

Monadicity theorems #

We prove monadicity theorems which can establish a given functor is monadic. In particular, we show three versions of Beck's monadicity theorem, and the reflexive (crude) monadicity theorem:

G is a monadic right adjoint if it has a left adjoint, and:

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Tags #

Beck, monadicity, descent

instance CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.main_pair_reflexive {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) :
IsReflexivePair ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))

The "main pair" for an algebra (A, α) is the pair of morphisms (F α, ε_FA). It is always a reflexive pair, and will be used to construct the left adjoint to the comparison functor and show it is an equivalence.

instance CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.main_pair_G_split {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) :
G.IsSplitPair ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))

The "main pair" for an algebra (A, α) is the pair of morphisms (F α, ε_FA). It is always a G-split pair, and will be used to construct the left adjoint to the comparison functor and show it is an equivalence.

def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonLeftAdjointObj {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :

The object function for the left adjoint to the comparison functor.

Instances For
    def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonLeftAdjointHomEquiv {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) (B : D) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :
    (comparisonLeftAdjointObj adj A B) (A (comparison adj).obj B)

    We have a bijection of homsets which will be used to construct the left adjoint to the comparison functor.

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    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonLeftAdjointHomEquiv_symm_apply {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) (B : D) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] (a✝ : A (comparison adj).obj B) :
      (comparisonLeftAdjointHomEquiv adj A B).symm a✝ = (Limits.Cofork.IsColimit.homIso (Limits.colimit.isColimit (Limits.parallelPair ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A)))) B).symm (adj.homEquiv A.A B).symm a✝.f,
      theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonLeftAdjointHomEquiv_apply_f {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) (B : D) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] (a✝ : comparisonLeftAdjointObj adj A B) :
      ((comparisonLeftAdjointHomEquiv adj A B) a✝).f = (adj.homEquiv A.A B) ((Limits.Cofork.IsColimit.homIso (Limits.colimit.isColimit (Limits.parallelPair ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A)))) B) a✝)
      def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.leftAdjointComparison {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :
      Functor adj.toMonad.Algebra D

      Construct the adjunction to the comparison functor.

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      Instances For
        def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonAdjunction {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :

        Provided we have the appropriate coequalizers, we have an adjunction to the comparison functor.

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        Instances For
          theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonAdjunction_counit {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :
          (comparisonAdjunction adj).counit = { app := fun (Y : D) => (Limits.Cofork.IsColimit.homIso (Limits.colimit.isColimit (Limits.parallelPair ( ( ( Y))) ( (F.obj (G.obj Y))))) Y).symm (adj.homEquiv (G.obj Y) Y).symm ( (G.obj Y)), , naturality := }
          theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonAdjunction_unit_f_aux {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} {adj : F G} [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) :
          ((comparisonAdjunction adj) A).f = (adj.homEquiv A.A (Limits.coequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A)))) (Limits.coequalizer.π ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A)))
          def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.unitCofork {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} {adj : F G} (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :
          Limits.Cofork ( ( A.a)) ( ( (F.obj A.A)))

          This is a cofork which is helpful for establishing monadicity: the morphism from the Beck coequalizer to this cofork is the unit for the adjunction on the comparison functor.

          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.unitCofork_pt {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} {adj : F G} (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :
            (unitCofork A).pt = G.obj (Limits.coequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A)))
            theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.unitCofork_π {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} {adj : F G} (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] :
            (unitCofork A) = (Limits.coequalizer.π ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A)))
            theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonAdjunction_unit_f {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} {adj : F G} [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) :
            ((comparisonAdjunction adj) A).f = (beckCoequalizer A).desc (unitCofork A)
            def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.counitCofork {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (B : D) :
            Limits.Cofork ( ( ( B))) ( (F.obj (G.obj B)))

            The cofork which describes the counit of the adjunction: the morphism from the coequalizer of this pair to this morphism is the counit.

            Instances For
              theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.counitCofork_pt {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (B : D) :
              (counitCofork adj B).pt = B
              theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.counitCofork_ι_app {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (B : D) (X : Limits.WalkingParallelPair) :
              (counitCofork adj B).app X = Limits.WalkingParallelPair.rec (CategoryStruct.comp ( (F.obj (G.obj B))) ( B)) ( B) X
              def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.unitColimitOfPreservesCoequalizer {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} {adj : F G} (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) [Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] [Limits.PreservesColimit (Limits.parallelPair ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))) G] :

              The unit cofork is a colimit provided G preserves it.

              Instances For
                def CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.counitCoequalizerOfReflectsCoequalizer {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) (B : D) [Limits.ReflectsColimit (Limits.parallelPair ( ( ( B))) ( (F.obj (G.obj B)))) G] :

                The counit cofork is a colimit provided G reflects it.

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                Instances For
                  instance CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.instHasColimitWalkingParallelPairParallelPairMapAppCounitObjOfHasCoequalizerAA {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] (B : D) :
                  Limits.HasColimit (Limits.parallelPair ( ( ( B))) ( (F.obj (G.obj B))))
                  theorem CategoryTheory.Monad.MonadicityInternal.comparisonAdjunction_counit_app {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) [∀ (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra), Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))] (B : D) :
                  (comparisonAdjunction adj) B = Limits.colimit.desc (Limits.parallelPair ( ( ( B))) ( (F.obj (G.obj B)))) (counitCofork adj B)
                  def CategoryTheory.Monad.createsGSplitCoequalizersOfMonadic {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] (G : Functor D C) [MonadicRightAdjoint G] ⦃A B : D (f g : A B) [G.IsSplitPair f g] :

                  If G is monadic, it creates colimits of G-split pairs. This is the "boring" direction of Beck's monadicity theorem, the converse is given in monadicOfCreatesGSplitCoequalizers.

                  Instances For
                      instance CategoryTheory.Monad.instHasCoequalizerMapAAppCounitObjAOfHasCoequalizerOfIsSplitPair {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] {G : Functor D C} {F : Functor C D} (adj : F G) [HasCoequalizerOfIsSplitPair G] (A : adj.toMonad.Algebra) :
                      Limits.HasCoequalizer ( A.a) ( (F.obj A.A))

                          To show G is a monadic right adjoint, we can show it preserves and reflects G-split coequalizers, and D has them.

                          Instances For
                            class CategoryTheory.Monad.CreatesColimitOfIsSplitPair {C : Type u₁} {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] [Category.{v₁, u₂} D] (G : Functor D C) :
                            Type (max (max u₁ u₂) v₁)
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                              Beck's monadicity theorem. If G has a left adjoint and creates coequalizers of G-split pairs, then it is monadic. This is the converse of createsGSplitCoequalizersOfMonadic.

                              Instances For

                                An alternate version of Beck's monadicity theorem. If G reflects isomorphisms, preserves coequalizers of G-split pairs and C has coequalizers of G-split pairs, then it is monadic.

                                Instances For

                                  Reflexive (crude) monadicity theorem. If G has a right adjoint, D has and G preserves reflexive coequalizers and G reflects isomorphisms, then G is monadic.

                                  Instances For