Big operators for Pi Types #
This file contains theorems relevant to big operators in binary and arbitrary product of monoids and groups
An 'unapplied' analogue of Finset.prod_apply
An 'unapplied' analogue of Finset.sum_apply
This is used as the ext lemma instead of AddMonoidHom.functions_ext
for reasons
explained in note [partially-applied ext lemmas].
This is used as the ext lemma instead of MonoidHom.functions_ext
for reasons explained in
note [partially-applied ext lemmas].
The canonical isomorphism between the monoid of homomorphisms from a finite product of commutative monoids to another commutative monoid and the product of the homomorphism monoids.
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Instances For
The canonical isomorphism between the additive monoid of homomorphisms from a finite product of additive commutative monoids to another additive commutative monoid and the product of the homomorphism monoids.
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