Full monoidal subcategories #
Given a monoidal category C
and a monoidal predicate on C
, that is a function P : C → Prop
closed under 𝟙_
and ⊗
, we can put a monoidal structure on {X : C // P X}
(the category
structure is defined in Mathlib.CategoryTheory.FullSubcategory
When C
is also braided/symmetric, the full monoidal subcategory also inherits the
braided/symmetric structure.
- Add monoidal/braided versions of
A property C → Prop
is a monoidal predicate if it is closed under 𝟙_
and ⊗
- prop_id : P (𝟙_ C)
- prop_tensor {X Y : C} : P X → P Y → P (tensorObj X Y)
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When P
is a monoidal predicate, the full subcategory for P
inherits the monoidal structure of
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The forgetful monoidal functor from a full monoidal subcategory into the original category ("forgetting" the condition).
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An implication of predicates P → P'
induces a monoidal functor between full monoidal
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The braided structure on a full subcategory inherited by the braided structure on C
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The forgetful braided functor from a full braided subcategory into the original category ("forgetting" the condition).
An implication of predicates P → P'
induces a braided functor between full braided
A property C → Prop
is a closed predicate if it is closed under taking internal homs
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