Derivatives of functions taking values in product types #
In this file we prove lemmas about derivatives of functions f : 𝕜 → E × F
and of functions
f : 𝕜 → (Π i, E i)
For a more detailed overview of one-dimensional derivatives in mathlib, see the module docstring of
Keywords #
Derivative of the cartesian product of two functions #
Alias of HasDerivAtFilter.prodMk
Alias of HasDerivWithinAt.prodMk
Alias of HasDerivAt.prodMk
Alias of HasStrictDerivAt.prodMk
Derivatives of functions f : 𝕜 → Π i, E i
Derivatives of tuples f : 𝕜 → Π i : Fin n.succ, F' i
These can be used to prove results about functions of the form fun x ↦ ![f x, g x, h x]
as Matrix.vecCons
is defeq to Fin.cons
A variant of hasStrictDerivAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of hasDerivAtFilter_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of hasDerivAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of hasDerivWithinAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS