

Indices #

In this file, we create instances for various facts about comparisons between type indices, and also define extended type indices.

Main declarations #

The current level of the structure we are building. This is registered as a class so that Lean can find it easily.

  • α : ConNF.Λ
    class ConNF.LtLevel [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

    The type index β is less than our current level. This is listed as a class so that Lean can find this hypothesis without having to include the type β < α in the goal state.

    • elim : β < ConNF.α
      theorem ConNF.LtLevel.elim [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [self : ConNF.LtLevel β] :
      β < ConNF.α
      instance ConNF.instLtLevelSomeΛOfSome [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.Λ} [inst : ConNF.LtLevel (some β)] :
      • = inst
      • =
      class ConNF.LeLevel [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

      The type index β is at most our current level. This is listed as a class so that Lean can find this hypothesis without having to include the type β < α in the goal state.

      • elim : β ConNF.α
        theorem ConNF.LeLevel.elim [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [self : ConNF.LeLevel β] :
        β ConNF.α
        instance ConNF.instLeLevelSomeΛα [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] :
        ConNF.LeLevel ConNF.α
        • =
        instance ConNF.instLeLevelOfLtLevel [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LtLevel β] :
        • =
        instance ConNF.instLeLevelSomeΛOfSome [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.Λ} [inst : ConNF.LeLevel (some β)] :
        • = inst
        instance ConNF.instQuiverTypeIndex [ConNF.Params] :
        Quiver ConNF.TypeIndex

        We define the type of paths from certain types to lower types as inhabitants of this quiver.

        • ConNF.instQuiverTypeIndex = { Hom := fun (x x_1 : ConNF.TypeIndex) => x > x_1 }
        def ConNF.ExtendedIndex [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

        A (finite) path from the type α to the base type. This is a way that we can perceive extensionality, iteratively descending to lower types in the hierarchy until we reach the base type. As Λ is well-ordered, there are no infinite descending paths.

        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.le_of_path [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} :
          Quiver.Path α ββ α

          If there is a path between α and β, we must have β ≤ α. The case β = α can occur with the nil path.

          theorem ConNF.path_eq_nil [ConNF.Params] {α : ConNF.TypeIndex} (p : Quiver.Path α α) :
          p = Quiver.Path.nil

          Paths from a type index to itself must be the nil path.

          Extended indices cannot be the nil path.

          theorem ConNF.mk_extendedIndex [ConNF.Params] (α : ConNF.TypeIndex) :

          There are at most Λ α-extended type indices.

          instance ConNF.ltToHom [ConNF.Params] (β : ConNF.Λ) (γ : ConNF.Λ) :
          Coe (β < γ) (γ β)

          If β < γ, we have a path directly between the two types in the opposite order. Note that the symbol (long right arrow) is not the normal (right arrow), even though monospace fonts often display them similarly.


          There exists an α-extended type index. -