Derivative of the cartesian product of functions #
For detailed documentation of the FrΓ©chet derivative,
see the module docstring of Analysis/Calculus/FDeriv/Basic.lean
This file contains the usual formulas (and existence assertions) for the derivative of cartesian products of functions, and functions into Pi-types.
Derivative of the cartesian product of two functions #
Derivatives of functions f : E β Ξ i, F' i
In this section we formulate has*FDeriv*_pi
theorems as iff
s, and provide two versions of each
- the version without
deals withΟ : Ξ i, E β F' i
andΟ' : Ξ i, E βL[π] F' i
and is designed to deduce differentiability offun x i β¦ Ο i x
from differentiability of eachΟ i
; - the version with
deals withΞ¦ : E β Ξ i, F' i
andΞ¦' : E βL[π] Ξ i, F' i
and is designed to deduce differentiability of the componentsfun x β¦ Ξ¦ x i
from differentiability ofΦ
Derivatives of tuples f : E β Ξ i : Fin n.succ, F' i
These can be used to prove results about functions of the form fun x β¦ ![f x, g x, h x]
as Matrix.vecCons
is defeq to Fin.cons
A variant of hasStrictFDerivAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of hasFDerivAtFilter_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of hasFDerivAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of hasFDerivWithinAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of differentiableWithinAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of differentiableAt_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of differentiableOn_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS
A variant of differentiable_finCons
where the derivative variables are free on the RHS