Freek № 9: The Area of a Circle #
In this file we show that the area of a disc with nonnegative radius r
is π * r^2
. The main
tools our proof uses are volume_regionBetween_eq_integral
, which allows us to represent the area
of the disc as an integral, and intervalIntegral.integral_eq_sub_of_hasDerivAt_of_le
, the
second fundamental theorem of calculus.
We begin by defining disc
in ℝ × ℝ
, then show that disc
can be represented as the
two functions.
Though not necessary for the main proof, we nonetheless choose to include a proof of the measurability of the disc in order to convince the reader that the set whose volume we will be calculating is indeed measurable and our result is therefore meaningful.
In the main proof, area_disc
, we use volume_regionBetween_eq_integral
followed by
to reduce our goal to a single intervalIntegral
∫ (x : ℝ) in -r..r, 2 * sqrt (r ^ 2 - x ^ 2) = π * r ^ 2
After disposing of the trivial case r = 0
, we show that fun x => 2 * sqrt (r ^ 2 - x ^ 2)
equal to the derivative of fun x => r ^ 2 * arcsin (x / r) + x * sqrt (r ^ 2 - x ^ 2)
on Ioo (-r) r
and that those two functions are continuous, then apply the second fundamental
theorem of calculus with those facts. Some simple algebra then completes the proof.
Note that we choose to define disc
as a set of points in ℝ × ℝ
. This is admittedly not ideal; it
would be more natural to define disc
as a Metric.ball
in EuclideanSpace ℝ (Fin 2)
(as well as
to provide a more general proof in higher dimensions). However, our proof indirectly relies on a
number of theorems (particularly MeasureTheory.Measure.prod_apply
) which do not yet exist for
Euclidean space, thus forcing us to use this less-preferable definition. As MeasureTheory.pi
continues to develop, it should eventually become possible to redefine disc
and extend our proof
to the n-ball.
A disc of radius r
is defined as the collection of points (p.1, p.2)
in ℝ × ℝ
such that
p.1 ^ 2 + p.2 ^ 2 < r ^ 2
Note that this definition is not equivalent to Metric.ball (0 : ℝ × ℝ) r
. This was done
intentionally because dist
in ℝ × ℝ
is defined as the uniform norm, making the Metric.ball
in ℝ × ℝ
a square, not a disc.
See the module docstring for an explanation of why we don't define the disc in Euclidean space.
Instances For
A disc of radius r
can be represented as the region between the two curves
fun x => - sqrt (r ^ 2 - x ^ 2)
and fun x => sqrt (r ^ 2 - x ^ 2)
The disc is a MeasurableSet