv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T₁ T₂ : Tree X α) (A : α β) :
    (T₁ * T₂) A = T₁ A * T₂ A
    theorem ConNF.Tree.mul_sderiv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T₁ T₂ : Tree X α) (h : β < α) :
    (T₁ * T₂) h = T₁ h * T₂ h
    theorem ConNF.Tree.mul_sderivBot [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T₁ T₂ : Tree X α) :
    (T₁ * T₂) ↘. = T₁ ↘. * T₂ ↘.
    theorem ConNF.Tree.inv_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T : Tree X α) (A : α ) :
    T⁻¹ A = (T A)⁻¹
    theorem ConNF.Tree.inv_deriv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T : Tree X α) (A : α β) :
    T⁻¹ A = (T A)⁻¹
    theorem ConNF.Tree.inv_sderiv [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α β : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T : Tree X α) (h : β < α) :
    T⁻¹ h = (T h)⁻¹
    theorem ConNF.Tree.inv_sderivBot [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T : Tree X α) :
    theorem ConNF.Tree.npow_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T : Tree X α) (A : α ) (n : ) :
    (T ^ n) A = T A ^ n
    theorem ConNF.Tree.zpow_apply [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [Group X] (T : Tree X α) (A : α ) (n : ) :
    (T ^ n) A = T A ^ n

    The partial order on the type of α-trees of X is given by "branchwise" comparison.

    theorem ConNF.Tree.le_iff [Params] {X : Type u_1} {α : TypeIndex} [PartialOrder X] (T₁ T₂ : Tree X α) :
    T₁ T₂ ∀ (A : α ), T₁ A T₂ A

    Cardinality bounds on trees #