

Sums of squares #

We introduce a predicate for sums of squares in a ring.

Main declarations #

inductive IsSumSq {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] :

The property of being a sum of squares is defined inductively by: 0 : R is a sum of squares and if s : R is a sum of squares, then for all a : R, a * a + s is a sum of squares in R.

Instances For
    theorem isSumSq_iff {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] (a✝ : R) :
    IsSumSq a✝ a✝ = 0 ∃ (a : R) (s : R), IsSumSq s a✝ = a * a + s
    @[deprecated IsSumSq (since := "2024-08-09")]
    def isSumSq {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] :

    Alias of IsSumSq.

    The property of being a sum of squares is defined inductively by: 0 : R is a sum of squares and if s : R is a sum of squares, then for all a : R, a * a + s is a sum of squares in R.

    Instances For
      theorem IsSumSq.rec' {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] {motive : (s : R) → IsSumSq sProp} (zero : motive 0 ) (sq_add : ∀ {x s : R} (hx : IsSquare x) (hs : IsSumSq s), motive s hsmotive (x + s) ) {s : R} (h : IsSumSq s) :
      motive s h

      Alternative induction scheme for IsSumSq which uses IsSquare.

      theorem IsSumSq.add {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] {s₁ s₂ : R} (h₁ : IsSumSq s₁) (h₂ : IsSumSq s₂) :
      IsSumSq (s₁ + s₂)

      In an additive monoid with multiplication, if s₁ and s₂ are sums of squares, then s₁ + s₂ is a sum of squares.

      @[deprecated IsSumSq.add (since := "2024-08-09")]
      theorem isSumSq.add {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] {s₁ s₂ : R} (h₁ : IsSumSq s₁) (h₂ : IsSumSq s₂) :
      IsSumSq (s₁ + s₂)

      Alias of IsSumSq.add.

      In an additive monoid with multiplication, if s₁ and s₂ are sums of squares, then s₁ + s₂ is a sum of squares.

      In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

      Instances For
        theorem AddSubmonoid.coe_sumSq (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :
        (sumSq T) = {s : T | IsSumSq s}
        theorem AddSubmonoid.mem_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [AddMonoid T] [Mul T] {s : T} :
        @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.sumSq (since := "2024-08-09")]
        def SumSqIn (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :

        Alias of AddSubmonoid.sumSq.

        In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

        Instances For
          @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.sumSq (since := "2025-01-03")]
          def sumSqIn (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :

          Alias of AddSubmonoid.sumSq.

          In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

          Instances For
            @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.sumSq (since := "2025-01-06")]
            def sumSq (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :

            Alias of AddSubmonoid.sumSq.

            In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

            Instances For
              theorem IsSumSq.mul_self {R : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass R] [Mul R] (a : R) :
              IsSumSq (a * a)

              In an additive unital magma with multiplication, x * x is a sum of squares for all x.

              theorem IsSquare.isSumSq {R : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass R] [Mul R] {x : R} (hx : IsSquare x) :

              In an additive unital magma with multiplication, squares are sums of squares (see Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Even).

              theorem AddSubmonoid.closure_isSquare {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] :
              closure {x : R | IsSquare x} = sumSq R

              In an additive monoid with multiplication R, the submonoid generated by the squares is the set of sums of squares in R.

              @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.closure_isSquare (since := "2024-08-09")]

              Alias of AddSubmonoid.closure_isSquare.

              In an additive monoid with multiplication R, the submonoid generated by the squares is the set of sums of squares in R.

              theorem IsSumSq.sum {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} {I : Finset ι} {s : ιR} (hs : iI, IsSumSq (s i)) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, s i)

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, a finite sum of sums of squares is a sum of squares.

              theorem IsSumSq.sum_isSquare {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} (I : Finset ι) {x : ιR} (hx : iI, IsSquare (x i)) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, x i)

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, ∑ i ∈ I, x i, where each x i is a square, is a sum of squares.

              theorem IsSumSq.sum_mul_self {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} (I : Finset ι) (a : ιR) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, a i * a i)

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, ∑ i ∈ I, a i * a i is a sum of squares.

              @[deprecated IsSumSq.sum_mul_self (since := "2024-12-27")]
              theorem isSumSq_sum_mul_self {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} (I : Finset ι) (a : ιR) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, a i * a i)

              Alias of IsSumSq.sum_mul_self.

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, ∑ i ∈ I, a i * a i is a sum of squares.

              In a commutative (possibly non-unital) semiring R, NonUnitalSubsemiring.sumSq R is the (possibly non-unital) subsemiring of sums of squares in R.

              Instances For
                theorem NonUnitalSubsemiring.coe_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [NonUnitalCommSemiring T] :
                (sumSq T) = {s : T | IsSumSq s}
                theorem IsSumSq.mul {R : Type u_1} [NonUnitalCommSemiring R] {s₁ s₂ : R} (h₁ : IsSumSq s₁) (h₂ : IsSumSq s₂) :
                IsSumSq (s₁ * s₂)

                In a commutative (possibly non-unital) semiring, if s₁ and s₂ are sums of squares, then s₁ * s₂ is a sum of squares.

                In a commutative semiring R, Subsemiring.sumSq R is the subsemiring of sums of squares in R.

                Instances For
                  theorem Subsemiring.mem_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [CommSemiring T] {s : T} :
                  theorem Subsemiring.coe_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [CommSemiring T] :
                  (sumSq T) = {s : T | IsSumSq s}
                  theorem {R : Type u_1} [CommSemiring R] {ι : Type u_2} {I : Finset ι} {x : ιR} (hx : iI, IsSumSq (x i)) :
                  IsSumSq (∏ iI, x i)

                  In a commutative semiring, a finite product of sums of squares is a sum of squares.

                  theorem IsSumSq.nonneg {R : Type u_2} [LinearOrderedSemiring R] [ExistsAddOfLE R] {s : R} (hs : IsSumSq s) :
                  0 s

                  In a linearly ordered semiring with the property a ≤ b → ∃ c, a + c = b (e.g. ), sums of squares are non-negative.

                  @[deprecated IsSumSq.nonneg (since := "2024-08-09")]
                  theorem isSumSq.nonneg {R : Type u_2} [LinearOrderedSemiring R] [ExistsAddOfLE R] {s : R} (hs : IsSumSq s) :
                  0 s

                  Alias of IsSumSq.nonneg.

                  In a linearly ordered semiring with the property a ≤ b → ∃ c, a + c = b (e.g. ), sums of squares are non-negative.