

Multiplication of pre-games can't be lifted to the quotient #

We show that there exist equivalent pregames x₁ ≈ x₂ and y such that x₁ * y ≉ x₂ * y. In particular, we cannot define the multiplication of games in general.

The specific counterexample we use is x₁ = y = {0 | 0} and x₂ = {-1, 0 | 0, 1}. The first game is colloquially known as star, so we use the name star' for the second. We prove that star ≈ star' and star * star ≈ star, but star' * star ≉ star.

The game {-1, 0 | 0, 1}, which is equivalent but not identical to *.

Instances For

    *' is its own negative.

    The equation ** = * is an identity, though not a relabelling.

    theorem Counterexample.PGame.mul_not_lift :
    ∃ (x₁ : SetTheory.PGame) (x₂ : SetTheory.PGame) (y : SetTheory.PGame), x₁ x₂ ¬x₁ * y x₂ * y

    Pre-game multiplication cannot be lifted to games.