Pointwise actions of finsets #
Instances #
A multiplicative action of a monoid α
on a type β
gives a multiplicative action of
Finset α
on Finset β
Instances For
An additive action of an additive monoid α
on a type β
gives an additive action
of Finset α
on Finset β
Instances For
A multiplicative action of a monoid on a type β
gives a multiplicative action on Finset β
Instances For
An additive action of an additive monoid on a type β
gives an additive action
on Finset β
Instances For
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily distinct!), then
the size of t
divides the size of s • t
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily
distinct!), then the size of t
divides the size of s +ᵥ t
If the right cosets of s
by elements of t
are disjoint (but not necessarily distinct!), then
the size of s
divides the size of s * t
If the right cosets of s
by elements of t
are disjoint (but not necessarily
distinct!), then the size of s
divides the size of s + t
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily distinct!), then
the size of t
divides the size of s * t
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily
distinct!), then the size of t
divides the size of s + t
- a.decidablePred_mem_vadd_set n = decidable_of_iff' (a ≤ n ∧ n - a ∈ s) ⋯