

Generators for the category of presheaves of modules #

In this file, given a presheaf of rings R on a category C, we study the set freeYoneda R of presheaves of modules of form (free R).obj (yoneda.obj X) for X : C, i.e. free presheaves of modules generated by the Yoneda presheaf represented by some X : C (the functor represented by such a presheaf of modules is the evaluation functor M ↦ M.obj (op X), see freeYonedaEquiv).

Lemmas PresheafOfModules.freeYoneda.isSeparating and PresheafOfModules.freeYoneda.isDetecting assert that this set freeYoneda R is separating and detecting. We deduce that if C : Type u is a small category, and R : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ RingCat.{u}, then PresheafOfModules.{u} R is a well-powered category.

Finally, given M : PresheafOfModules.{u} R, we consider the canonical epimorphism of presheaves of modules M.fromFreeYonedaCoproduct : M.freeYonedaCoproduct ⟶ M where M.freeYonedaCoproduct is a coproduct indexed by elements of M, i.e. pairs ⟨X : Cᵒᵖ, a : M.obj X⟩, of the objects (free R).obj (yoneda.obj X.unop). This is used in the definition PresheafOfModules.isColimitFreeYonedaCoproductsCokernelCofork in order to obtain that any presheaf of modules is a cokernel of a morphism between coproducts of objects in freeYoneda R.

When R : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ RingCat, M : PresheafOfModules R, and X : C, this is the bijection ((free R).obj (yoneda.obj X) ⟶ M) ≃ M.obj (Opposite.op X).

Instances For

    The set of PresheafOfModules.{v} R consisting of objects of the form (free R).obj (yoneda.obj X) for some X.

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]

      The type of elements of a presheaf of modules. A term of this type is a pair ⟨X, a⟩ with X : Cᵒᵖ and a : M.obj X.

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]

        Given a presheaf of modules M, this is a constructor for the type M.Elements.

        Instances For
          @[reducible, inline]

          Given an element m : M.Elements of a presheaf of modules M, this is the free presheaf of modules on the Yoneda presheaf of types corresponding to the underlying object of m.

          Instances For
            @[reducible, inline]

            Given an element m : M.Elements of a presheaf of modules M, this is the canonical morphism m.freeYoneda ⟶ M.

            Instances For
              @[reducible, inline]

              Given a presheaf of modules M, this is the coproduct of all free Yoneda presheaves m.freeYoneda for all m : M.Elements.

              Instances For
                @[reducible, inline]

                Given an element m : M.Elements of a presheaf of modules M, this is the canonical inclusion m.freeYoneda ⟶ M.freeYonedaCoproduct.

                Instances For

                  Given an element m of a presheaf of modules M, this is the associated canonical section of the presheaf M.freeYonedaCoproduct over the object m.1.

                  Instances For

                    Given a presheaf of modules M, this is a morphism between coproducts of free presheaves of modules on Yoneda presheaves which gives a presentation of the module M, see isColimitFreeYonedaCoproductsCokernelCofork.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      @[reducible, inline]

                      (Colimit) cofork which gives a presentation of a presheaf of modules M using coproducts of free presheaves of modules on Yoneda presheaves.

                      Instances For

                        If M is a presheaf of modules, the cokernel cofork M.freeYonedaCoproductsCokernelCofork is a colimit, which means that M can be expressed as a cokernel of the morphism M.toFreeYonedaCoproduct between coproducts of free presheaves of modules on Yoneda presheaves.

                        Instances For