

Results on DualNumber R related to the norm #

These are just restatements of similar statements about TrivSqZeroExt R M.

Main results #

theorem DualNumber.exp_eps (𝕜 : Type u_1) {R : Type u_2} [Field 𝕜] [CharZero 𝕜] [CommRing R] [Algebra 𝕜 R] [UniformSpace R] [IsTopologicalRing R] [T2Space R] :
theorem DualNumber.exp_smul_eps (𝕜 : Type u_1) {R : Type u_2} [Field 𝕜] [CharZero 𝕜] [CommRing R] [Algebra 𝕜 R] [UniformSpace R] [IsTopologicalRing R] [T2Space R] (r : R) :