

Sums of squares #

We introduce a predicate for sums of squares in a ring.

Main declarations #

inductive IsSumSq {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] :

The property of being a sum of squares is defined inductively by: 0 : R is a sum of squares and if s : R is a sum of squares, then for all a : R, a * a + s is a sum of squares in R.

Instances For
    theorem isSumSq_iff {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] (a✝ : R) :
    IsSumSq a✝ a✝ = 0 ∃ (a : R) (s : R), IsSumSq s a✝ = a * a + s
    @[deprecated IsSumSq (since := "2024-08-09")]
    def isSumSq {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] :

    Alias of IsSumSq.

    The property of being a sum of squares is defined inductively by: 0 : R is a sum of squares and if s : R is a sum of squares, then for all a : R, a * a + s is a sum of squares in R.

    Instances For
      theorem IsSumSq.rec' {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [Add R] [Zero R] {motive : (s : R) → IsSumSq sProp} (zero : motive 0 ) (sq_add : ∀ {x s : R} (hx : IsSquare x) (hs : IsSumSq s), motive s hsmotive (x + s) ) {s : R} (h : IsSumSq s) :
      motive s h

      Alternative induction scheme for IsSumSq which uses IsSquare.

      theorem IsSumSq.add {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] {s₁ s₂ : R} (h₁ : IsSumSq s₁) (h₂ : IsSumSq s₂) :
      IsSumSq (s₁ + s₂)

      In an additive monoid with multiplication, if s₁ and s₂ are sums of squares, then s₁ + s₂ is a sum of squares.

      @[deprecated IsSumSq.add (since := "2024-08-09")]
      theorem isSumSq.add {R : Type u_1} [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] {s₁ s₂ : R} (h₁ : IsSumSq s₁) (h₂ : IsSumSq s₂) :
      IsSumSq (s₁ + s₂)

      Alias of IsSumSq.add.

      In an additive monoid with multiplication, if s₁ and s₂ are sums of squares, then s₁ + s₂ is a sum of squares.

      In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

      Instances For
        theorem AddSubmonoid.coe_sumSq (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :
        (sumSq T) = {s : T | IsSumSq s}
        theorem AddSubmonoid.mem_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [AddMonoid T] [Mul T] {s : T} :
        @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.sumSq (since := "2024-08-09")]
        def SumSqIn (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :

        Alias of AddSubmonoid.sumSq.

        In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

        Instances For
          @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.sumSq (since := "2025-01-03")]
          def sumSqIn (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :

          Alias of AddSubmonoid.sumSq.

          In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

          Instances For
            @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.sumSq (since := "2025-01-06")]
            def sumSq (T : Type u_2) [Mul T] [AddMonoid T] :

            Alias of AddSubmonoid.sumSq.

            In an additive monoid with multiplication R, AddSubmonoid.sumSq R is the submonoid of sums of squares in R.

            Instances For
              theorem IsSumSq.mul_self {R : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass R] [Mul R] (a : R) :
              IsSumSq (a * a)

              In an additive unital magma with multiplication, x * x is a sum of squares for all x.

              theorem IsSquare.isSumSq {R : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass R] [Mul R] {x : R} (hx : IsSquare x) :

              In an additive unital magma with multiplication, squares are sums of squares (see Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Even).


              In an additive monoid with multiplication R, the submonoid generated by the squares is the set of sums of squares in R.

              @[deprecated AddSubmonoid.closure_isSquare (since := "2024-08-09")]

              Alias of AddSubmonoid.closure_isSquare.

              In an additive monoid with multiplication R, the submonoid generated by the squares is the set of sums of squares in R.

              theorem IsSumSq.sum {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} {I : Finset ι} {s : ιR} (hs : iI, IsSumSq (s i)) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, s i)

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, a finite sum of sums of squares is a sum of squares.

              theorem IsSumSq.sum_isSquare {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} (I : Finset ι) {x : ιR} (hx : iI, IsSquare (x i)) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, x i)

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, ∑ i ∈ I, x i, where each x i is a square, is a sum of squares.

              theorem IsSumSq.sum_mul_self {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} (I : Finset ι) (a : ιR) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, a i * a i)

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, ∑ i ∈ I, a i * a i is a sum of squares.

              @[deprecated IsSumSq.sum_mul_self (since := "2024-12-27")]
              theorem isSumSq_sum_mul_self {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [Mul R] {ι : Type u_2} (I : Finset ι) (a : ιR) :
              IsSumSq (∑ iI, a i * a i)

              Alias of IsSumSq.sum_mul_self.

              In an additive commutative monoid with multiplication, ∑ i ∈ I, a i * a i is a sum of squares.

              In a commutative (possibly non-unital) semiring R, NonUnitalSubsemiring.sumSq R is the (possibly non-unital) subsemiring of sums of squares in R.

              Instances For
                theorem IsSumSq.mul {R : Type u_1} [NonUnitalCommSemiring R] {s₁ s₂ : R} (h₁ : IsSumSq s₁) (h₂ : IsSumSq s₂) :
                IsSumSq (s₁ * s₂)

                In a commutative (possibly non-unital) semiring, if s₁ and s₂ are sums of squares, then s₁ * s₂ is a sum of squares.

                In a commutative semiring R, Subsemiring.sumSq R is the subsemiring of sums of squares in R.

                Instances For
                  theorem Subsemiring.mem_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [CommSemiring T] {s : T} :
                  theorem Subsemiring.coe_sumSq {T : Type u_2} [CommSemiring T] :
                  (sumSq T) = {s : T | IsSumSq s}
                  theorem {R : Type u_1} [CommSemiring R] {ι : Type u_2} {I : Finset ι} {x : ιR} (hx : iI, IsSumSq (x i)) :
                  IsSumSq (∏ iI, x i)

                  In a commutative semiring, a finite product of sums of squares is a sum of squares.

                  theorem IsSumSq.nonneg {R : Type u_2} [LinearOrderedSemiring R] [ExistsAddOfLE R] {s : R} (hs : IsSumSq s) :
                  0 s

                  In a linearly ordered semiring with the property a ≤ b → ∃ c, a + c = b (e.g. ), sums of squares are non-negative.

                  @[deprecated IsSumSq.nonneg (since := "2024-08-09")]
                  theorem isSumSq.nonneg {R : Type u_2} [LinearOrderedSemiring R] [ExistsAddOfLE R] {s : R} (hs : IsSumSq s) :
                  0 s

                  Alias of IsSumSq.nonneg.

                  In a linearly ordered semiring with the property a ≤ b → ∃ c, a + c = b (e.g. ), sums of squares are non-negative.