

Big operators #

In this file we prove theorems about products and sums indexed by a Finset.

theorem Finset.prod_eq_fold {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
xs, f x = fold (fun (x1 x2 : β) => x1 * x2) 1 f s
theorem Finset.sum_eq_fold {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
xs, f x = fold (fun (x1 x2 : β) => x1 + x2) 0 f s
theorem MonoidHom.coe_finset_prod {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [MulOneClass β] [CommMonoid γ] (f : αβ →* γ) (s : Finset α) :
(∏ xs, f x) = xs, (f x)
theorem AddMonoidHom.coe_finset_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddZeroClass β] [AddCommMonoid γ] (f : αβ →+ γ) (s : Finset α) :
(∑ xs, f x) = xs, (f x)
theorem MonoidHom.finset_prod_apply {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [MulOneClass β] [CommMonoid γ] (f : αβ →* γ) (s : Finset α) (b : β) :
(∏ xs, f x) b = xs, (f x) b

See also Finset.prod_apply, with the same conclusion but with the weaker hypothesis f : α → β → γ

theorem AddMonoidHom.finset_sum_apply {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddZeroClass β] [AddCommMonoid γ] (f : αβ →+ γ) (s : Finset α) (b : β) :
(∑ xs, f x) b = xs, (f x) b

See also Finset.sum_apply, with the same conclusion but with the weaker hypothesis f : α → β → γ

theorem Finset.prod_cons {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (h : as) :
xcons a s h, f x = f a * xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_cons {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (h : as) :
xcons a s h, f x = f a + xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_insert {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] :
asxinsert a s, f x = f a * xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_insert {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] :
asxinsert a s, f x = f a + xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_insert_of_eq_one_if_not_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : asf a = 1) :
xinsert a s, f x = xs, f x

The product of f over insert a s is the same as the product over s, as long as a is in s or f a = 1.

theorem Finset.sum_insert_of_eq_zero_if_not_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : asf a = 0) :
xinsert a s, f x = xs, f x

The sum of f over insert a s is the same as the sum over s, as long as a is in s or f a = 0.

theorem Finset.prod_insert_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : f a = 1) :
xinsert a s, f x = xs, f x

The product of f over insert a s is the same as the product over s, as long as f a = 1.

theorem Finset.sum_insert_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : f a = 0) :
xinsert a s, f x = xs, f x

The sum of f over insert a s is the same as the sum over s, as long as f a = 0.

theorem Finset.prod_insert_div {α : Type u_3} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {M : Type u_6} [CommGroup M] [DecidableEq α] (ha : as) {f : αM} :
(∏ xinsert a s, f x) / f a = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_insert_sub {α : Type u_3} {s : Finset α} {a : α} {M : Type u_6} [AddCommGroup M] [DecidableEq α] (ha : as) {f : αM} :
xinsert a s, f x - f a = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_singleton {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : αβ) (a : α) :
x{a}, f x = f a
theorem Finset.sum_singleton {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : αβ) (a : α) :
x{a}, f x = f a
theorem Finset.prod_pair {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {a b : α} (h : a b) :
x{a, b}, f x = f a * f b
theorem Finset.sum_pair {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {a b : α} (h : a b) :
x{a, b}, f x = f a + f b
theorem Finset.prod_image {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset γ} {g : γα} :
(∀ xs, ys, g x = g yx = y)ximage g s, f x = xs, f (g x)
theorem Finset.sum_image {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset γ} {g : γα} :
(∀ xs, ys, g x = g yx = y)ximage g s, f x = xs, f (g x)
theorem Finset.prod_attach {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
xs.attach, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_attach {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
xs.attach, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_congr {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f g : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (h : s₁ = s₂) :
(∀ xs₂, f x = g x)s₁.prod f = s₂.prod g
theorem Finset.sum_congr {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f g : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (h : s₁ = s₂) :
(∀ xs₂, f x = g x)s₁.sum f = s₂.sum g
theorem Finset.prod_eq_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {f : αβ} {s : Finset α} (h : xs, f x = 1) :
xs, f x = 1
theorem Finset.sum_eq_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {f : αβ} {s : Finset α} (h : xs, f x = 0) :
xs, f x = 0
theorem Finset.prod_disjUnion {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (h : Disjoint s₁ s₂) :
xs₁.disjUnion s₂ h, f x = (∏ xs₁, f x) * xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.sum_disjUnion {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (h : Disjoint s₁ s₂) :
xs₁.disjUnion s₂ h, f x = xs₁, f x + xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.prod_disjiUnion {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset ι) (t : ιFinset α) (h : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
xs.disjiUnion t h, f x = is, xt i, f x
theorem Finset.sum_disjiUnion {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset ι) (t : ιFinset α) (h : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
xs.disjiUnion t h, f x = is, xt i, f x
theorem Finset.prod_union_inter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] :
(∏ xs₁ s₂, f x) * xs₁ s₂, f x = (∏ xs₁, f x) * xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.sum_union_inter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] :
xs₁ s₂, f x + xs₁ s₂, f x = xs₁, f x + xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.prod_union {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : Disjoint s₁ s₂) :
xs₁ s₂, f x = (∏ xs₁, f x) * xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.sum_union {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : Disjoint s₁ s₂) :
xs₁ s₂, f x = xs₁, f x + xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.prod_filter_mul_prod_filter_not {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] [(x : α) → Decidable ¬p x] (f : αβ) :
(∏ xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x) * xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_filter_add_sum_filter_not {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] [(x : α) → Decidable ¬p x] (f : αβ) :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x + xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_filter_not_mul_prod_filter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] [(x : α) → Decidable ¬p x] (f : αβ) :
(∏ xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, f x) * xfilter p s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_filter_not_add_sum_filter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] [(x : α) → Decidable ¬p x] (f : αβ) :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, f x + xfilter p s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_filter_xor {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (p q : αProp) [DecidablePred p] [DecidablePred q] :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => Xor' (p x) (q x)) s, f x = (∏ xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x ¬q x) s, f x) * xfilter (fun (x : α) => q x ¬p x) s, f x
theorem Finset.sum_filter_xor {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (p q : αProp) [DecidablePred p] [DecidablePred q] :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => Xor' (p x) (q x)) s, f x = xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x ¬q x) s, f x + xfilter (fun (x : α) => q x ¬p x) s, f x
theorem IsCompl.prod_mul_prod {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Fintype α] [CommMonoid β] {s t : Finset α} (h : IsCompl s t) (f : αβ) :
(∏ is, f i) * it, f i = i : α, f i
theorem IsCompl.sum_add_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Fintype α] [AddCommMonoid β] {s t : Finset α} (h : IsCompl s t) (f : αβ) :
is, f i + it, f i = i : α, f i
theorem Finset.prod_mul_prod_compl {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∏ is, f i) * is, f i = i : α, f i

Multiplying the products of a function over s and over sᶜ gives the whole product. For a version expressed with subtypes, see Fintype.prod_subtype_mul_prod_subtype.

theorem Finset.sum_add_sum_compl {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
is, f i + is, f i = i : α, f i

Adding the sums of a function over s and over sᶜ gives the whole sum. For a version expressed with subtypes, see Fintype.sum_subtype_add_sum_subtype.

theorem Finset.prod_compl_mul_prod {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∏ is, f i) * is, f i = i : α, f i
theorem Finset.sum_compl_add_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
is, f i + is, f i = i : α, f i
theorem Finset.prod_sdiff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : s₁ s₂) :
(∏ xs₂ \ s₁, f x) * xs₁, f x = xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.sum_sdiff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : s₁ s₂) :
xs₂ \ s₁, f x + xs₁, f x = xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.prod_subset_one_on_sdiff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f g : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : s₁ s₂) (hg : xs₂ \ s₁, g x = 1) (hfg : xs₁, f x = g x) :
is₁, f i = is₂, g i
theorem Finset.sum_subset_zero_on_sdiff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f g : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (h : s₁ s₂) (hg : xs₂ \ s₁, g x = 0) (hfg : xs₁, f x = g x) :
is₁, f i = is₂, g i
theorem Finset.prod_subset {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (h : s₁ s₂) (hf : xs₂, xs₁f x = 1) :
xs₁, f x = xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.sum_subset {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (h : s₁ s₂) (hf : xs₂, xs₁f x = 0) :
xs₁, f x = xs₂, f x
theorem Finset.prod_disj_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (t : Finset γ) (f : α γβ) :
xs.disjSum t, f x = (∏ xs, f (Sum.inl x)) * xt, f (Sum.inr x)
theorem Finset.sum_disj_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (t : Finset γ) (f : α γβ) :
xs.disjSum t, f x = xs, f (Sum.inl x) + xt, f (Sum.inr x)
theorem Finset.prod_sum_eq_prod_toLeft_mul_prod_toRight {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset (α γ)) (f : α γβ) :
xs, f x = (∏ xs.toLeft, f (Sum.inl x)) * xs.toRight, f (Sum.inr x)
theorem Finset.sum_sum_eq_sum_toLeft_add_sum_toRight {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset (α γ)) (f : α γβ) :
xs, f x = xs.toLeft, f (Sum.inl x) + xs.toRight, f (Sum.inr x)
theorem Finset.prod_sumElim {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (t : Finset γ) (f : αβ) (g : γβ) :
xs.disjSum t, Sum.elim f g x = (∏ xs, f x) * xt, g x
theorem Finset.sum_sumElim {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (t : Finset γ) (f : αβ) (g : γβ) :
xs.disjSum t, Sum.elim f g x = xs, f x + xt, g x
@[deprecated Finset.prod_sumElim (since := "2025-02-20")]
theorem Finset.prod_sum_elim {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (t : Finset γ) (f : αβ) (g : γβ) :
xs.disjSum t, Sum.elim f g x = (∏ xs, f x) * xt, g x

Alias of Finset.prod_sumElim.

@[deprecated Finset.sum_sumElim (since := "2025-02-20")]
theorem Finset.sum_sum_elim {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (t : Finset γ) (f : αβ) (g : γβ) :
xs.disjSum t, Sum.elim f g x = xs, f x + xt, g x

Alias of Finset.sum_sumElim.

theorem Finset.prod_biUnion {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset γ} {t : γFinset α} (hs : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
xs.biUnion t, f x = xs, it x, f i
theorem Finset.sum_biUnion {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset γ} {t : γFinset α} (hs : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
xs.biUnion t, f x = xs, it x, f i
theorem Finset.prod_of_injOn {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {t : Finset κ} {f : ια} {g : κα} (e : ικ) (he : Set.InjOn e s) (hest : Set.MapsTo e s t) (h' : it, ie '' sg i = 1) (h : is, f i = g (e i)) :
is, f i = jt, g j
theorem Finset.sum_of_injOn {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {t : Finset κ} {f : ια} {g : κα} (e : ικ) (he : Set.InjOn e s) (hest : Set.MapsTo e s t) (h' : it, ie '' sg i = 0) (h : is, f i = g (e i)) :
is, f i = jt, g j
theorem Finset.prod_fiberwise_eq_prod_filter {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (s : Finset ι) (t : Finset κ) (g : ικ) (f : ια) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f i = ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i t) s, f i
theorem Finset.sum_fiberwise_eq_sum_filter {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (s : Finset ι) (t : Finset κ) (g : ικ) (f : ια) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f i = ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i t) s, f i
theorem Finset.prod_fiberwise_eq_prod_filter' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (s : Finset ι) (t : Finset κ) (g : ικ) (f : κα) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f j = ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i t) s, f (g i)
theorem Finset.sum_fiberwise_eq_sum_filter' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (s : Finset ι) (t : Finset κ) (g : ικ) (f : κα) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f j = ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i t) s, f (g i)
theorem Finset.prod_fiberwise_of_maps_to {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {t : Finset κ} [DecidableEq κ] {g : ικ} (h : is, g i t) (f : ια) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.sum_fiberwise_of_maps_to {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {t : Finset κ} [DecidableEq κ] {g : ικ} (h : is, g i t) (f : ια) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.prod_fiberwise_of_maps_to' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {t : Finset κ} [DecidableEq κ] {g : ικ} (h : is, g i t) (f : κα) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f j = is, f (g i)
theorem Finset.sum_fiberwise_of_maps_to' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {t : Finset κ} [DecidableEq κ] {g : ικ} (h : is, g i t) (f : κα) :
jt, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f j = is, f (g i)
theorem Finset.prod_fiberwise {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] [Fintype κ] (s : Finset ι) (g : ικ) (f : ια) :
j : κ, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.sum_fiberwise {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] [Fintype κ] (s : Finset ι) (g : ικ) (f : ια) :
j : κ, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.prod_fiberwise' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] [Fintype κ] (s : Finset ι) (g : ικ) (f : κα) :
j : κ, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f j = is, f (g i)
theorem Finset.sum_fiberwise' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] [Fintype κ] (s : Finset ι) (g : ικ) (f : κα) :
j : κ, ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s, f j = is, f (g i)
theorem Finset.prod_diag {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : α × αβ) :
is.diag, f i = is, f (i, i)
theorem Finset.sum_diag {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : α × αβ) :
is.diag, f i = is, f (i, i)
theorem Finset.prod_image' {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset ι} {g : ια} (h : ιβ) (eq : is, f (g i) = jfilter (fun (j : ι) => g j = g i) s, h j) :
aimage g s, f a = is, h i
theorem Finset.sum_image' {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset ι} {g : ια} (h : ιβ) (eq : is, f (g i) = jfilter (fun (j : ι) => g j = g i) s, h j) :
aimage g s, f a = is, h i
theorem Finset.prod_mul_distrib {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f g : αβ} [CommMonoid β] :
xs, f x * g x = (∏ xs, f x) * xs, g x
theorem Finset.sum_add_distrib {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f g : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] :
xs, (f x + g x) = xs, f x + xs, g x
theorem Finset.prod_mul_prod_comm {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] (f g h i : αβ) :
(∏ as, f a * g a) * as, h a * i a = (∏ as, f a * h a) * as, g a * i a
theorem Finset.sum_add_sum_comm {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] (f g h i : αβ) :
as, (f a + g a) + as, (h a + i a) = as, (f a + h a) + as, (g a + i a)
theorem Finset.prod_filter_of_ne {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} [DecidablePred p] (hp : xs, f x 1p x) :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_filter_of_ne {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} [DecidablePred p] (hp : xs, f x 0p x) :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_filter_ne_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) [(x : α) → Decidable (f x 1)] :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => f x 1) s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_filter_ne_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) [(x : α) → Decidable (f x 0)] :
xfilter (fun (x : α) => f x 0) s, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_filter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] (f : αβ) :
afilter (fun (a : α) => p a) s, f a = as, if p a then f a else 1
theorem Finset.sum_filter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] (f : αβ) :
afilter (fun (a : α) => p a) s, f a = as, if p a then f a else 0
theorem Finset.prod_eq_single_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a : α) (h : a s) (h₀ : bs, b af b = 1) :
xs, f x = f a
theorem Finset.sum_eq_single_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a : α) (h : a s) (h₀ : bs, b af b = 0) :
xs, f x = f a
theorem Finset.prod_eq_single {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a : α) (h₀ : bs, b af b = 1) (h₁ : asf a = 1) :
xs, f x = f a
theorem Finset.sum_eq_single {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a : α) (h₀ : bs, b af b = 0) (h₁ : asf a = 0) :
xs, f x = f a
theorem Finset.prod_union_eq_left {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (hs : as₂, as₁f a = 1) :
as₁ s₂, f a = as₁, f a
theorem Finset.sum_union_eq_left {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (hs : as₂, as₁f a = 0) :
as₁ s₂, f a = as₁, f a
theorem Finset.prod_union_eq_right {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (hs : as₁, as₂f a = 1) :
as₁ s₂, f a = as₂, f a
theorem Finset.sum_union_eq_right {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (hs : as₁, as₂f a = 0) :
as₁ s₂, f a = as₂, f a
theorem Finset.prod_eq_mul_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a b : α) (ha : a s) (hb : b s) (hn : a b) (h₀ : cs, c a c bf c = 1) :
xs, f x = f a * f b
theorem Finset.sum_eq_add_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a b : α) (ha : a s) (hb : b s) (hn : a b) (h₀ : cs, c a c bf c = 0) :
xs, f x = f a + f b
theorem Finset.prod_eq_mul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a b : α) (hn : a b) (h₀ : cs, c a c bf c = 1) (ha : asf a = 1) (hb : bsf b = 1) :
xs, f x = f a * f b
theorem Finset.sum_eq_add {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} (a b : α) (hn : a b) (h₀ : cs, c a c bf c = 0) (ha : asf a = 0) (hb : bsf b = 0) :
xs, f x = f a + f b
theorem Finset.prod_subtype_eq_prod_filter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] (f : αβ) {p : αProp} [DecidablePred p] :
xFinset.subtype p s, f x = xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x

A product over s.subtype p equals one over {x ∈ s | p x}.

theorem Finset.sum_subtype_eq_sum_filter {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : αβ) {p : αProp} [DecidablePred p] :
xFinset.subtype p s, f x = xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x

A sum over s.subtype p equals one over {x ∈ s | p x}.

theorem Finset.prod_subtype_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] (f : αβ) {p : αProp} [DecidablePred p] (h : xs, p x) :
xFinset.subtype p s, f x = xs, f x

If all elements of a Finset satisfy the predicate p, a product over s.subtype p equals that product over s.

theorem Finset.sum_subtype_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : αβ) {p : αProp} [DecidablePred p] (h : xs, p x) :
xFinset.subtype p s, f x = xs, f x

If all elements of a Finset satisfy the predicate p, a sum over s.subtype p equals that sum over s.

theorem Finset.prod_subtype_map_embedding {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {s : Finset { x : α // p x }} {f : { x : α // p x }β} {g : αβ} (h : xs, g x = f x) :
xmap (Function.Embedding.subtype fun (x : α) => p x) s, g x = xs, f x

A product of a function over a Finset in a subtype equals a product in the main type of a function that agrees with the first function on that Finset.

theorem Finset.sum_subtype_map_embedding {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {s : Finset { x : α // p x }} {f : { x : α // p x }β} {g : αβ} (h : xs, g x = f x) :
xmap (Function.Embedding.subtype fun (x : α) => p x) s, g x = xs, f x

A sum of a function over a Finset in a subtype equals a sum in the main type of a function that agrees with the first function on that Finset.

theorem Finset.prod_coe_sort {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) [CommMonoid β] :
i : { x : α // x s }, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.sum_coe_sort {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) [AddCommMonoid β] :
i : { x : α // x s }, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.prod_finset_coe {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : αβ) (s : Finset α) :
i : s, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.sum_finset_coe {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : αβ) (s : Finset α) :
i : s, f i = is, f i
theorem Finset.prod_subtype {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {F : Fintype (Subtype p)} (s : Finset α) (h : ∀ (x : α), x s p x) (f : αβ) :
as, f a = a : Subtype p, f a
theorem Finset.sum_subtype {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {F : Fintype (Subtype p)} (s : Finset α) (h : ∀ (x : α), x s p x) (f : αβ) :
as, f a = a : Subtype p, f a
theorem Finset.prod_set_coe {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (s : Set α) [Fintype s] :
i : s, f i = is.toFinset, f i
theorem Finset.sum_set_coe {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Set α) [Fintype s] :
i : s, f i = is.toFinset, f i
theorem Finset.prod_congr_set {α : Type u_6} [CommMonoid α] {β : Type u_7} [Fintype β] (s : Set β) [DecidablePred fun (x : β) => x s] (f : βα) (g : sα) (w : ∀ (x : β) (h : x s), f x = g x, h) (w' : xs, f x = 1) :

The product of a function g defined only on a set s is equal to the product of a function f defined everywhere, as long as f and g agree on s, and f = 1 off s.

theorem Finset.sum_congr_set {α : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid α] {β : Type u_7} [Fintype β] (s : Set β) [DecidablePred fun (x : β) => x s] (f : βα) (g : sα) (w : ∀ (x : β) (h : x s), f x = g x, h) (w' : xs, f x = 0) :

The sum of a function g defined only on a set s is equal to the sum of a function f defined everywhere, as long as f and g agree on s, and f = 0 off s.

theorem Finset.prod_apply_dite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} [DecidablePred fun (x : α) => ¬p x] (f : (x : α) → p xγ) (g : (x : α) → ¬p xγ) (h : γβ) :
xs, h (if hx : p x then f x hx else g x hx) = (∏ x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => p x) s }, h (f x )) * x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s }, h (g x )
theorem Finset.sum_apply_dite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} [DecidablePred fun (x : α) => ¬p x] (f : (x : α) → p xγ) (g : (x : α) → ¬p xγ) (h : γβ) :
xs, h (if hx : p x then f x hx else g x hx) = x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => p x) s }, h (f x ) + x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s }, h (g x )
theorem Finset.prod_apply_ite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {_hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αγ) (h : γβ) :
xs, h (if p x then f x else g x) = (∏ xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, h (f x)) * xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, h (g x)
theorem Finset.sum_apply_ite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {_hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αγ) (h : γβ) :
xs, h (if p x then f x else g x) = xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, h (f x) + xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, h (g x)
theorem Finset.prod_dite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f : (x : α) → p xβ) (g : (x : α) → ¬p xβ) :
(∏ xs, if hx : p x then f x hx else g x hx) = (∏ x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => p x) s }, f x ) * x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s }, g x
theorem Finset.sum_dite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f : (x : α) → p xβ) (g : (x : α) → ¬p xβ) :
(∑ xs, if hx : p x then f x hx else g x hx) = x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => p x) s }, f x + x : { x : α // x filter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s }, g x
theorem Finset.prod_ite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αβ) :
(∏ xs, if p x then f x else g x) = (∏ xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x) * xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, g x
theorem Finset.sum_ite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αβ) :
(∑ xs, if p x then f x else g x) = xfilter (fun (x : α) => p x) s, f x + xfilter (fun (x : α) => ¬p x) s, g x
theorem Finset.prod_dite_of_false {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : is, ¬p i) (f : (i : α) → p iβ) (g : (i : α) → ¬p iβ) :
(∏ is, if hi : p i then f i hi else g i hi) = i : { x : α // x s }, g i
theorem Finset.sum_dite_of_false {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : is, ¬p i) (f : (i : α) → p iβ) (g : (i : α) → ¬p iβ) :
(∑ is, if hi : p i then f i hi else g i hi) = i : { x : α // x s }, g i
theorem Finset.prod_ite_of_false {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : xs, ¬p x) (f g : αβ) :
(∏ xs, if p x then f x else g x) = xs, g x
theorem Finset.sum_ite_of_false {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : xs, ¬p x) (f g : αβ) :
(∑ xs, if p x then f x else g x) = xs, g x
theorem Finset.prod_dite_of_true {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : is, p i) (f : (i : α) → p iβ) (g : (i : α) → ¬p iβ) :
(∏ is, if hi : p i then f i hi else g i hi) = i : { x : α // x s }, f i
theorem Finset.sum_dite_of_true {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : is, p i) (f : (i : α) → p iβ) (g : (i : α) → ¬p iβ) :
(∑ is, if hi : p i then f i hi else g i hi) = i : { x : α // x s }, f i
theorem Finset.prod_ite_of_true {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : xs, p x) (f g : αβ) :
(∏ xs, if p x then f x else g x) = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_ite_of_true {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {x✝ : DecidablePred p} (h : xs, p x) (f g : αβ) :
(∑ xs, if p x then f x else g x) = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_apply_ite_of_false {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αγ) (k : γβ) (h : xs, ¬p x) :
xs, k (if p x then f x else g x) = xs, k (g x)
theorem Finset.sum_apply_ite_of_false {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αγ) (k : γβ) (h : xs, ¬p x) :
xs, k (if p x then f x else g x) = xs, k (g x)
theorem Finset.prod_apply_ite_of_true {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αγ) (k : γβ) (h : xs, p x) :
xs, k (if p x then f x else g x) = xs, k (f x)
theorem Finset.sum_apply_ite_of_true {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] {p : αProp} {hp : DecidablePred p} (f g : αγ) (k : γβ) (h : xs, p x) :
xs, k (if p x then f x else g x) = xs, k (f x)
theorem Finset.prod_extend_by_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∏ is, if i s then f i else 1) = is, f i
theorem Finset.sum_extend_by_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∑ is, if i s then f i else 0) = is, f i
theorem Finset.prod_eq_prod_extend {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] (f : { x : α // x s }β) :
x : { x : α // x s }, f x = xs, Function.extend Subtype.val f 1 x
theorem Finset.sum_eq_sum_extend {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : { x : α // x s }β) :
x : { x : α // x s }, f x = xs, Function.extend Subtype.val f 0 x
theorem Finset.prod_ite_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s t : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∏ is, if i t then f i else 1) = is t, f i
theorem Finset.sum_ite_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s t : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∑ is, if i t then f i else 0) = is t, f i
theorem Finset.prod_attach_eq_prod_dite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [Fintype α] (s : Finset α) (f : { x : α // x s }β) [DecidablePred fun (x : α) => x s] :
is.attach, f i = i : α, if h : i s then f i, h else 1
theorem Finset.sum_attach_eq_sum_dite {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [Fintype α] (s : Finset α) (f : { x : α // x s }β) [DecidablePred fun (x : α) => x s] :
is.attach, f i = i : α, if h : i s then f i, h else 0
theorem Finset.prod_dite_eq {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : (x : α) → a = xβ) :
(∏ xs, if h : a = x then b x h else 1) = if a s then b a else 1
theorem Finset.sum_dite_eq {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : (x : α) → a = xβ) :
(∑ xs, if h : a = x then b x h else 0) = if a s then b a else 0
theorem Finset.prod_dite_eq' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : (x : α) → x = aβ) :
(∏ xs, if h : x = a then b x h else 1) = if a s then b a else 1
theorem Finset.sum_dite_eq' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : (x : α) → x = aβ) :
(∑ xs, if h : x = a then b x h else 0) = if a s then b a else 0
theorem Finset.prod_ite_eq {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) :
(∏ xs, if a = x then b x else 1) = if a s then b a else 1
theorem Finset.sum_ite_eq {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) :
(∑ xs, if a = x then b x else 0) = if a s then b a else 0
theorem Finset.prod_ite_eq' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) :
(∏ xs, if x = a then b x else 1) = if a s then b a else 1

A product taken over a conditional whose condition is an equality test on the index and whose alternative is 1 has value either the term at that index or 1.

The difference with Finset.prod_ite_eq is that the arguments to Eq are swapped.

theorem Finset.sum_ite_eq' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) :
(∑ xs, if x = a then b x else 0) = if a s then b a else 0

A sum taken over a conditional whose condition is an equality test on the index and whose alternative is 0 has value either the term at that index or 0.

The difference with Finset.sum_ite_eq is that the arguments to Eq are swapped.

theorem Finset.prod_ite_eq_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) (h : a s) :
(∏ xs, if a = x then b x else 1) = b a
theorem Finset.sum_ite_eq_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) (h : a s) :
(∑ xs, if a = x then b x else 0) = b a
theorem Finset.prod_ite_eq_of_mem' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) (h : a s) :
(∏ xs, if x = a then b x else 1) = b a

The difference with Finset.prod_ite_eq_of_mem is that the arguments to Eq are swapped.

theorem Finset.sum_ite_eq_of_mem' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (a : α) (b : αβ) (h : a s) :
(∑ xs, if x = a then b x else 0) = b a
theorem Finset.prod_pi_mulSingle' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (x : β) (s : Finset α) :
a's, Pi.mulSingle a x a' = if a s then x else 1
theorem Finset.sum_pi_single' {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (x : β) (s : Finset α) :
a's, Pi.single a x a' = if a s then x else 0
theorem Finset.prod_pi_mulSingle {α : Type u_3} {β : αType u_6} [DecidableEq α] [(a : α) → CommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (f : (a : α) → β a) (s : Finset α) :
a's, Pi.mulSingle a' (f a') a = if a s then f a else 1
theorem Finset.sum_pi_single {α : Type u_3} {β : αType u_6} [DecidableEq α] [(a : α) → AddCommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (f : (a : α) → β a) (s : Finset α) :
a's, Pi.single a' (f a') a = if a s then f a else 0
theorem Finset.mulSupport_prod {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιαβ) :
(Function.mulSupport fun (x : α) => is, f i x) is, Function.mulSupport (f i)
theorem Finset.support_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιαβ) :
( fun (x : α) => is, f i x) is, (f i)
theorem Finset.prod_mulIndicator_subset_of_eq_one {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [One α] (f : ια) (g : ιαβ) {s t : Finset ι} (h : s t) (hg : ∀ (a : ι), g a 1 = 1) :
it, g i ((↑s).mulIndicator f i) = is, g i (f i)

Consider a product of g i (f i) over a finset. Suppose g is a function such as n ↦ (· ^ n), which maps a second argument of 1 to 1. Then if f is replaced by the corresponding multiplicative indicator function, the finset may be replaced by a possibly larger finset without changing the value of the product.

theorem Finset.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [Zero α] (f : ια) (g : ιαβ) {s t : Finset ι} (h : s t) (hg : ∀ (a : ι), g a 0 = 0) :
it, g i ((↑s).indicator f i) = is, g i (f i)

Consider a sum of g i (f i) over a finset. Suppose g is a function such as n ↦ (n • ·), which maps a second argument of 0 to 0 (or a weighted sum of f i * h i or f i • h i, where f gives the weights that are multiplied by some other function h). Then if f is replaced by the corresponding indicator function, the finset may be replaced by a possibly larger finset without changing the value of the sum.

theorem Finset.prod_mulIndicator_subset {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : ιβ) {s t : Finset ι} (h : s t) :
it, (↑s).mulIndicator f i = is, f i

Taking the product of an indicator function over a possibly larger finset is the same as taking the original function over the original finset.

theorem Finset.sum_indicator_subset {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : ιβ) {s t : Finset ι} (h : s t) :
it, (↑s).indicator f i = is, f i

Summing an indicator function over a possibly larger Finset is the same as summing the original function over the original finset.

theorem Finset.prod_mulIndicator_eq_prod_filter {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_6} (s : Finset ι) (f : ικβ) (t : ιSet κ) (g : ικ) [DecidablePred fun (i : ι) => g i t i] :
is, (t i).mulIndicator (f i) (g i) = ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i t i) s, f i (g i)
theorem Finset.sum_indicator_eq_sum_filter {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_6} (s : Finset ι) (f : ικβ) (t : ιSet κ) (g : ικ) [DecidablePred fun (i : ι) => g i t i] :
is, (t i).indicator (f i) (g i) = ifilter (fun (i : ι) => g i t i) s, f i (g i)
theorem Finset.prod_mulIndicator_eq_prod_inter {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq ι] (s t : Finset ι) (f : ιβ) :
is, (↑t).mulIndicator f i = is t, f i
theorem Finset.sum_indicator_eq_sum_inter {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq ι] (s t : Finset ι) (f : ιβ) :
is, (↑t).indicator f i = is t, f i
theorem Finset.mulIndicator_prod {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_6} (s : Finset ι) (t : Set κ) (f : ικβ) :
t.mulIndicator (∏ is, f i) = is, t.mulIndicator (f i)
theorem Finset.indicator_sum {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_6} (s : Finset ι) (t : Set κ) (f : ικβ) :
t.indicator (∑ is, f i) = is, t.indicator (f i)
theorem Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_7} (s : Finset ι) (t : ιSet κ) {f : κβ} (hs : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
(⋃ is, t i).mulIndicator f = fun (a : κ) => is, (t i).mulIndicator f a
theorem Finset.indicator_biUnion {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_7} (s : Finset ι) (t : ιSet κ) {f : κβ} (hs : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
(⋃ is, t i).indicator f = fun (a : κ) => is, (t i).indicator f a
theorem Finset.mulIndicator_biUnion_apply {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_7} (s : Finset ι) (t : ιSet κ) {f : κβ} (h : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) (x : κ) :
(⋃ is, t i).mulIndicator f x = is, (t i).mulIndicator f x
theorem Finset.indicator_biUnion_apply {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {κ : Type u_7} (s : Finset ι) (t : ιSet κ) {f : κβ} (h : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) (x : κ) :
(⋃ is, t i).indicator f x = is, (t i).indicator f x
theorem Finset.prod_bij_ne_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {t : Finset γ} {f : αβ} {g : γβ} (i : (a : α) → a sf a 1γ) (hi : ∀ (a : α) (h₁ : a s) (h₂ : f a 1), i a h₁ h₂ t) (i_inj : ∀ (a₁ : α) (h₁₁ : a₁ s) (h₁₂ : f a₁ 1) (a₂ : α) (h₂₁ : a₂ s) (h₂₂ : f a₂ 1), i a₁ h₁₁ h₁₂ = i a₂ h₂₁ h₂₂a₁ = a₂) (i_surj : bt, g b 1∃ (a : α) (h₁ : a s) (h₂ : f a 1), i a h₁ h₂ = b) (h : ∀ (a : α) (h₁ : a s) (h₂ : f a 1), f a = g (i a h₁ h₂)) :
xs, f x = xt, g x
theorem Finset.sum_bij_ne_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {t : Finset γ} {f : αβ} {g : γβ} (i : (a : α) → a sf a 0γ) (hi : ∀ (a : α) (h₁ : a s) (h₂ : f a 0), i a h₁ h₂ t) (i_inj : ∀ (a₁ : α) (h₁₁ : a₁ s) (h₁₂ : f a₁ 0) (a₂ : α) (h₂₁ : a₂ s) (h₂₂ : f a₂ 0), i a₁ h₁₁ h₁₂ = i a₂ h₂₁ h₂₂a₁ = a₂) (i_surj : bt, g b 0∃ (a : α) (h₁ : a s) (h₂ : f a 0), i a h₁ h₂ = b) (h : ∀ (a : α) (h₁ : a s) (h₂ : f a 0), f a = g (i a h₁ h₂)) :
xs, f x = xt, g x
theorem Finset.exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (h : xs, f x 1) :
as, f a 1
theorem Finset.exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (h : xs, f x 0) :
as, f a 0
theorem Finset.prod_range_succ_comm {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : β) (n : ) :
xrange (n + 1), f x = f n * xrange n, f x
theorem Finset.sum_range_succ_comm {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : β) (n : ) :
xrange (n + 1), f x = f n + xrange n, f x
theorem Finset.prod_range_succ {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : β) (n : ) :
xrange (n + 1), f x = (∏ xrange n, f x) * f n
theorem Finset.sum_range_succ {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : β) (n : ) :
xrange (n + 1), f x = xrange n, f x + f n
theorem Finset.prod_range_succ' {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : β) (n : ) :
krange (n + 1), f k = (∏ krange n, f (k + 1)) * f 0
theorem Finset.sum_range_succ' {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : β) (n : ) :
krange (n + 1), f k = krange n, f (k + 1) + f 0
theorem Finset.eventually_constant_prod {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {u : β} {N : } (hu : nN, u n = 1) {n : } (hn : N n) :
krange n, u k = krange N, u k
theorem Finset.eventually_constant_sum {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {u : β} {N : } (hu : nN, u n = 0) {n : } (hn : N n) :
krange n, u k = krange N, u k
theorem Finset.prod_range_add {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : β) (n m : ) :
xrange (n + m), f x = (∏ xrange n, f x) * xrange m, f (n + x)
theorem Finset.sum_range_add {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : β) (n m : ) :
xrange (n + m), f x = xrange n, f x + xrange m, f (n + x)
theorem Finset.prod_range_add_div_prod_range {α : Type u_6} [CommGroup α] (f : α) (n m : ) :
(∏ krange (n + m), f k) / krange n, f k = krange m, f (n + k)
theorem Finset.sum_range_add_sub_sum_range {α : Type u_6} [AddCommGroup α] (f : α) (n m : ) :
krange (n + m), f k - krange n, f k = krange m, f (n + k)
theorem Finset.prod_range_one {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : β) :
krange 1, f k = f 0
theorem Finset.sum_range_one {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : β) :
krange 1, f k = f 0
theorem Finset.prod_list_map_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) {M : Type u_6} [CommMonoid M] (f : αM) :
( f l).prod = ml.toFinset, f m ^ List.count m l
theorem Finset.sum_list_map_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) {M : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid M] (f : αM) :
( f l).sum = ml.toFinset, List.count m l f m
theorem Finset.prod_list_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid α] (s : List α) : = ms.toFinset, m ^ List.count m s
theorem Finset.sum_list_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid α] (s : List α) :
s.sum = ms.toFinset, List.count m s m
theorem Finset.prod_list_count_of_subset {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid α] (m : List α) (s : Finset α) (hs : m.toFinset s) : = is, i ^ List.count i m
theorem Finset.sum_list_count_of_subset {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid α] (m : List α) (s : Finset α) (hs : m.toFinset s) :
m.sum = is, List.count i m i
theorem Finset.prod_multiset_map_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (s : Multiset α) {M : Type u_6} [CommMonoid M] (f : αM) :
( f s).prod = ms.toFinset, f m ^ Multiset.count m s
theorem Finset.sum_multiset_map_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (s : Multiset α) {M : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid M] (f : αM) :
( f s).sum = ms.toFinset, Multiset.count m s f m
theorem Finset.prod_multiset_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid α] (s : Multiset α) : = ms.toFinset, m ^ Multiset.count m s
theorem Finset.sum_multiset_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid α] (s : Multiset α) :
s.sum = ms.toFinset, Multiset.count m s m
theorem Finset.prod_multiset_count_of_subset {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid α] (m : Multiset α) (s : Finset α) (hs : m.toFinset s) : = is, i ^ Multiset.count i m
theorem Finset.sum_multiset_count_of_subset {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid α] (m : Multiset α) (s : Finset α) (hs : m.toFinset s) :
m.sum = is, Multiset.count i m i
theorem Finset.prod_range_induction {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f s : β) (base : s 0 = 1) (step : ∀ (n : ), s (n + 1) = s n * f n) (n : ) :
krange n, f k = s n

For any product along {0, ..., n - 1} of a commutative-monoid-valued function, we can verify that it's equal to a different function just by checking ratios of adjacent terms.

This is a multiplicative discrete analogue of the fundamental theorem of calculus.

theorem Finset.sum_range_induction {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (f s : β) (base : s 0 = 0) (step : ∀ (n : ), s (n + 1) = s n + f n) (n : ) :
krange n, f k = s n

For any sum along {0, ..., n - 1} of a commutative-monoid-valued function, we can verify that it's equal to a different function just by checking differences of adjacent terms.

This is a discrete analogue of the fundamental theorem of calculus.

theorem Finset.prod_range_div {M : Type u_6} [CommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
irange n, f (i + 1) / f i = f n / f 0

A telescoping product along {0, ..., n - 1} of a commutative group valued function reduces to the ratio of the last and first factors.

theorem Finset.sum_range_sub {M : Type u_6} [AddCommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
irange n, (f (i + 1) - f i) = f n - f 0

A telescoping sum along {0, ..., n - 1} of an additive commutative group valued function reduces to the difference of the last and first terms.

theorem Finset.prod_range_div' {M : Type u_6} [CommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
irange n, f i / f (i + 1) = f 0 / f n
theorem Finset.sum_range_sub' {M : Type u_6} [AddCommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
irange n, (f i - f (i + 1)) = f 0 - f n
theorem Finset.eq_prod_range_div {M : Type u_6} [CommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
f n = f 0 * irange n, f (i + 1) / f i
theorem Finset.eq_sum_range_sub {M : Type u_6} [AddCommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
f n = f 0 + irange n, (f (i + 1) - f i)
theorem Finset.eq_prod_range_div' {M : Type u_6} [CommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
f n = irange (n + 1), if i = 0 then f 0 else f i / f (i - 1)
theorem Finset.eq_sum_range_sub' {M : Type u_6} [AddCommGroup M] (f : M) (n : ) :
f n = irange (n + 1), if i = 0 then f 0 else f i - f (i - 1)
theorem Finset.sum_range_tsub {α : Type u_3} [AddCommMonoid α] [PartialOrder α] [Sub α] [OrderedSub α] [AddLeftMono α] [AddLeftReflectLE α] [ExistsAddOfLE α] {f : α} (h : Monotone f) (n : ) :
irange n, (f (i + 1) - f i) = f n - f 0

A telescoping sum along {0, ..., n-1} of an -valued function reduces to the difference of the last and first terms when the function we are summing is monotone.

theorem Finset.sum_tsub_distrib {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} [AddCommMonoid α] [PartialOrder α] [ExistsAddOfLE α] [CovariantClass α α (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 + x2) fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 x2] [ContravariantClass α α (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 + x2) fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 x2] [Sub α] [OrderedSub α] (s : Finset ι) {f g : ια} (hfg : xs, g x f x) :
xs, (f x - g x) = xs, f x - xs, g x
theorem Finset.prod_const {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] (b : β) :
_xs, b = b ^ s.card
theorem Finset.sum_const {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] (b : β) :
_xs, b = s.card b
theorem Finset.prod_eq_pow_card {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] {b : β} (hf : as, f a = b) :
as, f a = b ^ s.card
theorem Finset.sum_eq_card_nsmul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] {b : β} (hf : as, f a = b) :
as, f a = s.card b
theorem Finset.pow_card_mul_prod {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] {b : β} :
b ^ s.card * as, f a = as, b * f a
theorem Finset.card_nsmul_add_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] {b : β} :
s.card b + as, f a = as, (b + f a)
theorem Finset.prod_mul_pow_card {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] {b : β} :
(∏ as, f a) * b ^ s.card = as, f a * b
theorem Finset.sum_add_card_nsmul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] {b : β} :
as, f a + s.card b = as, (f a + b)
theorem Finset.pow_eq_prod_const {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (b : β) (n : ) :
b ^ n = _krange n, b
theorem Finset.nsmul_eq_sum_const {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (b : β) (n : ) :
n b = _krange n, b
theorem Finset.prod_pow_eq_pow_sum {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset ι) (f : ι) (a : β) :
is, a ^ f i = a ^ is, f i
theorem Finset.sum_nsmul_assoc {ι : Type u_1} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset ι) (f : ι) (a : β) :
is, f i a = (∑ is, f i) a
theorem Finset.prod_flip {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {n : } (f : β) :
rrange (n + 1), f (n - r) = krange (n + 1), f k
theorem Finset.sum_flip {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {n : } (f : β) :
rrange (n + 1), f (n - r) = krange (n + 1), f k
theorem Finset.prod_involution {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (g : (a : α) → a sα) (hg₁ : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), f a * f (g a ha) = 1) (hg₃ : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), f a 1g a ha a) (g_mem : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), g a ha s) (hg₄ : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), g (g a ha) = a) :
xs, f x = 1

The difference with Finset.prod_ninvolution is that the involution is allowed to use membership of the domain of the product, rather than being a non-dependent function.

theorem Finset.sum_involution {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (g : (a : α) → a sα) (hg₁ : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), f a + f (g a ha) = 0) (hg₃ : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), f a 0g a ha a) (g_mem : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), g a ha s) (hg₄ : ∀ (a : α) (ha : a s), g (g a ha) = a) :
xs, f x = 0

The difference with Finset.sum_ninvolution is that the involution is allowed to use membership of the domain of the sum, rather than being a non-dependent function.

theorem Finset.prod_ninvolution {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (g : αα) (hg₁ : ∀ (a : α), f a * f (g a) = 1) (hg₂ : ∀ (a : α), f a 1g a a) (g_mem : ∀ (a : α), g a s) (hg₃ : ∀ (a : α), g (g a) = a) :
xs, f x = 1

The difference with Finset.prod_involution is that the involution is a non-dependent function, rather than being allowed to use membership of the domain of the product.

theorem Finset.sum_ninvolution {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (g : αα) (hg₁ : ∀ (a : α), f a + f (g a) = 0) (hg₂ : ∀ (a : α), f a 0g a a) (g_mem : ∀ (a : α), g a s) (hg₃ : ∀ (a : α), g (g a) = a) :
xs, f x = 0

The difference with Finset.sum_involution is that the involution is a non-dependent function, rather than being allowed to use membership of the domain of the sum.

theorem Finset.prod_comp {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {s : Finset α} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq γ] (f : γβ) (g : αγ) :
as, f (g a) = bimage g s, f b ^ (filter (fun (a : α) => g a = b) s).card

The product of the composition of functions f and g, is the product over b ∈ s.image g of f b to the power of the cardinality of the fibre of b. See also Finset.prod_image.

theorem Finset.sum_comp {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {s : Finset α} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq γ] (f : γβ) (g : αγ) :
as, f (g a) = bimage g s, (filter (fun (a : α) => g a = b) s).card f b

The sum of the composition of functions f and g, is the sum over b ∈ s.image g of f b times of the cardinality of the fibre of b. See also Finset.sum_image.

theorem Finset.prod_piecewise {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s t : Finset α) (f g : αβ) :
xs, t.piecewise f g x = (∏ xs t, f x) * xs \ t, g x
theorem Finset.sum_piecewise {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s t : Finset α) (f g : αβ) :
xs, t.piecewise f g x = xs t, f x + xs \ t, g x
theorem Finset.prod_inter_mul_prod_diff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s t : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
(∏ xs t, f x) * xs \ t, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_inter_add_sum_diff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s t : Finset α) (f : αβ) :
xs t, f x + xs \ t, f x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_eq_mul_prod_diff_singleton {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : i s) (f : αβ) :
xs, f x = f i * xs \ {i}, f x
theorem Finset.sum_eq_add_sum_diff_singleton {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : i s) (f : αβ) :
xs, f x = f i + xs \ {i}, f x
theorem Finset.prod_eq_prod_diff_singleton_mul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : i s) (f : αβ) :
xs, f x = (∏ xs \ {i}, f x) * f i
theorem Finset.sum_eq_sum_diff_singleton_add {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : i s) (f : αβ) :
xs, f x = xs \ {i}, f x + f i
theorem Fintype.prod_eq_mul_prod_compl {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (a : α) (f : αβ) :
i : α, f i = f a * i{a}, f i
theorem Fintype.sum_eq_add_sum_compl {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (a : α) (f : αβ) :
i : α, f i = f a + i{a}, f i
theorem Fintype.prod_eq_prod_compl_mul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (a : α) (f : αβ) :
i : α, f i = (∏ i{a}, f i) * f a
theorem Fintype.sum_eq_sum_compl_add {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (a : α) (f : αβ) :
i : α, f i = i{a}, f i + f a
theorem Finset.dvd_prod_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (f : αβ) {a : α} {s : Finset α} (ha : a s) :
f a is, f i
theorem Finset.prod_partition {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (R : Setoid α) [DecidableRel R] :
xs, f x = xbarimage ( R) s, yfilter (fun (y : α) => y = xbar) s, f y

A product can be partitioned into a product of products, each equivalent under a setoid.

theorem Finset.sum_partition {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (R : Setoid α) [DecidableRel R] :
xs, f x = xbarimage ( R) s, yfilter (fun (y : α) => y = xbar) s, f y

A sum can be partitioned into a sum of sums, each equivalent under a setoid.

theorem Finset.prod_cancels_of_partition_cancels {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] (R : Setoid α) [DecidableRel R] (h : xs, afilter (fun (a : α) => R a x) s, f a = 1) :
xs, f x = 1

If we can partition a product into subsets that cancel out, then the whole product cancels.

theorem Finset.sum_cancels_of_partition_cancels {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] (R : Setoid α) [DecidableRel R] (h : xs, afilter (fun (a : α) => R a x) s, f a = 0) :
xs, f x = 0

If we can partition a sum into subsets that cancel out, then the whole sum cancels.

theorem Finset.prod_update_of_not_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : is) (f : αβ) (b : β) :
xs, Function.update f i b x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.sum_update_of_not_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : is) (f : αβ) (b : β) :
xs, Function.update f i b x = xs, f x
theorem Finset.prod_update_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : i s) (f : αβ) (b : β) :
xs, Function.update f i b x = b * xs \ {i}, f x
theorem Finset.sum_update_of_mem {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {i : α} (h : i s) (f : αβ) (b : β) :
xs, Function.update f i b x = b + xs \ {i}, f x
theorem Finset.eq_of_card_le_one_of_prod_eq {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} (hc : s.card 1) {f : αβ} {b : β} (h : xs, f x = b) (x : α) :
x sf x = b

If a product of a Finset of size at most 1 has a given value, so do the terms in that product.

theorem Finset.eq_of_card_le_one_of_sum_eq {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} (hc : s.card 1) {f : αβ} {b : β} (h : xs, f x = b) (x : α) :
x sf x = b

If a sum of a Finset of size at most 1 has a given value, so do the terms in that sum.

theorem Finset.mul_prod_erase {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) {a : α} (h : a s) :
f a * xs.erase a, f x = xs, f x

Taking a product over s : Finset α is the same as multiplying the value on a single element f a by the product of s.erase a.

See Multiset.prod_map_erase for the Multiset version.

theorem Finset.add_sum_erase {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) {a : α} (h : a s) :
f a + xs.erase a, f x = xs, f x

Taking a sum over s : Finset α is the same as adding the value on a single element f a to the sum over s.erase a.

See Multiset.sum_map_erase for the Multiset version.

theorem Finset.prod_erase_mul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) {a : α} (h : a s) :
(∏ xs.erase a, f x) * f a = xs, f x

A variant of Finset.mul_prod_erase with the multiplication swapped.

theorem Finset.sum_erase_add {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) {a : α} (h : a s) :
xs.erase a, f x + f a = xs, f x

A variant of Finset.add_sum_erase with the addition swapped.

theorem Finset.prod_erase {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) {f : αβ} {a : α} (h : f a = 1) :
xs.erase a, f x = xs, f x

If a function applied at a point is 1, a product is unchanged by removing that point, if present, from a Finset.

theorem Finset.sum_erase {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) {f : αβ} {a : α} (h : f a = 0) :
xs.erase a, f x = xs, f x

If a function applied at a point is 0, a sum is unchanged by removing that point, if present, from a Finset.

theorem Finset.prod_ite_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] (h : is, js, p ip ji = j) (a : β) :
(∏ is, if p i then a else 1) = if is, p i then a else 1

See also Finset.prod_ite_zero.

theorem Finset.sum_ite_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] (h : is, js, p ip ji = j) (a : β) :
(∑ is, if p i then a else 0) = if is, p i then a else 0

See also Finset.sum_boole.

theorem Finset.prod_erase_lt_of_one_lt {α : Type u_3} {γ : Type u_6} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid γ] [Preorder γ] [MulLeftStrictMono γ] {s : Finset α} {d : α} (hd : d s) {f : αγ} (hdf : 1 < f d) :
ms.erase d, f m < ms, f m
theorem Finset.sum_erase_lt_of_pos {α : Type u_3} {γ : Type u_6} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid γ] [Preorder γ] [AddLeftStrictMono γ] {s : Finset α} {d : α} (hd : d s) {f : αγ} (hdf : 0 < f d) :
ms.erase d, f m < ms, f m
theorem Finset.eq_one_of_prod_eq_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} {a : α} (hp : xs, f x = 1) (h1 : xs, x af x = 1) (x : α) :
x sf x = 1

If a product is 1 and the function is 1 except possibly at one point, it is 1 everywhere on the Finset.

theorem Finset.eq_zero_of_sum_eq_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} {a : α} (hp : xs, f x = 0) (h1 : xs, x af x = 0) (x : α) :
x sf x = 0

If a sum is 0 and the function is 0 except possibly at one point, it is 0 everywhere on the Finset.

theorem Finset.prod_pow_boole {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) (a : α) :
(∏ xs, f x ^ if a = x then 1 else 0) = if a s then f a else 1
theorem Finset.sum_boole_nsmul {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] [DecidableEq α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) (a : α) :
xs, (if a = x then 1 else 0) f x = if a s then f a else 0
theorem Finset.prod_dvd_prod_of_dvd {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {S : Finset α} (g1 g2 : αβ) (h : aS, g1 a g2 a) : g1 g2
theorem Finset.prod_mul_eq_prod_mul_of_exists {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} {b₁ b₂ : β} (a : α) (ha : a s) (h : f a * b₁ = f a * b₂) :
(∏ as, f a) * b₁ = (∏ as, f a) * b₂
theorem Finset.sum_add_eq_sum_add_of_exists {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} {b₁ b₂ : β} (a : α) (ha : a s) (h : f a + b₁ = f a + b₂) :
as, f a + b₁ = as, f a + b₂
theorem Finset.isSquare_prod {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {s : Finset ι} [CommMonoid α] (f : ια) (h : cs, IsSquare (f c)) :
IsSquare (∏ is, f i)
theorem Finset.even_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {s : Finset ι} [AddCommMonoid α] (f : ια) (h : cs, Even (f c)) :
Even (∑ is, f i)
theorem Finset.prod_sdiff_eq_prod_sdiff_iff {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq ι] [CancelCommMonoid α] {s t : Finset ι} {f : ια} :
is \ t, f i = it \ s, f i is, f i = it, f i
theorem Finset.sum_sdiff_eq_sum_sdiff_iff {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCancelCommMonoid α] {s t : Finset ι} {f : ια} :
is \ t, f i = it \ s, f i is, f i = it, f i
theorem Finset.prod_sdiff_ne_prod_sdiff_iff {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq ι] [CancelCommMonoid α] {s t : Finset ι} {f : ια} :
is \ t, f i it \ s, f i is, f i it, f i
theorem Finset.sum_sdiff_ne_sum_sdiff_iff {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCancelCommMonoid α] {s t : Finset ι} {f : ια} :
is \ t, f i it \ s, f i is, f i it, f i
theorem Finset.card_eq_sum_ones {α : Type u_3} (s : Finset α) :
s.card = xs, 1
theorem Finset.sum_const_nat {α : Type u_3} {s : Finset α} {m : } {f : α} (h₁ : xs, f x = m) :
xs, f x = s.card * m
theorem Finset.sum_card_fiberwise_eq_card_filter {ι : Type u_1} {κ : Type u_6} [DecidableEq κ] (s : Finset ι) (t : Finset κ) (g : ικ) :
jt, (filter (fun (i : ι) => g i = j) s).card = (filter (fun (i : ι) => g i t) s).card
theorem Finset.card_filter {ι : Type u_1} (p : ιProp) [DecidablePred p] (s : Finset ι) :
(filter (fun (i : ι) => p i) s).card = is, if p i then 1 else 0
theorem Finset.prod_sdiff_eq_div {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommGroup β] [DecidableEq α] (h : s₁ s₂) :
xs₂ \ s₁, f x = (∏ xs₂, f x) / xs₁, f x
theorem Finset.sum_sdiff_eq_sub {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommGroup β] [DecidableEq α] (h : s₁ s₂) :
xs₂ \ s₁, f x = xs₂, f x - xs₁, f x
theorem Finset.prod_sdiff_div_prod_sdiff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommGroup β] [DecidableEq α] :
(∏ xs₂ \ s₁, f x) / xs₁ \ s₂, f x = (∏ xs₂, f x) / xs₁, f x
theorem Finset.sum_sdiff_sub_sum_sdiff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommGroup β] [DecidableEq α] :
xs₂ \ s₁, f x - xs₁ \ s₂, f x = xs₂, f x - xs₁, f x
theorem Finset.prod_erase_eq_div {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommGroup β] [DecidableEq α] {a : α} (h : a s) :
xs.erase a, f x = (∏ xs, f x) / f a
theorem Finset.sum_erase_eq_sub {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommGroup β] [DecidableEq α] {a : α} (h : a s) :
xs.erase a, f x = xs, f x - f a
theorem Finset.card_disjiUnion {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} (s : Finset α) (t : αFinset β) (h : (↑s).PairwiseDisjoint t) :
(s.disjiUnion t h).card = as, (t a).card
theorem Finset.card_biUnion {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [DecidableEq β] {s : Finset α} {t : αFinset β} (h : xs, ys, x yDisjoint (t x) (t y)) :
(s.biUnion t).card = us, (t u).card
theorem Finset.card_biUnion_le {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [DecidableEq β] {s : Finset α} {t : αFinset β} :
(s.biUnion t).card as, (t a).card
theorem Finset.card_eq_sum_card_fiberwise {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [DecidableEq β] {f : αβ} {s : Finset α} {t : Finset β} (H : xs, f x t) :
s.card = bt, (filter (fun (a : α) => f a = b) s).card
theorem Finset.card_eq_sum_card_image {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [DecidableEq β] (f : αβ) (s : Finset α) :
s.card = bimage f s, (filter (fun (a : α) => f a = b) s).card
theorem Finset.mem_sum {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αMultiset β} (s : Finset α) (b : β) :
b xs, f x as, b f a
theorem Finset.prod_unique_nonempty {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} [CommMonoid β] [Unique α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) (h : s.Nonempty) :
xs, f x = f default
theorem Finset.sum_unique_nonempty {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} [AddCommMonoid β] [Unique α] (s : Finset α) (f : αβ) (h : s.Nonempty) :
xs, f x = f default
theorem Finset.prod_filter_of_pairwise_eq_one {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} {ι : Type u_8} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid β] {f : ια} {g : αβ} {n : ι} {I : Finset ι} (hn : n I) (hf : (↑I).Pairwise fun (i j : ι) => f i = f jg (f i) = 1) :
jfilter (fun (j : ι) => f j = f n) I, g (f j) = g (f n)
theorem Finset.sum_filter_of_pairwise_eq_zero {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} {ι : Type u_8} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid β] {f : ια} {g : αβ} {n : ι} {I : Finset ι} (hn : n I) (hf : (↑I).Pairwise fun (i j : ι) => f i = f jg (f i) = 0) :
jfilter (fun (j : ι) => f j = f n) I, g (f j) = g (f n)
theorem Finset.prod_image_of_pairwise_eq_one {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} {ι : Type u_8} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid β] {f : ια} {g : αβ} {I : Finset ι} (hf : (↑I).Pairwise fun (i j : ι) => f i = f jg (f i) = 1) :
simage f I, g s = iI, g (f i)

A version of Finset.prod_map and Finset.prod_image, but we do not assume that f is injective. Rather, we assume that the image of f on I only overlaps where g (f i) = 1. The conclusion is the same as in prod_image.

theorem Finset.sum_image_of_pairwise_eq_zero {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} {ι : Type u_8} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid β] {f : ια} {g : αβ} {I : Finset ι} (hf : (↑I).Pairwise fun (i j : ι) => f i = f jg (f i) = 0) :
simage f I, g s = iI, g (f i)

A version of Finset.sum_map and Finset.sum_image, but we do not assume that f is injective. Rather, we assume that the image of f on I only overlaps where g (f i) = 0. The conclusion is the same as in sum_image.

theorem Finset.prod_image_of_disjoint {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} {ι : Type u_8} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid β] [PartialOrder α] [OrderBot α] {f : ια} {g : αβ} (hg_bot : g = 1) {I : Finset ι} (hf_disj : (↑I).PairwiseDisjoint f) :
simage f I, g s = iI, g (f i)

A version of Finset.prod_map and Finset.prod_image, but we do not assume that f is injective. Rather, we assume that the images of f are disjoint on I, and g ⊥ = 1. The conclusion is the same as in prod_image.

theorem Finset.sum_image_of_disjoint {α : Type u_6} {β : Type u_7} {ι : Type u_8} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid β] [PartialOrder α] [OrderBot α] {f : ια} {g : αβ} (hg_bot : g = 0) {I : Finset ι} (hf_disj : (↑I).PairwiseDisjoint f) :
simage f I, g s = iI, g (f i)

A version of Finset.sum_map and Finset.sum_image, but we do not assume that f is injective. Rather, we assume that the images of f are disjoint on I, and g ⊥ = 0. The conclusion is the same as in sum_image.

theorem Fintype.prod_of_injective {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [Fintype κ] [CommMonoid α] (e : ικ) (he : Function.Injective e) (f : ια) (g : κα) (h' : iSet.range e, g i = 1) (h : ∀ (i : ι), f i = g (e i)) :
i : ι, f i = j : κ, g j
theorem Fintype.sum_of_injective {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [Fintype κ] [AddCommMonoid α] (e : ικ) (he : Function.Injective e) (f : ια) (g : κα) (h' : iSet.range e, g i = 0) (h : ∀ (i : ι), f i = g (e i)) :
i : ι, f i = j : κ, g j
theorem Fintype.prod_fiberwise {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [Fintype κ] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (g : ικ) (f : ια) :
j : κ, i : { i : ι // g i = j }, f i = i : ι, f i
theorem Fintype.sum_fiberwise {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [Fintype κ] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (g : ικ) (f : ια) :
j : κ, i : { i : ι // g i = j }, f i = i : ι, f i
theorem Fintype.prod_fiberwise' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [Fintype κ] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (g : ικ) (f : κα) :
j : κ, _i : { i : ι // g i = j }, f j = i : ι, f (g i)
theorem Fintype.sum_fiberwise' {ι : Type u_6} {κ : Type u_7} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [Fintype κ] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq κ] (g : ικ) (f : κα) :
j : κ, _i : { i : ι // g i = j }, f j = i : ι, f (g i)
theorem Fintype.prod_unique {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [CommMonoid β] [Unique α] [Fintype α] (f : αβ) :
x : α, f x = f default
theorem Fintype.sum_unique {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddCommMonoid β] [Unique α] [Fintype α] (f : αβ) :
x : α, f x = f default
theorem Fintype.prod_subsingleton {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [CommMonoid β] [Subsingleton α] [Fintype α] (f : αβ) (a : α) :
x : α, f x = f a
theorem Fintype.sum_subsingleton {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [AddCommMonoid β] [Subsingleton α] [Fintype α] (f : αβ) (a : α) :
x : α, f x = f a
theorem Fintype.prod_Prop {β : Type u_9} [CommMonoid β] (f : Propβ) :
p : Prop, f p = f True * f False
theorem Fintype.sum_Prop {β : Type u_9} [AddCommMonoid β] (f : Propβ) :
p : Prop, f p = f True + f False
theorem Fintype.prod_subtype_mul_prod_subtype {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Fintype α] [CommMonoid β] (p : αProp) (f : αβ) [DecidablePred p] :
(∏ i : { x : α // p x }, f i) * i : { x : α // ¬p x }, f i = i : α, f i
theorem Fintype.sum_subtype_add_sum_subtype {α : Type u_9} {β : Type u_10} [Fintype α] [AddCommMonoid β] (p : αProp) (f : αβ) [DecidablePred p] :
i : { x : α // p x }, f i + i : { x : α // ¬p x }, f i = i : α, f i
theorem Fintype.prod_subset {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {f : ια} (h : ∀ (i : ι), f i 1i s) :
is, f i = i : ι, f i
theorem Fintype.sum_subset {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] {s : Finset ι} {f : ια} (h : ∀ (i : ι), f i 0i s) :
is, f i = i : ι, f i
theorem Fintype.prod_ite_eq_ite_exists {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] (p : ιProp) [DecidablePred p] (h : ∀ (i j : ι), p ip ji = j) (a : α) :
(∏ i : ι, if p i then a else 1) = if ∃ (i : ι), p i then a else 1
theorem Fintype.sum_ite_eq_ite_exists {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] (p : ιProp) [DecidablePred p] (h : ∀ (i j : ι), p ip ji = j) (a : α) :
(∑ i : ι, if p i then a else 0) = if ∃ (i : ι), p i then a else 0
theorem Fintype.prod_ite_mem {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) :
(∏ i : ι, if i s then f i else 1) = is, f i
theorem Fintype.sum_ite_mem {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (s : Finset ι) (f : ια) :
(∑ i : ι, if i s then f i else 0) = is, f i
theorem Fintype.prod_dite_eq {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : (j : ι) → i = jα) :
(∏ j : ι, if h : i = j then f j h else 1) = f i

See also Finset.prod_dite_eq.

theorem Fintype.sum_dite_eq {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : (j : ι) → i = jα) :
(∑ j : ι, if h : i = j then f j h else 0) = f i

See also Finset.sum_dite_eq.

theorem Fintype.prod_dite_eq' {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : (j : ι) → j = iα) :
(∏ j : ι, if h : j = i then f j h else 1) = f i

See also Finset.prod_dite_eq'.

theorem Fintype.sum_dite_eq' {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : (j : ι) → j = iα) :
(∑ j : ι, if h : j = i then f j h else 0) = f i

See also Finset.sum_dite_eq'.

theorem Fintype.prod_ite_eq {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : ια) :
(∏ j : ι, if i = j then f j else 1) = f i

See also Finset.prod_ite_eq.

theorem Fintype.sum_ite_eq {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : ια) :
(∑ j : ι, if i = j then f j else 0) = f i

See also Finset.sum_ite_eq.

theorem Fintype.prod_ite_eq' {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : ια) :
(∏ j : ι, if j = i then f j else 1) = f i

See also Finset.prod_ite_eq'.

theorem Fintype.sum_ite_eq' {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (f : ια) :
(∑ j : ι, if j = i then f j else 0) = f i

See also Finset.sum_ite_eq'.

theorem Fintype.prod_pi_mulSingle {ι : Type u_6} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] {α : ιType u_9} [(i : ι) → CommMonoid (α i)] (i : ι) (f : (i : ι) → α i) :
j : ι, Pi.mulSingle j (f j) i = f i

See also Finset.prod_pi_mulSingle.

theorem Fintype.sum_pi_single {ι : Type u_6} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] {α : ιType u_9} [(i : ι) → AddCommMonoid (α i)] (i : ι) (f : (i : ι) → α i) :
j : ι, Pi.single j (f j) i = f i

See also Finset.sum_pi_single.

theorem Fintype.prod_pi_mulSingle' {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [CommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (a : α) :
j : ι, Pi.mulSingle i a j = a

See also Finset.prod_pi_mulSingle'.

theorem Fintype.sum_pi_single' {ι : Type u_6} {α : Type u_8} [Fintype ι] [AddCommMonoid α] [DecidableEq ι] (i : ι) (a : α) :
j : ι, Pi.single i a j = a

See also Finset.sum_pi_single'.

theorem List.prod_toFinset {α : Type u_3} {M : Type u_6} [DecidableEq α] [CommMonoid M] (f : αM) {l : List α} (_hl : l.Nodup) : f = (map f l).prod
theorem List.sum_toFinset {α : Type u_3} {M : Type u_6} [DecidableEq α] [AddCommMonoid M] (f : αM) {l : List α} (_hl : l.Nodup) :
l.toFinset.sum f = (map f l).sum
theorem List.sum_toFinset_count_eq_length {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) :
al.toFinset, count a l = l.length
theorem Multiset.mem_sum {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {a : α} {s : Finset ι} {m : ιMultiset α} :
a is, m i is, a m i
theorem Multiset.toFinset_sum_count_eq {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (s : Multiset α) :
as.toFinset, count a s = s.card
theorem Multiset.sum_count_eq_card {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {m : Multiset α} (hms : am, a s) :
as, count a m = m.card
theorem Multiset.toFinset_sum_count_nsmul_eq {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (s : Multiset α) :
as.toFinset, count a s {a} = s
theorem Multiset.exists_smul_of_dvd_count {α : Type u_3} [DecidableEq α] (s : Multiset α) {k : } (h : as, k count a s) :
∃ (u : Multiset α), s = k u
theorem Multiset.prod_sum {α : Type u_6} {ι : Type u_7} [CommMonoid α] (f : ιMultiset α) (s : Finset ι) :
(∑ xs, f x).prod = xs, (f x).prod
theorem Multiset.sum_sum {α : Type u_6} {ι : Type u_7} [AddCommMonoid α] (f : ιMultiset α) (s : Finset ι) :
(∑ xs, f x).sum = xs, (f x).sum
theorem IsUnit.prod_iff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [CommMonoid β] :
IsUnit (∏ as, f a) as, IsUnit (f a)
theorem IsAddUnit.sum_iff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : αβ} [AddCommMonoid β] :
IsAddUnit (∑ as, f a) as, IsAddUnit (f a)
theorem IsUnit.prod_univ_iff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [Fintype α] [CommMonoid β] :
IsUnit (∏ a : α, f a) ∀ (a : α), IsUnit (f a)
theorem IsAddUnit.sum_univ_iff {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {f : αβ} [Fintype α] [AddCommMonoid β] :
IsAddUnit (∑ a : α, f a) ∀ (a : α), IsAddUnit (f a)
theorem nat_abs_sum_le {ι : Type u_6} (s : Finset ι) (f : ι) :
(∑ is, f i).natAbs is, (f i).natAbs