Combinatorial pregames #
This is the first in a series of files developing the basic theory of combinatorial games,
following Conway's book On Numbers and Games
- this file defines pregames and elementary operations on them (relabelling, option insertion)
defines an ordering on pregamesMathlib.SetTheory.PGame.Algebra
defines anAddCommGroup
structure on pregamesMathlib.SetTheory.Game.Basic
defines games as the quotient of pregames by the equivalence relationp ≈ q ↔ p ≤ q ∧ q ≤ p
The surreal numbers will be built as a quotient of a subtype of pregames.
A pregame (SetTheory.PGame
below) is axiomatised via an inductive type, whose sole constructor
takes two types (thought of as indexing the possible moves for the players Left and Right), and a
pair of functions out of these types to SetTheory.PGame
(thought of as describing the resulting
game after making a move).
We may denote a game as $\{L | R\}$, where $L$ and $R$ stand for the collections of left and right moves. This notation is not currently used in Mathlib.
Conway induction #
By construction, the induction principle for pregames is exactly "Conway induction". That is, to
prove some predicate SetTheory.PGame → Prop
holds for all pregames, it suffices to prove
that for every pregame g
, if the predicate holds for every game resulting from making a move,
then it also holds for g
While it is often convenient to work "by induction" on pregames, in some situations this becomes
awkward, so we also define accessor functions SetTheory.PGame.LeftMoves
, SetTheory.PGame.moveLeft
and SetTheory.PGame.moveRight
There is a relation PGame.Subsequent p q
, saying that
can be reached by playing some non-empty sequence of moves starting from q
, an instance
WellFounded Subsequent
, and a local tactic pgame_wf_tac
which is helpful for discharging proof
obligations in inductive proofs relying on this relation.
Future work #
- The theory of dominated and reversible positions, and unique normal form for short games.
- Analysis of basic domineering positions.
- Hex.
- Temperature.
- The development of surreal numbers, based on this development of combinatorial games, is still quite incomplete.
References #
The material here is all drawn from
An interested reader may like to formalise some of the material from
- Andreas Blass, A game semantics for linear logic
- [André Joyal, Remarques sur la théorie des jeux à deux personnes][joyal1997]
Pre-game moves #
The type of pre-games, before we have quotiented
by equivalence (PGame.Setoid
). In ZFC, a combinatorial game is constructed from
two sets of combinatorial games that have been constructed at an earlier
stage. To do this in type theory, we say that a pre-game is built
inductively from two families of pre-games indexed over any type
in Type u. The resulting type PGame.{u}
lives in Type (u+1)
reflecting that it is a proper class in ZFC.
Instances For
The indexing type for allowable moves by Left.
- ( l β a a_1).LeftMoves = l
Instances For
The indexing type for allowable moves by Right.
- ( l β a a_1).RightMoves = β
Instances For
The new game after Left makes an allowed move.
- ( l β a a_1).moveLeft = a
Instances For
The new game after Right makes an allowed move.
- ( l β a a_1).moveRight = a_1
Instances For
Construct a pre-game from list of pre-games describing the available moves for Left and Right.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Converts a number into a left move for ofLists
This is just an abbreviation for Equiv.ulift.symm
Instances For
Converts a number into a right move for ofLists
This is just an abbreviation for Equiv.ulift.symm
Instances For
A variant of PGame.recOn
expressed in terms of PGame.moveLeft
and PGame.moveRight
Both this and PGame.recOn
describe Conway induction on games.
- x.moveRecOn IH = SetTheory.PGame.recOn x fun (yl yr : Type ?u.53) (yL : yl → SetTheory.PGame) (yR : yr → SetTheory.PGame) => IH ( yl yr yL yR)
Instances For
Subsequent x y
says that x
can be obtained by playing some nonempty sequence of moves from
. It is the transitive closure of IsOption
Instances For
Discharges proof obligations of the form ⊢ Subsequent ..
arising in termination proofs
of definitions using well-founded recursion on PGame
- SetTheory.PGame.tacticPgame_wf_tac = Lean.ParserDescr.node `SetTheory.PGame.tacticPgame_wf_tac 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol "pgame_wf_tac" false)
Instances For
Basic pre-games #
The pre-game Zero
is defined by 0 = { | }
- SetTheory.PGame.instInhabited = { default := 0 }
The pre-game One
is defined by 1 = { 0 | }
- SetTheory.PGame.instOnePGame = { one := PUnit.{?u.4 + 1} PEmpty.{?u.4 + 1} (fun (x : PUnit.{?u.4 + 1}) => 0) PEmpty.elim }
Identity #
Two pre-games are identical if their left and right sets are identical.
That is, Identical x y
if every left move of x
is identical to some left move of y
every right move of x
is identical to some right move of y
, and vice versa.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Two pre-games are identical if their left and right sets are identical.
That is, Identical x y
if every left move of x
is identical to some left move of y
every right move of x
is identical to some right move of y
, and vice versa.
- SetTheory.PGame.«term_≡_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `SetTheory.PGame.«term_≡_» 50 51 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ≡ ") ( `term 51))
Instances For
x ∈ₗ y
if x
is identical to some left move of y
- SetTheory.PGame.«term_∈ₗ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `SetTheory.PGame.«term_∈ₗ_» 50 51 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ∈ₗ ") ( `term 51))
Instances For
x ∈ᵣ y
if x
is identical to some right move of y
- SetTheory.PGame.«term_∈ᵣ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `SetTheory.PGame.«term_∈ᵣ_» 50 51 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ∈ᵣ ") ( `term 51))
Instances For
x ∈ₗ y
if x
is identical to some left move of y
- SetTheory.PGame.«binderTerm∈ₗ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `SetTheory.PGame.«binderTerm∈ₗ_» 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ∈ₗ ") ( `term 0))
Instances For
x ∈ᵣ y
if x
is identical to some right move of y
- SetTheory.PGame.«binderTerm∈ᵣ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `SetTheory.PGame.«binderTerm∈ᵣ_» 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ∈ᵣ ") ( `term 0))
Instances For
Instances For
If x
and y
are identical, then a right move of x
is identical to some right move of y
Show x ≡ y
by giving an explicit correspondence between the moves of x
and y
Relabellings #
Relabelling x y
says that x
and y
are really the same game, just dressed up differently.
Specifically, there is a bijection between the moves for Left in x
and in y
, and similarly
for Right, and under these bijections we inductively have Relabelling
s for the consequent games.
- mk {x y : PGame} (L : x.LeftMoves ≃ y.LeftMoves) (R : x.RightMoves ≃ y.RightMoves) : ((i : x.LeftMoves) → (x.moveLeft i).Relabelling (y.moveLeft (L i))) → ((j : x.RightMoves) → (x.moveRight j).Relabelling (y.moveRight (R j))) → x.Relabelling y
Instances For
Relabelling x y
says that x
and y
are really the same game, just dressed up differently.
Specifically, there is a bijection between the moves for Left in x
and in y
, and similarly
for Right, and under these bijections we inductively have Relabelling
s for the consequent games.
- SetTheory.PGame.«term_≡r_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `SetTheory.PGame.«term_≡r_» 50 50 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ≡r ") ( `term 51))
Instances For
A constructor for relabellings swapping the equivalences.
-' L R hL hR = L.symm R.symm (fun (i : x.LeftMoves) => ⋯.mp (hL (L.symm i))) fun (j : x.RightMoves) => ⋯.mp (hR (R.symm j))
Instances For
The equivalence between left moves of x
and y
given by the relabelling.
- ( L R a a_1).leftMovesEquiv = L
Instances For
The equivalence between right moves of x
and y
given by the relabelling.
- ( L R a a_1).rightMovesEquiv = R
Instances For
A left move of x
is a relabelling of a left move of y
- ( L R a a_1).moveLeft = a
Instances For
A left move of y
is a relabelling of a left move of x
- ( L R hL hR).moveLeftSymm x✝ = id (⋯.mp (hL (L.symm x✝)))
Instances For
A right move of x
is a relabelling of a right move of y
- ( L R a a_1).moveRight = a_1
Instances For
A right move of y
is a relabelling of a right move of x
- ( L R hL hR).moveRightSymm x✝ = id (⋯.mp (hR (R.symm x✝)))
Instances For
The identity relabelling.
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Instances For
- SetTheory.PGame.Relabelling.instInhabited x = { default := SetTheory.PGame.Relabelling.refl x }
Flip a relabelling.
- ( L R hL hR).symm =' L R (fun (i : x✝¹.LeftMoves) => (hL i).symm) fun (j : x✝¹.RightMoves) => (hR j).symm
Instances For
Transitivity of relabelling.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Any game without left or right moves is a relabelling of 0.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Replace the types indexing the next moves for Left and Right by equivalent types.
- SetTheory.PGame.relabel el er = xl' xr' (x.moveLeft ∘ ⇑el) (x.moveRight ∘ ⇑er)
Instances For
The game obtained by relabelling the next moves is a relabelling of the original game.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Inserting an option #
The pregame constructed by inserting x'
as a new left option into x.
- ( l β a a_1).insertLeft x' = (l ⊕ PUnit.{?u.148 + 1}) β (Sum.elim a fun (x : PUnit.{?u.148 + 1}) => x') a_1
Instances For
The pregame constructed by inserting x'
as a new right option into x.
- ( l β a a_1).insertRight x' = l (β ⊕ PUnit.{?u.148 + 1}) a (Sum.elim a_1 fun (x : PUnit.{?u.148 + 1}) => x')
Instances For
Inserting on the left and right commutes.