

Models of elliptic curves with prescribed j-invariant #

This file defines the Weierstrass equation over a field with prescribed j-invariant, proved that it is an elliptic curve, and that its j-invariant is equal to the given value. It is a modification of [silverman2009], Chapter III, Proposition 1.4 (c).

Main definitions #

Main statements #

References #

Tags #

elliptic curve, weierstrass equation, j invariant

The Weierstrass curve $Y^2 + Y = X^3$. It is of j-invariant 0 if it is an elliptic curve.

Instances For
    theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ0_Δ (R : Type u_1) [CommRing R] :
    (ofJ0 R).Δ = -27

    The Weierstrass curve $Y^2 = X^3 + X$. It is of j-invariant 1728 if it is an elliptic curve.

    Instances For

      The Weierstrass curve $Y^2 + (j - 1728)XY = X^3 - 36(j - 1728)^3X - (j - 1728)^5$. It is a modification of the curve in [silverman2009], Chapter III, Proposition 1.4 (c) to avoid denominators. It is of j-invariant j if it is an elliptic curve.

      Instances For
        theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJNe0Or1728_c₄ {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (j : R) :
        (ofJNe0Or1728 j).c₄ = j * (j - 1728) ^ 3
        theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJNe0Or1728_Δ {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (j : R) :
        (ofJNe0Or1728 j).Δ = j ^ 2 * (j - 1728) ^ 9

        When 3 is a unit, $Y^2 + Y = X^3$ is an elliptic curve. It is of j-invariant 0 (see WeierstrassCurve.ofJ0_j).

        theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ0_j (R : Type u_1) [CommRing R] [Fact (IsUnit 3)] :
        (ofJ0 R).j = 0

        When 2 is a unit, $Y^2 = X^3 + X$ is an elliptic curve. It is of j-invariant 1728 (see WeierstrassCurve.ofJ1728_j).

        theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ1728_j (R : Type u_1) [CommRing R] [Fact (IsUnit 2)] :
        (ofJ1728 R).j = 1728

        When j and j - 1728 are both units, $Y^2 + (j - 1728)XY = X^3 - 36(j - 1728)^3X - (j - 1728)^5$ is an elliptic curve. It is of j-invariant j (see WeierstrassCurve.ofJNe0Or1728_j).

        theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJNe0Or1728_j {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (j : R) [Fact (IsUnit j)] [Fact (IsUnit (j - 1728))] :

        For any element j of a field $F$, there exists an elliptic curve over $F$ with j-invariant equal to j (see WeierstrassCurve.ofJ_j). Its coefficients are given explicitly (see WeierstrassCurve.ofJ0, WeierstrassCurve.ofJ1728 and WeierstrassCurve.ofJNe0Or1728).

        Instances For
          theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ_0_of_two_eq_zero {F : Type u_2} [Field F] [DecidableEq F] (h2 : 2 = 0) :
          ofJ 0 = ofJ0 F
          theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ_1728_of_two_eq_zero {F : Type u_2} [Field F] [DecidableEq F] (h2 : 2 = 0) :
          ofJ 1728 = ofJ0 F
          theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ_ne_0_ne_1728 {F : Type u_2} [Field F] (j : F) [DecidableEq F] (h0 : j 0) (h1728 : j 1728) :
          theorem WeierstrassCurve.ofJ_j {F : Type u_2} [Field F] (j : F) [DecidableEq F] :
          (ofJ j).j = j