Morphism properties equipped with a localized category
If C : Type u
is a category (with [Category.{v} C]
), and
W : MorphismProperty C
, then the constructed localized
category W.Localization
is in Type u
(the objects are
essentially the same as that of C
), but the morphisms
are in Type (max u v)
. In particular situations, it
may happen that there is a localized category for W
whose morphisms are in a lower universe like v
: it shall
be so for the homotopy categories of model categories (TODO),
and it should also be so for the derived categories of
Grothendieck abelian categories (TODO: but this shall be
very technical).
Then, in order to allow the user to provide a localized
category with specific universe parameters when it exists,
we introduce a typeclass MorphismProperty.HasLocalization.{w} W
which contains the data of a localized category D
for W
with D : Type u
and [Category.{w} D]
. Then, all
definitions which involve "the" localized category
for W
should contain a [MorphismProperty.HasLocalization.{w} W]
assumption for a suitable w
. The functor W.Q' : C ⥤ W.Localization'
shall be the localization functor for this fixed choice of the
localized category. If the statement of a theorem does not
involve the localized category, but the proof does,
it is no longer necessary to use a HasLocalization
assumption, but one may use
in the proof instead.
The data of a localized category with a given universe for the morphisms.
- D : Type u
the objects of the localized category.
- hD : Category.{w, u} (D W)
the category structure.
the localization functor.
- hL : L.IsLocalization W
The localized category for W : MorphismProperty C
that is fixed by the [HasLocalization W]
Instances For
The localization functor C ⥤ W.Localization'
that is fixed by the [HasLocalization W]
Instances For
The constructed localized category.