Presentation of the restriction of scalars of a module #
Given a morphism of rings A → B
and a B
-module M
, we obtain a presentation
of M
as a A
-module from a presentation of M
as B
a presentation of B
as a A
-module (and some additional data).
- deduce that if
is a finitely presented as anA
-module andM
is finitely presented as anB
-module, thenM
is finitely presented as anA
@[reducible, inline]
{B : Type u_1}
[Ring B]
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module B M]
[DecidableEq B]
(presM : Presentation B M)
[DecidableEq presM.G]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommRing A]
[Algebra A B]
(presB : Presentation A B)
Type (max (max (max u_3 u_6) u_4) u_6 u_5)
The additional data that is necessary in order to obtain a presentation of the restriction of scalars of a module.
- presM.RestrictScalarsData presB = (presB.finsupp presM.G).CokernelData (↑A fun (x : presB.G × presM.R) => match x with | (g, g') => presB.var g • Finsupp.single g' 1
Instances For
noncomputable def
{B : Type u_1}
[Ring B]
{M : Type u_2}
[AddCommGroup M]
[Module B M]
[DecidableEq B]
(presM : Presentation B M)
[DecidableEq presM.G]
{A : Type u_3}
[CommRing A]
[Algebra A B]
[Module A M]
[IsScalarTower A B M]
(presB : Presentation A B)
(data : presM.RestrictScalarsData presB)
Presentation A M
A presentation of the restriction of scalars from B
to A
of a B
-module M
given a presentation of M
as a B
-module, a presentation of B
as an A
and an additional data.
- presM.restrictScalars presB data = (presB.finsupp presM.G).ofExact data ⋯ ⋯ ⋯