

The normalized Moore complex and the alternating face map complex are homotopy equivalent #

In this file, when the category A is abelian, we obtain the homotopy equivalence homotopyEquivNormalizedMooreComplexAlternatingFaceMapComplex between the normalized Moore complex and the alternating face map complex of a simplicial object in A.

The complement projection Q q to P q is homotopic to zero.

Instances For

    Construction of the homotopy from PInfty to the identity using eventually (termwise) constant homotopies from P q to the identity for all q

    Instances For
      theorem AlgebraicTopology.DoldKan.homotopyEquivNormalizedMooreComplexAlternatingFaceMapComplex_homotopyHomInvId {A : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_2} A] [CategoryTheory.Abelian A] {Y : CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject A} :
      AlgebraicTopology.DoldKan.homotopyEquivNormalizedMooreComplexAlternatingFaceMapComplex.homotopyHomInvId = Homotopy.ofEq

      The inclusion of the Moore complex in the alternating face map complex is a homotopy equivalence

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      Instances For