Essentially small categories. #
A category given by (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C]
is w
-essentially small
if there exists a SmallModel C : Type w
equipped with [SmallCategory (SmallModel C)]
and an
equivalence C ≌ SmallModel C
A category is w
-locally small if every hom type is w
The main theorem here is that a category is w
-essentially small iff
the type Skeleton C
is w
-small, and C
is w
-locally small.
A category is EssentiallySmall.{w}
if there exists
an equivalence to some S : Type w
with [SmallCategory S]
- equiv_smallCategory : ∃ (S : Type w) (x : SmallCategory S), Nonempty (C ≌ S)
An essentially small category is equivalent to some small category.
Constructor for EssentiallySmall C
from an explicit small category witness.
An arbitrarily chosen small model for an essentially small category.
Instances For
The (noncomputable) categorical equivalence between an essentially small category and its small model.
Instances For
A category is w
-locally small if every hom set is w
See ShrinkHoms C
for a category instance where every hom set has been replaced by a small model.
- hom_small (X Y : C) : Small.{w, v} (X ⟶ Y)
A locally small category has small hom-types.
We define a type alias ShrinkHoms C
for C
. When we have LocallySmall.{w} C
we'll put a Category.{w}
instance on ShrinkHoms C
Instances For
Help the typechecker by explicitly translating from ShrinkHoms C
to C
- X.fromShrinkHoms = X
Instances For
Implementation of ShrinkHoms.equivalence
- CategoryTheory.ShrinkHoms.functor C = { obj := fun (X : C) => CategoryTheory.ShrinkHoms.toShrinkHoms X, map := fun {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) => (equivShrink (X ⟶ Y)) f, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
Implementation of ShrinkHoms.equivalence
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The categorical equivalence between C
and ShrinkHoms C
, when C
is locally small.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The categorical equivalence between C
and Shrink C
, when C
is small.
Instances For
A category is essentially small if and only if the underlying type of its skeleton (i.e. the "set" of isomorphism classes) is small, and it is locally small.
Any thin category is locally small.
A thin category is essentially small if and only if the underlying type of its skeleton is small.