

The concrete (co)kernels in the category of modules are (co)kernels in the categorical sense. #

The kernel cone induced by the concrete kernel.

Instances For

    The kernel of a linear map is a kernel in the categorical sense.

    Instances For

      The cokernel cocone induced by the projection onto the quotient.

      Instances For

        The projection onto the quotient is a cokernel in the categorical sense.

        Instances For

          The category of R-modules has kernels, given by the inclusion of the kernel submodule.

          The category of R-modules has cokernels, given by the projection onto the quotient.

          noncomputable def ModuleCat.kernelIsoKer {R : Type u} [Ring R] {G : ModuleCat R} {H : ModuleCat R} (f : G H) :

          The categorical kernel of a morphism in ModuleCat agrees with the usual module-theoretical kernel.

          Instances For

            The categorical cokernel of a morphism in ModuleCat agrees with the usual module-theoretical quotient.

            Instances For
              theorem ModuleCat.cokernel_π_ext {R : Type u} [Ring R] {M : ModuleCat R} {N : ModuleCat R} (f : M N) {x : N} {y : N} (m : M) (w : x = y + f m) :