

Comparison with the normalized Moore complex functor #

In this file, we show that when the category A is abelian, there is an isomorphism N₁_iso_normalizedMooreComplex_comp_toKaroubi between the functor N₁ : SimplicialObject A ⥤ Karoubi (ChainComplex A ℕ) defined in FunctorN.lean and the composition of normalizedMooreComplex A with the inclusion ChainComplex A ℕ ⥤ Karoubi (ChainComplex A ℕ).

This isomorphism shall be used in Equivalence.lean in order to obtain the Dold-Kan equivalence CategoryTheory.Abelian.DoldKan.equivalence : SimplicialObject A ≌ ChainComplex A ℕ with a functor (definitionally) equal to normalizedMooreComplex A.

(See Equivalence.lean for the general strategy of proof of the Dold-Kan equivalence.)

PInfty factors through the normalized Moore complex

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Instances For

    When the category A is abelian, the functor N₁ : SimplicialObject A ⥤ Karoubi (ChainComplex A ℕ) defined using PInfty identifies to the composition of the normalized Moore complex functor and the inclusion in the Karoubi envelope.

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    Instances For