Right Homology of short complexes #
In this file, we define the dual notions to those defined in
. In particular, if S : ShortComplex C
a short complex consisting of two composable maps f : X₁ ⟶ X₂
and g : X₂ ⟶ X₃
that f ≫ g = 0
, we define h : S.RightHomologyData
to be the datum of morphisms
p : X₂ ⟶ Q
and ι : H ⟶ Q
such that Q
identifies to the cokernel of f
and H
to the kernel of the induced map g' : Q ⟶ X₃
When such a S.RightHomologyData
exists, we shall say that [S.HasRightHomology]
and we define S.rightHomology
to be the H
field of a chosen right homology data.
Similarly, we define S.opcycles
to be the Q
In Homology.lean
, when S
has two compatible left and right homology data
(i.e. they give the same H
up to a canonical isomorphism), we shall define
and S.homology
A right homology data for a short complex S
consists of morphisms p : S.X₂ ⟶ Q
ι : H ⟶ Q
such that p
identifies Q
to the kernel of f : S.X₁ ⟶ S.X₂
and that ι
identifies H
to the kernel of the induced map g' : Q ⟶ S.X₃
- Q : C
a choice of cokernel of
S.f : S.X₁ ⟶ S.X₂
- H : C
the projection from
the inclusion of the (right) homology in the chosen cokernel of
the cokernel condition for
- hp : Limits.IsColimit (Limits.CokernelCofork.ofπ self.p ⋯)
the kernel condition for
- hι : Limits.IsLimit (Limits.KernelFork.ofι self.ι ⋯)
Instances For
The chosen cokernels and kernels of the limits API give a RightHomologyData
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Instances For
Any morphism k : S.X₂ ⟶ A
such that S.f ≫ k = 0
to a morphism Q ⟶ A
- h.descQ k hk = h.hp.desc (CategoryTheory.Limits.CokernelCofork.ofπ k hk)
Instances For
The morphism from the (right) homology attached to a morphism
k : S.X₂ ⟶ A
such that S.f ≫ k = 0
- h.descH k hk = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp h.ι (h.descQ k hk)
Instances For
The morphism h.Q ⟶ S.X₃
induced by S.g : S.X₂ ⟶ S.X₃
and the fact that
is a cokernel of S.f : S.X₁ ⟶ S.X₂
Instances For
For h : S.RightHomologyData
, this is a restatement of h.hι
, saying that
ι : h.H ⟶ h.Q
is a kernel of h.g' : h.Q ⟶ S.X₃
Instances For
The morphism A ⟶ H
induced by a morphism k : A ⟶ Q
such that k ≫ g' = 0
- h.liftH k hk = h.hι.lift (CategoryTheory.Limits.KernelFork.ofι k hk)
Instances For
When the first map S.f
is zero, this is the right homology data on S
by any limit kernel fork of S.g
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Instances For
When the first map S.f
is zero, this is the right homology data on S
given by
the chosen kernel S.g
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Instances For
When the second map S.g
is zero, this is the right homology data on S
by any colimit cokernel cofork of S.g
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Instances For
When the second map S.g
is zero, this is the right homology data on S
by the chosen cokernel S.f
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Instances For
When both S.f
and S.g
are zero, the middle object S.X₂
gives a right homology data on S
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Instances For
A short complex S
has right homology when there exists a S.RightHomologyData
- condition : Nonempty S.RightHomologyData
A chosen S.RightHomologyData
for a short complex S
that has right homology
- S.rightHomologyData = ⋯.some
Instances For
A right homology data for a short complex S
induces a left homology data for S.op
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Instances For
A right homology data for a short complex S
in the opposite category
induces a left homology data for S.unop
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Instances For
A left homology data for a short complex S
induces a right homology data for S.op
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Instances For
A left homology data for a short complex S
in the opposite category
induces a right homology data for S.unop
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Instances For
Given right homology data h₁
and h₂
for two short complexes S₁
and S₂
a RightHomologyMapData
for a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂
consists of a description of the induced morphisms on the Q
and H
(right homology) fields of h₁
and h₂
the induced map on opcycles
the induced map on right homology
commutation with
commutation with
commutation with
Instances For
The right homology map data associated to the zero morphism between two short complexes.
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.RightHomologyMapData.zero h₁ h₂ = { φQ := 0, φH := 0, commp := ⋯, commg' := ⋯, commι := ⋯ }
Instances For
The right homology map data associated to the identity morphism of a short complex.
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.RightHomologyMapData.id h = { φQ := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.id h.Q, φH := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.id h.H, commp := ⋯, commg' := ⋯, commι := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of right homology map data.
- ψ.comp ψ' = { φQ := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ψ.φQ ψ'.φQ, φH := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ψ.φH ψ'.φH, commp := ⋯, commg' := ⋯, commι := ⋯ }
Instances For
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When S₁.f
, S₁.g
, S₂.f
and S₂.g
are all zero, the action on right homology of a
morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂
is given by the action φ.τ₂
on the middle objects.
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.RightHomologyMapData.ofZeros φ hf₁ hg₁ hf₂ hg₂ = { φQ := φ.τ₂, φH := φ.τ₂, commp := ⋯, commg' := ⋯, commι := ⋯ }
Instances For
When S₁.f
and S₂.f
are zero and we have chosen limit kernel forks c₁
and c₂
for S₁.g
and S₂.g
respectively, the action on right homology of a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂
short complexes is given by the unique morphism f : c₁.pt ⟶ c₂.pt
such that
c₁.ι ≫ φ.τ₂ = f ≫ c₂.ι
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.RightHomologyMapData.ofIsLimitKernelFork φ hf₁ c₁ hc₁ hf₂ c₂ hc₂ f comm = { φQ := φ.τ₂, φH := f, commp := ⋯, commg' := ⋯, commι := ⋯ }
Instances For
When S₁.g
and S₂.g
are zero and we have chosen colimit cokernel coforks c₁
and c₂
for S₁.f
and S₂.f
respectively, the action on right homology of a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂
short complexes is given by the unique morphism f : c₁.pt ⟶ c₂.pt
such that
φ.τ₂ ≫ c₂.π = c₁.π ≫ f
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.RightHomologyMapData.ofIsColimitCokernelCofork φ hg₁ c₁ hc₁ hg₂ c₂ hc₂ f comm = { φQ := f, φH := f, commp := ⋯, commg' := ⋯, commι := ⋯ }
Instances For
When both maps S.f
and S.g
of a short complex S
are zero, this is the right homology map
data (for the identity of S
) which relates the right homology data
and ofZeros
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Instances For
When both maps S.f
and S.g
of a short complex S
are zero, this is the right homology map
data (for the identity of S
) which relates the right homology data ofZeros
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Instances For
The right homology of a short complex,
given by the H
field of a chosen right homology data.
Instances For
The "opcycles" of a short complex, given by the Q
field of a chosen right homology data.
This is the dual notion to cycles.
- S.opcycles = S.rightHomologyData.Q
Instances For
The canonical map S.rightHomology ⟶ S.opcycles
Instances For
The projection S.X₂ ⟶ S.opcycles
- S.pOpcycles = S.rightHomologyData.p
Instances For
The canonical map S.opcycles ⟶ X₃
Instances For
When S.f = 0
, this is the canonical isomorphism S.opcycles ≅ S.X₂
induced by S.pOpcycles
- S.opcyclesIsoX₂ hf = (CategoryTheory.asIso S.pOpcycles).symm
Instances For
When S.g = 0
, this is the canonical isomorphism S.opcycles ≅ S.rightHomology
by S.rightHomologyι
Instances For
The (unique) right homology map data associated to a morphism of short complexes that are both equipped with right homology data.
Instances For
Given a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂
of short complexes and right homology data h₁
and h₂
for S₁
and S₂
respectively, this is the induced right homology map h₁.H ⟶ h₁.H
Instances For
Given a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂
of short complexes and right homology data h₁
and h₂
for S₁
and S₂
respectively, this is the induced morphism h₁.K ⟶ h₁.K
on opcycles.
Instances For
The (right) homology map S₁.rightHomology ⟶ S₂.rightHomology
induced by a morphism
S₁ ⟶ S₂
of short complexes.
Instances For
The morphism S₁.opcycles ⟶ S₂.opcycles
induced by a morphism S₁ ⟶ S₂
of short complexes.
Instances For
An isomorphism of short complexes S₁ ≅ S₂
induces an isomorphism on the H
of right homology data of S₁
and S₂
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Instances For
An isomorphism of short complexes S₁ ≅ S₂
induces an isomorphism on the Q
of right homology data of S₁
and S₂
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Instances For
The isomorphism S₁.rightHomology ≅ S₂.rightHomology
induced by an isomorphism of
short complexes S₁ ≅ S₂
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Instances For
The isomorphism S₁.opcycles ≅ S₂.opcycles
induced by an isomorphism
of short complexes S₁ ≅ S₂
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.opcyclesMapIso e = { hom := CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.opcyclesMap e.hom, inv := CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.opcyclesMap e.inv, hom_inv_id := ⋯, inv_hom_id := ⋯ }
Instances For
The isomorphism S.rightHomology ≅ h.H
induced by a right homology data h
for a
short complex S
Instances For
The isomorphism S.opcycles ≅ h.Q
induced by a right homology data h
for a
short complex S
Instances For
The right homology functor ShortComplex C ⥤ C
, where the right homology of a
short complex S
is understood as a kernel of the obvious map S.fromOpcycles : S.opcycles ⟶ S.X₃
where S.opcycles
is a cokernel of S.f : S.X₁ ⟶ S.X₂
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Instances For
The opcycles functor ShortComplex C ⥤ C
which sends a short complex S
to S.opcycles
which is a cokernel of S.f : S.X₁ ⟶ S.X₂
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Instances For
The natural transformation S.rightHomology ⟶ S.opcycles
for all short complexes S
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.rightHomologyιNatTrans C = { app := fun (S : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex C) => S.rightHomologyι, naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
The natural transformation S.X₂ ⟶ S.opcycles
for all short complexes S
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.pOpcyclesNatTrans C = { app := fun (S : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex C) => S.pOpcycles, naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
The natural transformation S.opcycles ⟶ S.X₃
for all short complexes S
- CategoryTheory.ShortComplex.fromOpcyclesNatTrans C = { app := fun (S : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex C) => S.fromOpcycles, naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
A left homology map data for a morphism of short complexes induces a right homology map data in the opposite category.
Instances For
A left homology map data for a morphism of short complexes in the opposite category induces a right homology map data in the original category.
Instances For
A right homology map data for a morphism of short complexes induces a left homology map data in the opposite category.
Instances For
A right homology map data for a morphism of short complexes in the opposite category induces a left homology map data in the original category.
Instances For
The right homology in the opposite category of the opposite of a short complex identifies to the left homology of this short complex.
Instances For
The left homology in the opposite category of the opposite of a short complex identifies to the right homology of this short complex.
Instances For
The opcycles in the opposite category of the opposite of a short complex identifies to the cycles of this short complex.
Instances For
The cycles in the opposite category of the opposite of a short complex identifies to the opcycles of this short complex.